Don't follow the rules

Chapter 359 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Sealed Exodia?

"What is that?" Zhong Huai, who was still confused about the situation, asked subconsciously.

"Don't ask about the second dimension." Ning Yao didn't have a good face towards him.

Du Jingxiu explained it generously: "It is a set of fixed combination of game cards from the anime "Yu-Gi-Oh". There are five cards, namely the sealed Exzodia and his left wrist, right wrist, left foot and so on. It has a right foot. In the game, if you collect these five cards in your hand, you can directly declare victory."

"What did I think it was...the name is scary."

Zhong Huai muttered, not only looking uninterested, but even a little disdainful: "This kind of children's stuff is also used as a gift..."

"But I heard that such cards are sometimes auctioned for ridiculous prices in the circle of game enthusiasts." At this time, Wu Wei, a family doctor who had not participated in the discussion, suddenly spoke.

After saying that, he regretted his impulsiveness and interrupted: "Sorry, I only heard a little bit."

"That's right." Du Jingxiu nodded, confirming Wu Wei's memory. "It is said that a 'Blue Eyes White Dragon' was sold for more than 80 million at the legal auction. Although not all cards can achieve this price, I gave it to you." This set is an official limited-edition commemorative gold card, which is perfect for collection.”

"After all, Mr. Chi Zhongwu is a well-known collector in his circle. I gave him this gift just to suit his liking and to build a good relationship with him."


Ning Yao applauded: "Collect five cards and you will win directly. It has a good meaning. The deceased must be very happy when he receives this gift, right?"

Du Jingxiu smiled at him: "Yes, Mr. Chi Zhongwu and I had a very happy conversation and reached an intention to cooperate. But you can't say that I will kill him, right?"

Ning Yao had a fake smile on his face that matched him: "But what happened was that the deceased Mr. Chi Zhongwu happened to be cut into pieces just like the set of cards you gave him."

"You claimed that you had a very pleasant conversation with the deceased, but now that he is dead, there is no proof. No one can say whether your negotiations resulted in an intention to cooperate, or whether you failed to reach an agreement and became angry and killed someone in passion, right?"

Du Jingxiu was still calm and composed: "Not to mention that we have indeed reached an intention to cooperate. Even if we break up on bad terms, it is a common thing for business negotiations. No businessman will kill someone because the business cannot be negotiated. "

Listening to Ning Yao's ridiculous nonsense, Zhong Huai couldn't help but join in the conversation: "Although Mr. Du and I don't know each other, I think what he said is still very credible. In business, it is important to be harmonious and make money, even in business. Even if it doesn't work, you have to be benevolent and righteous. I have been involved in the company's affairs for a while, and I have never heard of anyone directly killing people even among fiercely competitive opponents."

Ning Yao shrugged: "I didn't decide that he was the murderer, I just raised a possibility."

"After all, we have to dismember the body, so it would be much more convenient to have the help of a doctor~"

The two doctors present were stunned for a second.

Then Wu Wei stood up in a panic: "I, I didn't, I am the reporter! How could he kill someone?"

Rao Ze picked his ears: "Does the dog bark?"

Du Jingxiu raised his hand to signal Rao Ze not to be angry, and he confronted Ning Yao again: "I remember... there is also a doctor in Detective Ning's team?"

Ning Yao: "You turned against defense and attacked Mr. Du?"

"It's not offensive or defensive, it's just clarifying the facts. Maybe some doctors can dismember the body, but the person who dismembers the body does not have to be a doctor, but a butcher can do it. So 'doctor' is not a necessary and sufficient condition for dismembering the body." Du Jingxiu said.

"That makes sense~" Ning Yao agreed.

"Can you stop talking nonsense and get to the point quickly?" Zhong Huai urged.

"What are you so anxious about?" Ning Yao deliberately slowed down her speech. "Do you have more important things to deal with than this murder case now?"

"No." "Then sit down and listen to me interrogate the next person."

"Hmph." Zhong Huai didn't have the courage to slam the door and leave, so he could only use his nose to earn some face for himself.

Ning Yao slowly walked around the table in a clockwise direction, like a "throw the handkerchief" game, stopping slightly behind everyone, silently exerting a sense of oppression.

Suddenly his steps stopped and he stopped behind Gong Shun.

"Mrs. Gong Shun, when was the last time you saw the deceased?" Ning Yao asked an old question as usual.

Like a frightened little white rabbit, Gong Shun lifted the hair from his ears, covered his heart, and stood up tremblingly. His loving eyes were full of tears that could not be shed: "I... I'm going to the dinner party. I came to see the master, and he was still talking to Mr. Du at that time. Generally, the master doesn’t like my presence when we are talking about business, so I just said hello and left quickly."

After saying that, he still pursed his moist lips and looked at Ning Yao eagerly.

It's a pity that this time she really showed her charming eyes to the blind man.

Ning Yao didn't show any pity for her, and her words were rude: "Don't pinch me."

"I didn't..." Gong Shun felt aggrieved.

Ning Yao was too lazy to talk about this kind of thing: "Did the deceased sign a prenuptial agreement with you?"

Gong Shun's face stiffened: "Yes."

Ning Yao: "That means if he kicks you one day, you won't get a dime."

Gong Shun's expression became even uglier, and he couldn't even hold his voice: "My master and I have a very good relationship, and I was married to a real person after all, not some random little lover outside, so there is no need for the word 'kick'. "

Ning Yao didn't seem to hear the suppressed anger in her voice at all, and continued to add fuel to the fire: "Generally speaking, in your kind of prenuptial agreement, the man will allocate most of his assets before marriage, which means that the Chi family's property You won’t get a cent. If you get divorced, you can at most get some severance pay.”

"But if the old man burps in a hurry before he has time to make a will, as his spouse, you are the first heir like Miss Chi Nian~ Speaking of which, you have too much motive to kill this old man. Bar?"

"You!" Gong Shun was furious.

"She is not this kind of person!" Unexpectedly, Dr. Wu on the side seemed more anxious than Gong Shun himself.

Ning Yao showed a playful smile: "What does it have to do with you?"

Wu Wei didn't know how many times he had lost his composure today. He rubbed his temples in annoyance and adjusted his state.

"The lady is kind-hearted, it is impossible for her to kill someone, and she is a weak woman, and it is even more impossible for her to get a share of the body of an adult man."

Ning Yao: "Isn't this because of you?"

"What do you mean?" Wu Wei was alert.

"Gong Shun is powerless, but you are not. You happen to be a doctor, so you can't be too professional to be an accomplice."

"You're talking nonsense!" Wu Wei shouted.

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