Don't follow the rules

Chapter 313 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"Report to Commander, you can let the people behind you in."

Inside the dark and abandoned factory, there are signs of rickety shelves and large machinery and equipment being moved everywhere. Dust and debris that have not fallen to the ground are still floating in the air. Under the illumination of a flashlight, a clear Tyndall effect appears.

All windows in the factory were completely sealed from the inside, with only a few ventilation ducts remaining on the roof.

Although the location of the factory was extremely remote, fortunately, the party that stole the warrant paper did not seem to be cautious, and the clues left behind were enough to follow. Chunyu quickly arrived here with the association's secret team.

It's a pity that the place is already empty.

Chunyu crumpled up the waste paper in his hand, threw it aside as if venting his anger, turned his head slightly, pinched the walkie-talkie on his shoulder and said:

"We are a little late. The Alliance's equipment in this factory has just been evacuated. There is only a little garbage left. Let the evidence collection team come in. Maybe we can pick up some hot stuff."

"Your voice sounds a little emotional." Rao Ying's teasing voice came from the intercom.

Chunyu's face was expressionless and his voice was cold: "No."

Rao Ying sat comfortably in the center of the convoy away from the factory, holding a parasol over his head and closing his eyes to relax.

She put the telescope on her belly and tapped the handle of the recliner gently with her knuckles. The assistant beside her immediately understood the leader's meaning and quietly stopped the evidence collection team that was about to rush to the scene.

Rao Ying turned on the intercom: "Don't be passive and slow down your work. Ning Yao's ship has only left for less than a day. Please finish the work quickly. I can help you apply with the superiors. Maybe you can still open the boat." The speedboat caught up with them.”

The intercom was silent for a moment, and then Chunyu's voice, whose emotion could not be heard, came again: "You can only use this kind of words to coax Ning Yao and Yingying."

Rao Ying pretended to be aggrieved: "I'm serious."

Chunyu: "Even if this kind of task requires me to act alone, it won't take much time at all. I can let Ning Yao and the others rest at home for a day, and I can leave with them as usual the next day."

"Although I still don't understand the reason for your arrangement like this, I also want to understand that you deliberately separated us this time."

"Okay, you don't have to deliberately suppress the evidence collection team. Let them come in. I'm going to call it a day."

Rao Ying opened his eyes and looked at his assistant helplessly: "Let them go, we are almost done."

The calm convoy immediately became busy. Rao Ying thought for a moment and pressed the talk button on the intercom:
"Don't be busy and call it a day, Captain Chunyu~ We agreed that you would be responsible for investigating the case of the theft of the warrant. Now we call it a day. Shouldn't we just write 'the person ran away' and submit the report in the end? This case hasn't even been investigated yet." It’s broken.”

Chunyu quickly replied: "I accepted the task, but I did not promise that I would complete it."

Rao Ying raised his eyebrows and said in a strange tone, "Didn't Captain Chunyu say that you are overqualified for this task? Why, you are overqualified and still can't solve the case?"

Chunyu was not affected at all: "Then just think that I am incompetent. In addition, I suggest that this case be upgraded to S level and put on the board. This will ensure that other field teams take over and you don't have to worry about no one taking over."

Rao Ying was a little embarrassed: "You also know that this case cannot be made public..."

Chunyu said in a relaxed tone: "So no one will know if I fail, and it won't even be counted in the task completion rate. It just so happens that I don't have to worry about it."

Rao Ying cursed: "Are you trying to be a rogue by leaving me here?"

Chunyu was indifferent: "I didn't mean that, but if you insist on thinking like this, I can't help it."

The Commander, who has always been well-versed in strategizing, was rarely speechless for a second at this moment.

Rao Ying: "Do you know what you just said sounds like a scumbag?"

Chunyu shrugged: "It must be the world's fault that such an honest person like me is driven into panic."

Rao Ying: "Ahem, I remember that before you entered the mission site, in order to avoid interference, you put your phone with me in advance."

Chunyu said nonchalantly: "It's up to you. It's not the first time you've taken my phone anyway. I don't care at all. Besides, there's nothing shameful in it. Just do whatever you like."

Rao Ying brought Chunyu's cell phone close to the intercom microphone, and a beeping interference signal immediately emitted from the intercom's frequency band.

Rao Ying: "Your mobile phone is quite boring. It does nothing but work. But now Ning Yao is calling your phone. Do you need to answer it?" Chunyu: "Wait...wait for me to come out."

Rao Ying seemed to have finally regained the rhythm of the conversation, and his speaking speed also slowed down: "Don't worry~ After all, this place is a bit remote and the signal is not good. It is quite normal to miss one or two calls. Ning Yao will understand. . And I guess he doesn’t have anything serious to call you, it’s just to show off his happy holiday life, and then talk some non-nutritious nonsense.”

Chunyu's voice appeared behind her: "Give me the phone."

"Fuck!" Rao Ying almost ejected from the recliner.

She raised the telescope in her hand and looked at the factory in the distance, and then looked at Chunyu as if she had seen a ghost.

"Did you come here as a god?"

Chunyu nodded and stretched out his hand to her: "Give me the phone back."

Rao Ying rolled his eyes and threw his mobile phone away: "It's just for you. We have been colleagues for so many years, so we shouldn't be so wary of me, right?"

Chunyu explained perfunctorily: "I'm not guarding you, I'm just too lazy to call you back later, please."

"So you would rather God come over?"

"What's wrong with that?"

Rao Ying twitched his lips: "No problem, Captain Chunyu, just be happy."

The assistant trotted over with his head lowered: "Commander, the convoy is packed up."

Rao Ying walked down the slope and said, "I'll pack up and go back first. It looks like you're going to be delayed for a while, so just follow the evidence collection team's car. Bye~"

Chunyu waved to her as a farewell, and then answered Ning Yao's call.

"Hello?" Chunyu's voice was still the same, without any emotion.

"Brother Yu~ It took you so long to answer the phone. You must be stuck with something important, right?" Ning Yao's artificial voice came from the receiver.

Chunyu glanced at the phone screen inexplicably and confirmed that the call was indeed from Ning Yao, then frowned and continued the call.

"I have a mission. I didn't have my phone with me just now."

"It doesn't matter. You don't need to explain it to me. I understand it. Work is important."

"...What are you crazy about?"

Someone seemed to be covering the microphone, and there was an unclear gurgling sound.

Chunyu: "What's the matter with calling me?"

Ning Yao: "Can't I call you if nothing happens?"

Chunyu: "I'm crazy, I'm dead."

"Hey! Don't hang up, don't hang up!" The other end of the phone shouted anxiously.

Chunyu sighed and said patiently, "What's the matter?"

Ning Yao coyly said: "Um... do you believe in zodiac signs?"


Ning Yao looked at the hung up phone and turned to glare at An Han.

An Han rubbed his hands in embarrassment: "You can't blame me..."

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