Don't follow the rules

Chapter 318 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Before Ning Yao spoke, Manyi raised her hand to interrupt him: "Wait a minute, I suggest everyone not to waste time on meaningless questions. A question is just a question. If you are really curious, just treat it as a question. Your next question."

Ning Yao nodded in agreement with Manyi's proposal.

"Then let me answer your question now. My answer is - the equipment is still there, but you don't need to waste your time asking me where those things are. I only know that they were packed away and I don't know where they are stored."

"Thanks for the reminder." Manyi said.

Ning Yao raised her hand: "Then it's my turn again."

"You said you didn't have a name before, so I'll believe you for now. Then, I want to know how you got your current name?"

He knocked on the floor and emphasized: "Please explain clearly sincerely and in detail. If you continue to cheat, I will not play with you."

Manyi shrugged: "Sometimes the truth just sounds like a joke. If I wanted to lie to you, it would be absolutely logical, well-founded and flawless. Unfortunately, reality is often illogical and unreasonable."

Ning Yao: "So the answer to this question is also outrageous?"

Manyi said seriously: "My current name is an ID card I picked up..."

Ning Yao was so angry that she pounded the floor: "Hey!"

Manyi: "Look, I just said that reality is often so unreasonable."

Number [-]: "I believe that this world is absurd."

Manyi smiled and high-fived No. [-].

Ning Yao pounded the floor: "Are you two still celebrating?"

Manyi: "Then it's my turn now..."

"Wait!" Ning Yao interrupted him: "Even if it is an outrageous answer, you have to finish telling me!"

Manyi: "I picked up the ID card. Is there anything you don't understand about it?"

"Of course there is."

Ning Yao opened his hands and counted them: "Where did you pick up that shit ID card? Why didn't you give it to the police and instead decided to cheat on it yourself? How did you think of replacing the name on the ID card without worrying about being discovered by the original owner?"

He said fiercely: "I haven't explained these clearly yet, tell me quickly!"

Manyi said quietly: "You have asked a lot of questions in a mess, can it still be considered a question?"

Ning Yao: "Stop talking nonsense, do you have any awareness of the question and answer game? These are all included in that question. What I asked is 'How did you get your current name', of course you have to explain the cause and effect clearly to me!"

"Okay..." Manyi actually didn't resist the answer, she was just too lazy to say it.

"I woke up that morning..."

"Get to the point!" Ning Yao roared.

"Shh, listen to me, this is the point." Manyi motioned for Ning Yao to shut up.

"I woke up that morning and found that my right eyelid kept twitching. I thought something bad would happen that day, so I walked very carefully all day long, for fear of missing my footing or stepping on dog poop."

"Fortunately, I kept my head down, otherwise I wouldn't have found the ID card~"

The corners of Ning Yao's mouth twitched: "Are you fucking kidding me?"

Manyi crossed her legs and said, "This is the truth. If you don't like to hear it, forget it."

"I like to hear it, you continue." Ning Yao swallowed her anger. "Due to some special reasons, I was very depressed at the time and was being hunted. I was in urgent need of a shelter, and this ID card that had not been canceled could just provide me with an official identity that could be put on the table without a name. I also That’s why it naturally passed the preliminary review by the Rules Supervision Association.”

"As for why I didn't hand it over to the police, of course it's because I can't contact the police myself. This ID card will just be thrown into the trash can. Why don't you put it to use in my hands?"

Manyi spoke very relaxedly and cheerfully, as if the embarrassment at that time was no longer worth mentioning to him now.

The amount of information was so large that Ning Yao had to digest it: " have offended both the black and white?"

Manyi: "Is this your next question?"

Ning Yao: "No, this is just my emotion. There is still one aspect you haven't answered."

Manyi blinked and said she didn't mind Ning Yao continuing to ask questions.

Ning Yao: "Where did you pick up this ID card?"

Manyi narrowed her eyes slightly, seeming to be lost in memories: "Let me think about it, I was so panicked at that time that I had no choice but to hide here and there, so I could only find some densely populated places with few outsiders to hide my whereabouts... Ah, I remembered - it's the back entrance of a school."


Ning Yao instantly connected the clues: "Azadirachta No. [-] Middle School? I remember that its back the No. [-] bus stop!"

Manyi: "I didn't pay much attention, but it does seem to be some kind of middle school. Okay, I've answered all your questions honestly and in detail. It's my turn, right?"

Ning Yao suppressed the emotions in her heart: "Just ask."

Manyi paused, leaning forward slightly, her eyes fixed on Ning Yao in front of her.

"When you were in the Fifth Hospital, did you find any... equipment that could activate dead corpses? Uh, I mean, the monsters they produced couldn't just come out of the machine and be alive, right? How did the Alliance activate these artificial monsters? of life?”

Ning Yao looked at Manyi suspiciously and found that this doctor, who had always seemed very casual and carefree, became unusually tense after asking the question.

"...The questions are getting more and more sci-fi. I really don't understand what you are asking now."

Ning Yao confessed: "Although I also wrote a supplementary report after joining the company, in fact, I basically copied the templates of Chunyu and Rao Qian. After all, I had not joined the association at that time, and naturally I did not have the awareness and habit of actively collecting information."

"So can you ask me something that a normal person would know? Who would be a good person who would study Trisolaris and Frankenstein while running for his life!"

Manyi was obviously a little disappointed: "So you don't know either?"

"Who the hell knows this!" Ning Yao almost laughed out of anger. "This question doesn't count. You can ask someone else."

Manyi shook her head: "If you don't know the answer to this question, then I have nothing more to ask. The question and answer game ends here."

"you can not do that!"

Ning Yao lay down on the ground and kicked his legs: "I haven't asked anything yet! Why do you say you won't play if you don't want to play?"

Manyi waved her hand like she was shooing away flies: "Don't play tricks on me. I'm not your captain, and I won't accept your tricks. Go away, go away, I want to enjoy my vacation and rest."

Ning Yao saw that her mischief was not going to work, so she hugged Manyi's thigh directly: "I don't care, you have to give me another question!"

"It's really funny. Why should I give you a question for nothing?" Manyi raised her eyebrows.

"Otherwise I'll poop in your fish tank!" Ning Yao shouted.

"...You are so powerful, just ask, just one question, no more questions." Manyi actually got scared.

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