Don't follow the rules

Chapter 342 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Although she resisted working overtime, her body still honestly left the sofa.

He put the bottle on the floor and walked to Ning Yao. An Han and Xin Cheng both stood up quickly to make room for Man Yi. Manyi knelt down and took Ning Yao's hand: "Okay, don't cover it." You have to hold tight, take your hands away, and let the doctor see what's going on."

"How's it going?" Yingying stuck her head out and couldn't help but ask, but Manyi glanced at her and shrank back behind An Han.

Ning Yao's face was frighteningly pale, her eyes were closed tightly, but blood and tears kept flowing, and soon the clothes on her chest were wet.

Manyi just glanced at him casually and yawned: "I won't die anymore~"

After saying that, he got up and nestled back into the sofa pit where he had just been, not even forgetting to pick up the wine bottle on the floor.

"Eh? No, you... don't you want to deal with this? Just take one look and close the stall?" Xin Cheng was shocked.

Manyi licked the mouth of the bottle: "Since you can't die, it's just a minor injury. I'm not willing to treat minor injuries. Besides, there are many doctors on this ship. Any injury of this degree can be handled by any medical staff. Why? Do you have to trouble me to work overtime? Please, I’m working very hard.”

An Han took Xin Cheng's arm: "Xin Cheng, please call the medical staff over. Since Dr. Man said there is nothing wrong, we can basically rest assured."

Xin Cheng glanced at the careless Dr. Man again, but didn't say anything more. He just lowered his head and tapped his phone hard, notifying Assistant Tang to take the doctor upstairs.

An Han and No. 1 helped Ning Yao to the nearest sofa together: "Why did you get hurt suddenly?"

The stinging pain in his eyes gradually subsided, and Ning Yao calmed down: "I was attacked."

"Being attacked?" Yingying was surprised, "Did you see who it was?"

"No..." Ning Yao sighed, "There is only a white light."

"You can't even spot the attacker with your eyesight?" Yingying took a breath. "Your eyes are magic tools."

"Maybe it's not a matter of eyesight." An Han was silent for a long time before finally speaking.

Everyone looked at him in confusion. An Han pushed up his glasses and said, "Everyone was worried about Chunyu just now, and they got emotional for a while, so they ignored one thing."

"——The use of supernatural special abilities is prohibited on this ship."

"I guess the attack just now was not launched by someone against Ning Yao, but Ning Yao was punished because he violated the rules."

Number 1 tilted his head: "Is this the rule they said before?"

"That's right." An Han said.

Ning Yao also echoed: "Speaking of it... I did feel a hint of warning from it. It turns out that it comes directly from the rules."

"I just don't know why Ning Yao was punished by the rules, but did not trigger the alarm of the nearby monitor..." An Han was confused.

"These monitoring instruments are great~" Dr. Man leaned on the sofa and threw away the wine bottle with satisfaction.

"As you said, what Ning Yao just used was an artifact. The cheap monitors everywhere on this ship are just ordinary products. I'll just treat it as a magic weapon. Even if it is a magic weapon, it is impossible to detect it. Don’t underestimate the fluctuations of the artifact~"

An Han suddenly realized: "That's it."

No. 1 patted Ning Yao comfortingly: "Lao Deng will not be thrown off the ship."

Ning Yao forced out an ugly smile: "Hey, hey, don't forget about business."

"Don't worry." An Han patted the mobile phone in his pocket. "I have been in contact with the commander. She has sent someone to keep an eye on Brother Chunyu. They will get back to us if there is any news." Yingying muttered in a low voice: "Lian Chunyu If he can’t even handle the task, who else can help him besides me?”

Everyone fell into a brief silence.

"Sister Yingying, would you mind suspending your vacation and going back to help?" Ning Yao asked with a smile, looking up at the blood on her face.

"I'm very concerned!" Yingying yelled.

An Han: "Don't worry, Brother Chunyu is the darling of the association, and the headquarters will not let anything happen to him. If the first batch of rescue team members are not strong enough, Commander Rao Ying will take action himself."

Manyi stretched out: "Since just now, you have been saying 'don't worry'. Who are you trying to appease?"

An Han pursed his lips, said nothing, and lowered his head to fiddle with his phone.

Ning Yao spread her arms and put her arms on him: "Don't worry~ We also have to have confidence in Chunyu. Although the video call just stopped, it sounded like Chunyu was telling us to pay attention to something. Thinking better, Maybe our vacation here will be more dangerous than Chunyu’s solo mission~"

An Han raised his head and rolled his eyes: "Thank you for your comfort. I was not comforted at all."

Ding Dong

The doorbell rang in the distance, and then Assistant Tang opened the door.

"Mr. Xiao Xin, I have brought everyone here to sign for you. We have your delivery, medical and makeup teams." Xiaotang led a group of people in. Although the crowd was chaotic, they were all well-trained. The entire process was kept extremely quiet. Apart from the sound of the friction of clothes, the movement of a large group of people was barely audible.

Xin Cheng nodded: "Okay, now that everyone is here, let's start work."

Ning Yao hurriedly raised his hand: "Don't forget my milk tea!"

"I can't forget that I ordered all the signature milk teas on the ship for you. They are all freshly made. The tea soup is freshly brewed and the milk caps are freshly beaten. I personally watch every step." Xiaotang stepped forward and put Ning Yao on Help the medical staff to a reclining chair to facilitate the operation.

"Let the medical staff take care of your wound first. After the examination is completed, see if there are any taboos in the doctor's instructions. Select the taboo items from the milk tea before serving it to you."

Ning Yao lay down satisfied.

Yingying quickly integrated into the makeup team, choosing a dress while applying makeup.

Number 1 was having trouble choosing among the many sparkling drinks. Manyi got a fresh drink, and An Han finally got the serious literary reading he had been longing for. Everyone immediately started busy with their own things.

"Mr. Xiao Xin, didn't you give me any instructions for your own needs?" Assistant Tang asked softly, standing behind Xin Cheng.

Xin Cheng looked back at him with a little hope in his eyes: "...Can you catch a ghost for me?"

Assistant Tang closed the notepad: "Please don't say anything stupid."

"Uh-huh..." Xin Cheng snorted and stopped talking to his assistant.

Assistant Tang sighed: "If you don't have any other instructions, I'll go and check in with tonight's exhibition party."

Xin Cheng waved his hand, indicating that he could leave.

Assistant Tang bowed slightly to Xin Cheng, turned around and walked out only two steps. Suddenly he turned back and warned worriedly: "You didn't eat less fried chicken this afternoon, did you? What's your calorie intake today?" It’s already exceeded, so you’re not allowed to drink milk tea.”

Xin Cheng was so angry that he threw a pillow over: "Get out!"

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