Don't follow the rules

Chapter 33 Neem 3 (7)

Chapter 33: Neem No. [-] (Seventeen)
Chunyu came to the vending machine in the corridor distractedly and bought a bottle of soda.

He also couldn't tell why he was angry, but after finishing the conversation with Ning Yao, the faint uneasiness in his heart became more and more intense.

He drank the soda in one gulp and let out a long belch.

Chunyu took advantage of the situation and sighed, forget it, when this strange talk is over, before waking up Ning Yao, he will light the three-headed fire between his eyebrows again to increase the yang energy, maybe it will not be so easy to trigger the dream into the spirit in the future.

The probability of meeting two ghost stories in a row is extremely small. After curing his problem of random dreams, he probably won't see each other again in the future.

Adjust your mentality and focus your thoughts on the situation in front of you.

With the principal's approval, joining the student union is a path worth trying, even if it may be a trap.

When you join the student union, the first thing you unlock is the permission to wander around the teaching building.Now that I am a freshman in high school, my normal activity area is limited to the boys' class on the first floor. Girls' classes and those above the second floor are prohibited from approaching.

Although you can ask Bai Yunyou to take him around the map in the middle of the night, but many actions need to contact the students who are scattered in various classes during the day, so reasonable action authority must be obtained.

Secondly, student union members will easily get many "privileges".

Of course, joining the student union does not mean becoming a "superior person". After all, the student union here is just a tool to help teachers manage students.It's just that compared to most of the students who are unknown, the voices of the student council members are easier to upload and distribute.

And this is exactly what Chunyu needs - to filter both the upward and downward sounds through his own hands.

Because "information" is the most lethal weapon in a battle.

It can predict the enemy's opportunity, and it can also win a thousand miles.

Occupying the middle level of this school structure and intercepting the enemy's information transmission is Chunyu's most important mission goal at the moment.

Thinking of this, he scratched his head a little annoyed.Rao Qian, the detective who was in charge of the early peripheral investigation of this strange talk, is really a good assistant. His special skills are very convenient for collecting information. Unfortunately, this guy is a crispy pure support. It is too dangerous to bring him into the strange talk, and the association will lose a lot. Since then, Chunyu's partner application has been rejected several times.

After this time is over, go to make an application report.

After all, I already have rich experience in chicken with vegetables.

Chunyu returned to the dormitory and brought soda drinks to the three roommates who were fighting the landlord with flashlights.

The next morning.

The dormitory rang the wake-up bell.

Amidst his yelling, the bedridden wailing of each dormitory came one after another, but soon everyone tidied up. Except for the students on duty, everyone else went to the playground for morning jogs one after another.

In dormitory 536, Ning Yao, the only one who didn't need to sleep, slept better than anyone else.

Li Xin and Xu Sui looked at Chunyu with a worried look on their face: "What should I do if I can't wake up my brother?"

Chunyu said don't worry, then crossed the two of them, dragged Ning Yao's head from the bed with one hand and dragged him out of the bedroom door.

Li Xin (holding the broom tightly): "As expected of my eldest brother."

Xu Sui (putting his heart together): "The cervical spine is very strong."

Ning Yao woke up when he reached the fourth floor, without him, the stairs are too painful.

Ning Yao stood up and rubbed her face: "I just squinted."

Chunyu: "Squint for a moment? I almost declared you brain dead."

Xu Sui: "Brother, I brought chewing gum!" (Hand it over)

Ning Yao took the filial piety from her younger brother and threw it into her mouth. She looked around and asked, "Where is Li Xin?"

Xu Sui: "He is on duty today."

Ning Yao glanced at Xu Sui's badge, and found that the "awakened one" last night had changed back to Xu Sui's real name.

He pointed at Xu Sui's nameplate, and Xu Sui understood: "I was actually worried last night. Fortunately, I changed back as soon as the bell rang this morning, and so did Li Xin."

This means that no matter how many people he secretly wins over, he will not be exposed to the teacher's sight during the day.

It's good news.

Ning Yao, who hated running in the morning, ran happily because of the news, which attracted Chunyu's attention, so he used his positive attitude to add a bit of morality.

The squad leader's power of "life and death" has become more stable in the hearts of the students in Class Three.

After the morning run, it is far from the time for dinner. The students still need to complete a morning reading for self-study before they can enjoy breakfast.

Ning Yao didn't care so much, and started the table directly at the desk. Teacher Yang sat behind the podium but dared not speak out, and could only wink at Chunyu madly, while Chunyu pretended to be addicted to reading.

It is said to be "morning reading", but in fact there are no texts for reading in No. [-] Middle School, and there are only various lyrics.Their morning reading is to sing the songs they have taught before.

It is difficult for dozens of students in the class to sing their own tunes and not be taken away.

Ning Yao's mouth was full of oil after eating, and Teacher Yang was so angry that his cheeks were shaking.

After finally getting out of class, Teacher Yang ran faster than the students who had been hungry all morning. He was afraid that he would die of anger if he stayed for a second longer.

Chunyu also ran fast, but Ning Yao was too lazy to keep up. He had seen Chunyu secretly writing the student union membership application all morning, and he was determined to carry out his plan.

Since Chun was a freshman in high school, he couldn't go up to the sixth floor to find Sun Ao, the senior in high school, so he had to settle for the next best thing and go to the cafeteria to block him during breakfast time.

Holding the application form in his hand, Chunyu looked for it in the crowded cafeteria.

"Hey! Two ministers, you are here. This way please. I have already prepared breakfast for you."

"Well, let me just say that among the student union officials in this class of senior high school, you are the best at getting things done."

"That's right, Xiao Sun is a man with a real eye for work."

"Oh, my lord minister, you have praised me. This is what I should do."

Sun Ao nodded and bowed, like a waiter with an excessive sense of service, completely ignoring his own food and waiting on the "ministers" and "deputy ministers" back and forth.

Chunyu watched from a distance behind the crowd, and a corner of the application form in his hand was pinched unconsciously.

No matter how small a group is, it is also a society, and it must have its social rules.Joining the student union may not have a high threshold, but to be able to perform the functions you want in it, I am afraid that you need to devote far more energy than expected.

No wonder the principal didn't care about his intention to join the student union, and even encouraged him.

Because the student union is not an institution set up by him to convey information and manage students.

This is a screening machine. Students who meet the standards are recruited, and after being trained by "senior seniors", they are trained as [staff] for various positions required by the school.

Joining the student union is pointless.

Chunyu laughed at himself, crumpled the application form into a ball of paper, and threw it into the water vat nearby.

Class three classrooms.

Ning Yaozheng and Xu Sui were chatting. Xu Sui, who was unable to go to dinner, enjoyed the snack gift package provided by his elder brother and felt extremely happy.

Ning Yao held the spicy root strips in her mouth: "Xu Sui, do you know how many years our school lasts?"

Xu Sui: "It's impossible to tell."

Ning Yao: "Can't you tell?"

Xu Sui: "Because everyone is different. Some classes have three years, some have seven years, and some have 17 years."

Ning Yao was curious: "How is this divided? Why do some people only need to study for three years, while others need to study for 17 years?"

Xu Sui scratched his head: "I don't know... I also heard that there are 23-year students in other schools."

Ning Yao took a breath of air: "23 years?! Can you still find a job and get married at such an old age?"

Xu Sui: "Why not? Everyone is a graduate."

Ning Yao's thoughts were a bit tangled: "They are all graduates? What do you mean?"

Xu Sui said matter-of-factly: "Whether it's three years or 23 years, as long as you become a graduate, everyone is the same."

Ning Yao hesitated and asked, "How long is our class?"

Xu Sui said happily: "Our year is 17 years~"

17? !

(End of this chapter)

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