Don't follow the rules

Chapter 355 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Even though the atmosphere of terror was not exaggerated too much, everyone was still frightened by the scene described by Dr. Wu and took a breath of cold air.

The timid Mrs. Gong Shun was almost unsteady, holding on to the table to support herself: " could this be...Master wuwuwu..."

"Shut up!" Chi Nian shouted at Gong Shun, "I haven't cried yet, why are you adding to the drama!"

"Miss!" Dr. Wu suddenly stopped Chi Nian's yelling. When he realized it, he suddenly panicked and quickly tried to make amends for himself. "Now is not the time for civil strife. You are all a family. We need to find the person who killed me." That’s the right thing to do.”

"Who and her family..." Chi Nian wanted to curse something, but was stopped by Chen Heng's warning look.

She curled her lips and stopped talking, but her face still looked unconvinced.

Chi Bianshu hugged his wife and sneered: "It's the police's business to find the murderer. What are we looking for?"

Chi Nian snorted: "That's not necessarily true. The valuable collections in the room are still well placed. It shows that he is not a gangster seeking money, and his methods are cruel. He can't do such a thing without deep hatred - find out who is related to My father has a grudge, so the murderer will naturally come out."

pop, pop, pop

Outside the door of the conference room, a sudden sound of applause interrupted the debate among everyone in the room.

Geng Xun pushed the door open and walked in: "Miss Chi is very talented in reasoning~"

"Sir, do you think it's a vendetta?" Chi Nian's eyes lit up, as if he had found a strong supporter. He broke away from his husband's arms, straightened his hair and clothes, and strode towards Geng Xun.

"Sir, my father..." Chi Nian's eyes had no tears, but were filled with red bloodshot eyes, making her look strangely energetic.

Geng Xun raised his hand to signal Chi Nian not to ask any more questions: "I understand. I will ask everyone here individually later. If Miss Chi has any questions, we can talk about it then. Of course, considering that you rich people As a rule, if you need to call a private lawyer, please do so as soon as possible, I don’t have much time to waste waiting.”

Chen Heng frowned and his eyes fell on the person following Geng Xun: "I'm sorry, may I ask, who is this person?"

Geng Xun: "Suspect."

Ning Yao: "Detective."

Geng Xun put his hands on his hips angrily: "If I hadn't seen that you have some... special talents, I wouldn't have brought you here. Don't push yourself too hard."

Ning Yao nodded repeatedly and covered her mouth tightly to show that she was absolutely obedient.

Knock, knock

There was a sudden knock on the door of the conference room.

"Hey, I came at an unlucky time." Du Jingxiu still had a smile that never changed, and his stinky-faced bodyguard, Rao Ze, stood beside him.

"What a coincidence. I was just about to introduce you." Geng Xun waved to him, and Du Jingxiu also took advantage of the opportunity to say hello to the bewildered people in the conference room.

"Hello, hello, who is this?" Although Zhong Huai didn't understand the situation, he still managed it very skillfully.

"Hello" Du Jingxiu shook hands cordially, "I am a suspect~"

Like a cat whose paws were burned, Zhong Huai suddenly withdrew his hand: "Suspect?!"

Geng Xun walked up to Du Jingxiu: "Let me give you a brief introduction. This Mr. Du was a special guest that Mr. Chi Zhongwu met before he died, and the gift he gave to Mr. Chi Zhongwu was considered a gift in a sense. He couldn’t be innocent, so I called him over.”

Ning Yao poked Rao Ze: "What a fate~"

Rao Ze just glanced at him sideways: "Have your sneaky eyes finally been poked out?"

Ning Yao didn't take it seriously: "It's just blindness."

Rao Ze stopped talking to him, or to anyone else, including his boss, and walked to a corner and sat down alone. Knock knock knock

Before the two of them could clear up the matter, the door of the conference room was knocked again, but this time with obvious hesitation and temptation.

The door opened, revealing a very young but somewhat familiar face. It was Tan Ai, the trainee lawyer who had just made a shady deal with the deceased.

"Officer Geng, after receiving your news, I rushed over immediately..." Tan Ai said timidly.

Perhaps he was accustomed to being unknown all year round, so being suddenly brought to such a delicate occasion made him feel particularly uncomfortable. After saying hello, he quickly found a seat against the wall, lowered his head, and tried to reduce his sense of presence.

Geng Xun secretly admired the different expressions of everyone with great interest. On the outside, he pretended to be sunny and cheerful and greeted the visitor: "Come very quickly, just in time, so that we are all here."

"What's ready?" Zhong Huai subconsciously kept his words from falling to the floor, and couldn't help but pick up on Geng Xun's words, like a qualified compliment.

"All the suspects are here." Geng Xun did not hesitate at all and directly announced his suspects to everyone.


Except for Ning Yao and the others, the other family members were all shocked.

"Fuck your daddy!" Chi Nian was not used to it at all and started yelling.

"He is my biological father! How could I kill my biological father!"

Zhong Huai couldn't hide his anger, but he was worried about Geng Xun's identity and defended himself: "Yes, Zhong Wu is my biological brother and brother."

"That's impossible to say..." Geng Xun muttered softly, not wanting to quarrel with these emotional relatives of the deceased, but his words were still clearly conveyed.

"It's okay for ordinary people to say this, but your Chi family is not ordinary rich. Since I was a police officer, I have seen too many people who are crazy about money. So what if they are blood relations? What is truly unbreakable in this world? It’s profit.”

Chi Nian, who had always been very excited, calmed down after hearing this: "Then it's even more impossible for me."

"My father is married to the Chi family. Everything he owns now belongs to the Chi family - that is, mine. I don't need to kill people to fight for my own property. Although I do have some quarrels with him recently, the relationship between father and daughter is A quarrel will not escalate to the level of murder."

Geng Xun closed the door of the conference room and picked up a brand new notebook from the table: "I have my own judgment. You just need to answer my words truthfully."

"First of all, please speak clockwise according to your current seats and tell me your itinerary for today. Miss Chi Nian, please."

Chi Nian sat down, leaning back arrogantly, folding his hands in front of his chest and crossing his legs.

"My schedule today is very simple, just to quarrel with everyone I meet."

Ning Yao echoed in time: "I can testify to this. I met Miss Chi three times today. Twice she was quarreling with others, and once she was swearing in the void."

Miss Chi Nian finally looked at Ning Yao: "Here, officer, look, this is the person you found, not what we negotiated."

Geng Xun turned to Ning Yao and asked, "Can you explain what cursing in the void is?"

Ning Yao: "Just when we first boarded the ship, I heard Miss Chi cursing that Mr. Chi Zhongwu had better die in this Crystal Palace."

Chi Nian suddenly became anxious: "You blind man, don't talk nonsense, I was just talking nonsense!"

Thanks to Eternal Moment 23333 for your monthly vote! kisses!

I've been busy with the company's annual meeting recently, so I'm sorry to be out of work for two days.

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