Don't follow the rules

Chapter 321 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

After watching the three people leave, An Han, who was paralyzed in bed and dying, immediately woke up.

He rolled out of bed neatly, walked quietly to the door, and pressed his ear against the door panel to confirm that Sansha's footsteps had completely gone. Then he quickly returned to the bed, took out his mobile phone, and sent a message to Rao Ying. .

Perhaps it was a coincidence. Since boarding the ship, the encounters between An Han and the trio have always been in various situations. It was not until just now, through the chat between the trio, that An Han learned that these three people were actually on the No. [-] bus. The painting skin collides with the name.

An Han, who is keen on studying documents related to Chunyu, has naturally also studied the mission report of the No. [-] bus. He still clearly remembers all the details in the text. Originally, in his opinion, the No. [-] bus case was just an ordinary case among the many strange stories that Chunyu had handled. Except for the addition of an annoying "Ning Yao" among the participants, it was no different from other tasks.

But now it seems that this strange story obviously has something more worthy of digging deeper.


The phone soon received a reply from Rao Ying: Agree to authorize.

After getting rid of his superiors, An Han was on a clear path and could legitimately participate in the investigation.

As a person involved in the No. [-] bus, Ning Yao must have discovered the anomaly the first time he communicated with the trio. So now, directly consulting the person involved is the easiest way to understand the incident.

Moreover, An Han speculated that with Ning Yao's temperament, with such an obvious anomaly in front of him, he would never be able to suppress his curiosity and not explore this "coincidence". So no matter how much he hated himself, An Han now had the authorization from his superiors and the status of "team think tank", and Ning Yao had no reason to refuse him to join this investigation.

Although An Han does not resist being the nanny of No. [-], he still hopes to participate in the mission like a real field team member, to be able to fully play his role, and to be able to write a reference value mission after returning. Report, just like Chunyu has always done.

Boom boom boom!

The door was banged loudly.

An Han quietly stuffed his phone back under the pillow: "Please come in, the door is unlocked."

The door opened, and Ying Ying walked in with a swagger, followed by a timid Tan Ai.

Yingying looked up and down at An Han who was lying on the bed: "It doesn't look like anything serious. Dr. Man has really rejuvenated himself. I'm relieved. Bye~"

Before she finished speaking, she quickly turned around and left, not wanting to stay for a second longer and not even giving An Han time to be polite.

An Han simply didn't care about Yingying coming and going like the wind. Instead, he was more interested in Tan Ai who was staying in the room.

An Han showed a kind and gentle smile and asked casually: "Dr. Man and Ning Yao are not here?"

Tan Ai shook his head: "We went to look for them separately. I don't know their situation... I guess Dr. Man is not willing to come over for examination. Teacher An, you'd better not have too much hope. The doctor definitely wants to enjoy the holiday alone."

"Understood." An Han nodded.

"Uh, but Teacher Ning Yao should be willing to come and take a look. After all, he was the one who injured you..." Tan Ai swallowed the words again. Ning Yao didn't just hurt people, his slap almost hurt them. He was beaten to death. If Dr. Man hadn't rescued him in time, he would have had to return as soon as the journey started.

The most fearful thing is that the air will suddenly become quiet, and the room will fall into an awkward silence.

"Well..." Tan Ai tried to break the stagnant atmosphere, "Teacher An, are you thirsty? I'll pour you some water." An Han bowed politely and smiled: "Thank you."

When Tan Ai turned around to look for the water glass, An Han sighed as if unintentionally: "I really envy you..."


Tan Ai was inexplicable. He looked around and made sure that he and An Han were the only ones in the room. Then he pointed at himself in disbelief: "Teacher An, are you saying - you envy me?"

"That's right." An Han nodded.

Tan Ai waved his hands repeatedly: "Don't be ridiculous, I, a scrap of society, what is there to envy?"

An Han showed his signature green tea expression again - pretending to be strong: "You call me 'Teacher An' because you think I look very beautiful, right? You get close to Captain Chunyu and Captain Jiang, and you chat and laugh with the commander." Yes, it seems lively and lively on the surface, but only I know that these are the most vain. You and I are essentially not the same kind of people, or in other words, I am not even qualified to join the circle."

Tan Ai quickly served hot tea: "Teacher An, don't say that."

An Han took the tea gratefully: "Thank you."

He carefully took a sip, as if he had drawn some strength from the hot tea, and then raised his eyes to look at Tan Ai: "I have no inspiration, no yin and yang eyes, and I can't even drive the simplest talisman. Ning Yao... A slap can kill me. I'm just an ordinary person, a living being, and an NPC. If I hadn't been lucky enough to meet Captain Chunyu in my early years, now I wouldn't even be willing to work for Ying Ying to do odd jobs for her..."

Tan Ai didn't know how to comfort him, so he could only squat beside the bed helplessly.

"Right now, you seem to be just at the bottom of the circle, but things are unpredictable. Who can predict your future? Unlike me, you have been excluded by fate. You are an insider. As long as you are in this circle, you There is a possibility of turning around. After all, even a guy like Ning Yao can get lucky and transform into a great person. In my opinion, you are no worse than Ning Yao."

An Han's words revealed a trace of disdain for Ning Yao: "That guy had trouble climbing the stairs at first, but you can pass the screening test of Team Jiang, which means you have already surpassed him in terms of basic qualifications. "

Tan Ai was a little carried away, and the raised corners of his mouth were even harder to suppress than AK: "No way~ I'm not as good as Teacher An, as you said, my two junior students have better assessment results than me."

"Are you a child?" An Han muttered, "I see that you have a good relationship. It's great that you have a child..."

"I am a survivor of the ghost story. All my childhood friends died in that horrific ghost story. I have not grown up, just like a blank person with no past." An Han's eyes darkened.

Tan Ai wanted to slap himself in the mouth, why he didn't open the pot and pick up the pot.

An Han's weak body trembled slightly, and his words revealed a fragile prayer: "Can you tell me a story about you and your childhood? Be as detailed as possible. How did you meet? When, where, and how did you make an appointment? How about joining the association together and being admitted to the Jiang group? What magic skills are each good at? How did they form a team and receive this mission..."

He tried to sit up straight and held Tan Ai's hand: "The stories of Chunyu Yingying and Ning Yao are too distant and legendary for me. I would like to know some insider stories that are closer to reality, is that okay?"

Tan Ai held An Han's hand back: "No problem! What do you want to know? I'll tell you everything!"

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