Don't follow the rules

Chapter 324 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

While everyone was gathering and chatting, Yingying chose a gym by herself and was killing time lifting a barbell when she suddenly saw two figures coming out of the door, pushing and shoving towards her.

"Hey, you still dare to get together with him? It seems that Dr. Man's syringes are no longer a deterrent to you." Yingying teased.

An Han looked stiffly and covered his buttocks: "I don't need you to worry about this. Ning Yao and I have a very good relationship now."

Yingying sneered, dropped the barbell and hit it on the floor. With a strong shock, he said, "Tell me, what do you want from me?"

As the saying goes, don't hit the smiling person with your hand. Ning Yao smiled and stepped forward to pinch Yingying's shoulders, relaxing his muscles: "Aren't I here to discuss the next training plan with you~"

"Training plan?" Yingying looked at An Han in surprise, "Do you really dare to continue training?"

An Han gritted his teeth and nodded firmly: "If the training volume can be adjusted, I will naturally be willing to continue training."

Ning Yao slapped Yingying's back flatteringly: "Not only him, I want it too."

"You?" Yingying turned around, "What do you want to do?"

Ning Yao begged: "Sister Yingying, please give me some training~"

Yingying waved his hand: "The fitness equipment on this ship is all designed by me for ordinary people. For your current physical fitness, they have no exercise value, and your training will be in vain."

"That's not it." Ning Yao said more flatteringly, "Actually, what I need now is not strength training, but combat skills."

Yingying pointed at herself: "You want——my fighting skills?"

An Han quickly jumped into the topic and explained: "Captain Jiang, don't get me wrong. We don't want to use all your hard work on combat skills accumulated in actual combat. It's just that Ning Yao has no strength now but it is difficult to use it in actual combat. He is like a bastard in a fight." Boxing, so we want to add some targeted training battles. Originally, this was supposed to be Captain Chunyu’s task, but he is not here now, so we have to work hard for Captain Chunyu to give him moves.”

He imitated Ning Yao and wanted to get closer, but he couldn't bring himself to be beaten on his legs and shoulders, so he could only squat down and lower his posture: "In terms of force value and actual combat experience, as long as there is a second person on this ship, We are too embarrassed to trouble you about the candidate. Team Chiang’s ability is really outstanding, and it would be a blessing for us if we could take this opportunity to get your guidance."

Although it was obvious flattery, I have to say that Yingying felt very comfortable being photographed, and An Han's speaking skills were also very appropriate, so Yingying readily agreed.

"Of course, in terms of combat skills, I'm not bragging. The entire field department, that is, that boy Chunyu, can compare with me." Yingying's chin was held high, full of absolute confidence in his own strength.

"Okay, I'll think about it today and give you both a training plan tomorrow." Yingying patted her chest.

"As expected of the association's top master, thank you to my sister for your kindness!" Ning Yao's Rainbow Fart quickly followed.

Yingying interrupted Ning Yao's flattery: "You can save yourself from flattery. I am very strict about training. Since you have asked me for help, I will not let you go, especially Ning Yao. An Han is an ordinary person. Naturally, I won't torture people to death, but Ning Yao, your physical fitness can definitely withstand my full blow now, and I happen to have itchy hands."

Ning Yao swallowed: "No problem, Sister Ying, if you are brave enough, just say hello to me! As long as I can learn some practical skills before changing to a big cruise ship, I can even let Dr. Man rescue me every day!"

"Okay!" Yingying was very satisfied. "You are ambitious!"

"and many more……"

Dr. Man, who had been diving outside the room for a long time, quietly poked his head through the window: "I don't care how you train me. There is only one thing you have to remember [Don't let me work overtime]. You have to know how to use your skills."

Yingying shrank her neck: "Man, Doctor Man? How long have you been listening outside the window?"

"Probably, all of them." Manyi rested her chin on the window sill half dead.

"It's a good thing for people to be motivated. If you want to be the king of papers, you can do whatever you want, but don't involve people who shouldn't be involved, otherwise I can't guarantee that every rescue will be successful." There was an unabashed threat in the words. .

Yingying quickly promised: "I am sensible! I will never trouble you!"

Dr. Man retracted his head with satisfaction: "Just be sensible. I'm going to go downstairs to look at the menu for today's dinner. Warm reminder, for your health, don't skip dinner~"

"Who dares to get sick because of skipping meals and waste my vacation? I will never show mercy." The person has gone away, but the threatening words still echo in the gym. Yingying shuddered and suddenly came to his senses. He lowered his head and looked at the two cowards squatting next to him, who didn't even dare to express their anger. He was almost laughed out of anger.

"Go down and eat! How can you protect me by squatting here?"

"Okay, okay, okay..."

"Get out of here, get out of here..."

Ning Yao and An Han crawled away.

Yingying watched everyone go away, lowered his head, and looked at his hands in trance.

As an absolute activist, the most annoying thing for Yingying is to stop and think.

But this does not mean that she is a reckless person without a lot of brains, but more often than not, she chooses to hand over the task of thinking to team members who are better at thinking, while she gallops wildly in the field that she is good at.

But the consequence of staying in the comfort zone for too long is that your brain is used up or lost, and you become less and less lazy to think.

It wasn't until she agreed to train Ning Yao that she realized the subtleties of this trip.

Training Ning Yao.

This... shouldn't Chunyu be responsible?

Ning Yao's great opportunity indeed requires a mission of moderate difficulty to help him digest it, and Ying Ying himself often trains new recruits in the Jiang team, but these conditions do not require Chunyu to be removed from the team. They can be used at the same time. conduct.

After all, Chunyu is Ning Yao's direct leader, and no one is more suitable to lead his apprentice than himself.

Even if Yingying and Chunyu had a close personal relationship, they should not go beyond Chunyu himself to train his apprentices.

"What do you mean, Commander..." Yingying felt a little unsure.

Could it be that the headquarters was afraid of Chunyu and wanted to take this opportunity to dismantle the direct lineage he had cultivated in advance?

If that's the case, wouldn't he be used as a knife for others? She also happily helped others to dismantle her good brother Chunyu.

But if Yingying refuses to train Ning Yao at this time, it is basically certain that Ning Yao will never be able to handle the next mission on the cruise ship.

Yingying felt a little bit in a dilemma for a while.

"Maybe... I can call and ask?"

After some tangle, Yingying decided not to get involved in these tricks and called the person involved directly.

Yingying: "Crooked?"

Chunyu: "What's the matter?"

Yingying: "Do you mind if I train Ning Yao?"

Chunyu: "Pay attention to your wording."

Yingying: "You don't mind, do you?"

Chunyu: ...

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