Don't follow the rules

Chapter 326 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"I'm sorry, Teacher Ning, I have to win, so I may have some dirty tricks." Chi Nian said in a deep voice.

Ning Yao pointed at Chen Heng, who was still lying on the ground not far away in pain: "Did you see it? Only people like me call out dirty tricks. How can you call out dirty tricks in advance? You are too honest. .”

Chi Nian flicked his sleeves and slipped out two Emei thorns.

"Good guy, get your weapons on and fight without restrictions? Is this allowed?" Ning Yao scratched his head.

Chi Nian held the Emei tattoo across his chest: "Captain Chiang only told me not to use psychic spells. Ordinary equipment is certainly not a foul."

Ning Yao smiled contemptuously and took out a pistol from his trouser pocket: "Then if I take out the Desert Eagle, how will you respond?"

Chi Nian:......

Ning Yao pulled the safety bolt and pointed the gun at Chi Nian. There were only five steps between the two. As long as the shot was fired, she would never be able to hide.

Chi Nian sighed: "Teacher Ning Yao, today is a test of combat skills. Hot weapons are considered cheating."

Ning Yao didn't insist too much and put away the gun: "It's a pity that I begged for a long time before Dr. Man was willing to lend it to me. I thought it could be put to great use."

She put away her Emei thorn: "Forget it, let's not do all these bells and whistles, lest you say I'm invincible, I'd better just go ahead."

After that, Chi Nian made a shallow leap forward to close the distance between the two of them. It seemed to be her usual high-position attack. The moment Ning Yao subconsciously raised her hand to defend, she suddenly squatted down and used a silky strike. Sweep your legs.

Ning Yao accidentally tripped and fell to the ground.

Chi Nian took advantage of the victory to pursue, bullied him forward, took advantage of Ning Yao's turning over and kneeled down on his back knee. His right arm came out from behind him, bent his elbow, grabbed Ning Yao's neck, and tried to strangle him naked.

The naked choke is a very deadly move. Once it is formed, it is like hanging a lock around the neck, and ordinary people have no way to solve it.

The only way to crack the naked choke is to not let it take shape.

Looking at the arm reaching out from behind, Ning Yao realized that Chi Nian was planning to strangle him naked. Fortunately, Yingying had already trained Ning Yao in advance for this famous and fatal move.

He immediately grabbed the arm in front of his chest and forcibly straightened it for her. Then he used the force to throw the arm on his back, and added an elbow strike when Chi Nian was thrown to the ground.

This elbow strike, which was enchanted with a weight of 160 kilograms, made the little girl faint with a "crunch".

Ning Yao got up in an ugly posture and looked at Chen Heng, who had lost his combat power but was still conscious: "So, do I win?"

Chen Heng: " the doctor quickly!"


Suddenly there was a big sneeze, which forced Manyi to wipe her nose with a tissue: " seems that maybe we have been blowing the wind on the deck for too long. It's time to go back to the room and pack our luggage."

No. 1 (Chew Chew Chew): "Is that so? Why do I feel like someone is scolding you?"

Manyi was dissatisfied: "Why don't you wish me something better? Maybe someone is thinking about me?"

Number 1 tilted his head (chewing chewing): "Then do you hope someone is thinking about you?"

"I don't want to" Manyi shook her head decisively, "I'm a doctor, who has nothing to do to be a doctor? So it's definitely not good to miss me, I don't want to work overtime."

However, the opposite happened:


Ning Yao's shouts were so penetrating that even in the practice room downstairs, they could penetrate the floors and reach Man Yi's eardrums. Doctor Man had no way to avoid it, and he couldn't even pretend not to hear it.

"Scream, scream, scream!" Manyi cursed and lost her temper while sitting on the recliner.

"Doctor Man, come and save me!" Ning Yao continued to shout, her volume increasing.

"I'll save you, uncle!" Manyi stood up angrily, pulling on her flip-flops and making a thumping sound with her steps.

"So, it's better if someone scolds you, right?" No. 1 gloated and gnawed on the cake. Manyi turned around and snatched the food from the child's hand: "Confiscated."

"Hey!" Number 1 said anxiously, "How old are you? You are still fighting for food with children!"

Manyi didn't say anything, just gnawed on the cake and went downstairs. No. 1 got up from the lounge chair angrily and chased after her.

Fortunately, neither Chi Nian nor Chen Heng's injuries were serious, but they were deprived of combat effectiveness at the time, which did not cause any serious injuries or sequelae.

Manyi packed up the medical kit with a stinking face: "They're fine, just rest for a while. We're about to change trains. I'm warning you not to cause trouble for me again."

Ning Yao smiled flatteringly: "No, no, no, don't worry, Dr. Man, I have completed the assessment and nothing will happen again."

Manyi: "Humph, that's the best."

No. 1 angrily grabbed Dr. Man's box and said, "You robbed my hand cake, you have to compensate me."

"I have to go back to my room to pack my luggage. I don't have much free time. Your dad is very free, so ask him to take you to the restaurant to order a cake." Dr. Man was busy.

No. 1 declared: "Ning Yao is not my father."

Manyi: "No one cares."

Ning Yao covered her heart: "No. 1, dad is so sad when you say that..."

Number 1: “No one cares.”

knock knock knock

Yingying appeared at the door happily, knocked gently three times, and then glanced at Chi Nian and Chen Heng who were lying on the ground with satisfaction.

"Not bad. The battle was resolved so quickly. It seems that I have accomplished something this week." Yingying did not hesitate to praise her.

Ning Yao pretended to be modest and said: "Although it is known that I am very strong, the two little teachers who were training me did not kill me and took good care of me as a newcomer."

Yingying nodded: "Since you have passed the assessment, go and pack your things quickly. When our ship docks and the procedures are completed, the cruise ship will send someone to pick us up. There is not much time left."

Ning Yao pointed to the two people on the ground: "They are still unconscious."

"They don't go on cruise ships." Yingying explained.

"Eh?" Ning Yao was surprised, "So there are only four of us... Oh, and Dr. Man, do the five of us have cruise benefits?"

Yingying: "The three of them are just grassroots employees. They are on a global luxury cruise ship with food, accommodation and entertainment included. It is impossible to imagine that such benefits will be their turn."

Ning Yao couldn't help but look at each other with No. 1: "So, the three of them will no longer participate in our trip?"

Yingying: "That's right."

Ning Yao: "Where is An Han?"

Yingying patted his head: "Look, I forgot about this. Doctor Man... Well, An Han is in a coma again... Please..."

Manyi: "I would be really angry!"

Yingying cried with a sad face: "Well... I have brought you the news. It's up to Dr. Man whether you want to save him or not. I'm leaving. Goodbye!"

Ning Yao stammered: "Well... I didn't increase the workload for you. Every injustice has its owner, and whoever causes trouble has to make up for it. It's sister Yingying who insists on giving An Han a hard time, can you? Don't take your anger out on me."

Dr. Man showed an amiable smile: "It's okay, I will spread the news on An Han."

Thank you to the fifth person for your perfunctory monthly vote! Baby Crab! Heart

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