Don't follow the rules

Chapter 31 Neem 3 (5)

Chapter 31
"Do I agree?" Ning Yao pointed to her nose, feeling confused. "What do I agree with?"

"Because of the constraints of the rules, I can't explain it to you clearly now." Liang Feng thought about the words, "I probably knew you at the first sight when I saw you behind the cafeteria. You are a rebellious person."

Ning Yao withdrew his finger speechlessly: "I'll take it as you are praising me, then what is your wish? Why did you appoint me?"

"Because of the rules, it's hard for me..." Liang Feng looked embarrassed.

"Even if you are throwing a coin to the bastard in the wishing pool, you have to speak clearly, otherwise how can we help you?" Ning Yao interrupted her hesitation impatiently, trying to get more complete and clear information.

"Huh" Liang Feng let out a deep breath, "Then I'll try to be as accurate as possible. I want you to help me find...recycle, bin, hit, break...cycle, and..."

Liang Feng tried his best to speak clearly, but every time he reached a pass, he always swallowed words or stuttered unconsciously.The words that reached everyone's ears were also full of noisy stuttering and noise, like listening to a miner's radio with a bad signal.

Ning Yao struggled to identify the information points she needed, and finally captured the keywords [recycle bin] and [cycle].

He cast a look at Chunyu asking for help, and Chunyu spread out his hands: "You are her designated wishing bastard, don't look at me."

While there are new clues, it's still a long way from truly understanding what it means.

Ning Yao decided to start the investigation from the long-troubled [Recycling].

However, the information I came across tonight was too complicated, and I couldn't quickly organize my thoughts in an orderly manner.

Just as he was grabbing Chunyu's thigh to ask for the boss's notebook, a slight ringing sounded quietly.

The bell rang with extreme restraint, as if afraid of disturbing the threats lurking nearby.

A pair of pale feet hung from the ceiling.

It's Yu Min.

She made a hushing gesture, then pointed her finger forward.

The late-night campus exudes an indifference that keeps strangers away all the time. Every street lamp and every inch of tree shadow resists the exploration of the eyes.

There was only one slim and tall black shadow, facing the baptism of sight in the dim night, slowly approaching the crowd.

The bell on the wrist kept vibrating, but it didn't dare to make a sound, it only desperately reminded the wearer of the raging malice coming.

Liang Feng was the first to realize who was coming. Her pale face actually showed a trace of twisted panic. The fear that penetrated into her bones made her voice tremble: " away!"

The moment the words fell, the tacit silence between the two sides was shattered.

Sombra attacked them almost without hesitation.

The black shadow measured more than ten meters with a wingspan of nearly 20 meters. When I got closer, I realized that it was almost three or four stories high. If it weren't for its weird slenderness, it would not be an exaggeration to call it a "monster."

Since there was no light nearby, it was really difficult to identify what the black shadow was. Everyone could barely see its movements and dodge in a panic.

Liang Feng was obviously greatly frightened, and her body began to appear mosaic and unnatural lag.

Chunyu saw that the situation was not good and ordered everyone to disperse and run for their lives.

Bai Yunyou wrapped around Liang Feng, wrapped her in a white cloth and turned into the wind and took her away.

Yu Min was rolled up to the shadow of the ceiling like a rolling door and disappeared.

But the black shadow was not distracted by the female ghosts running separately, and its goal was very clear:
The only two people alive at the scene.

"Boss" Ning Yao said with a sad face, "Are we going to die?"

"Want to die? It's still early." Chunyu pulled Ning Yao behind him, signaling that the younger brother should just hide.

He himself took a step forward to attract the monster's hatred, his expression solemn from an angle that Ning Yao couldn't see.

According to past experience, palm thunder is the most convenient spell to bombard ghosts from a long distance. After all, thunder and fire can defeat all kinds of evil spirits.But just now I was secretly exercising my Qi, but I couldn't sense a trace of thunder.

The hazy sky above his head was really strange.

But now is not the time to study this, the monster has made another move.

Its arms were extremely long, and it could sweep across the entire scene with just one swing. Even Ning Yao, who was hiding aside, was not spared, and could only roll and crawl on the ground to avoid it.

Chunyu tried to get back to defend, but finally separated the two, how could the monster make them stick back together again?

Seeing Ning Yao being driven further and further away like a spinning top, Chunyu was secretly anxious and tried to jump over. However, as soon as he lifted his feet, he found that his feet had been firmly fixed in place.


what is this sound?
Without having time to think too much, he quickly felt his whole body, and there was no restriction at all under his feet.

There must be something invisible binding the feet.

Chunyu raised his sword finger and drew a sword wind towards his feet, feeling something snap.I lifted my legs to walk, but it was still difficult and there was a strong pulling sensation.

After only this short delay, the monster trapped Chun Yu and chased Ning Yao before disappearing around the corner of the teaching building.

"Damn it!" Chunyu anxiously tugged at his legs that seemed to be stuck in mud, but the rustling sound in his ears became more and more dense.

He suddenly realized something, and looked back suddenly. The ground covered by the shade of the trees was densely covered with white wriggling young silkworms.

And this one.

Ning Yao pissed and rolled all over the ground, wailing: "Why are you chasing me! I don't have emergency syrup!"

The monster pressed forward with every step, and a joyful laugh escaped from its throat, like the wind passing through the hollow of a dead tree.

Ning Yao ran up to the ground of the teaching building and crawled towards the classroom, trying to trap the huge monster outside the building.

But the monster has an extremely slender figure, it fell sideways, and rushed into the teaching corridor like a stiff snake, quickly chasing Ning Yao who was pulling away.

When chasing, its body slapped the ground from time to time, making a rhythmic sound like running.

Suddenly, the announcement sounded:
【warn!warn! 】

[Don't run in the corridor! 】

The monster stopped suddenly, like a chicken being strangled.

Ning Yao also lazily stopped crawling, sat slumped on the ground, looked back at the monster, panted, and grinned strangely: "It's too late~ Director Sang."

The darkness in the distance began to stir, rushing towards them like a tide.

Ning Yao just looked at Director Sang quietly, letting the black mist hit from behind her, then bypassed her, rushing silently, drowning Director Sang in a mighty manner.

In an instant, Director Sang in monster form was swept by the black mist without any power to fight back.

A wave hit, and its huge figure was submerged in the black mist, and everything returned to calm.

The darkness ebbed, leaving only Ning Yao lying on his back on the ground and adjusting his breath in the entire corridor.

Chunyu threw a fireball at the swarm of silkworms, and the frightened swarm immediately fled like crazy.He stamped his feet. Fortunately, silk was not a high-tech material that was impervious to water and fire. It was quickly solved by lighting a fire.

Gaining the ability to move, Chunyu immediately rushed to Ning Yao's escape route.

I don't know how good this kid is at running. I was just delayed by the silk for a while, and now I can't even see such a big monster.

"Which class are you a student in...? Why are you still in school so late?"

A familiar voice came from behind, and Chunyu turned around to look at the person.Yes, no wonder it sounds familiar. I met him once at the orientation party and was deeply impressed——

The principal whose age cannot be discerned.

(End of this chapter)

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