Don't follow the rules

Chapter 36 Neem 3 (2)

Chapter 36
When Cao Man saw the visitor, she stopped what she was doing, and expressed her creepy thanks to them with a stiff smile.

"You've come out." Chunyu indifferently confirmed that she was well informed.

She is also not shy: "There is no more developed network than the sewer."

Ning Yao was puzzled: "What are the benefits of being an employee? It makes you miss me so much even after you die."

Cao Man opened the iron gate for them: "This is not free news."

Chunyu disdainfully pulled Ning Yao and left the girls' dormitory, walked into the night, and disappeared from Cao Man's sight.

a new day.

Ning Yao ignored Teacher Yang's cerebral thrombosis and once again escaped to Class [-] by peeing in class. He confirmed with his own eyes outside the window that Yi Dan was not in the classroom and that Yi Dan's desk and chair were indeed missing from the Class [-] podium.

This time he learned his lesson and didn't stay out too long to avoid being caught by Director Li.

Return to his classroom and continue to waste time in music class.

During the class break, Ning Yao took his two younger brothers to the canteen to replenish snacks.But not far after going out, I saw the girls' class was surrounded by students watching the fun.

The soul of eating melon was instantly ignited, and hurriedly dragged the younger brother to seize the front row.

"What happened, what happened?" Ning Yao looked excited.

"There was an accident in the women's toilet that was always haunted before." The onlookers in the front row explained their confusion, "I found a female corpse in it this morning. She was wearing a student uniform, but she was not a student of this year. I don't know how many years she had been dead. It was only discovered today." .”

"I heard that the scene of death was horrific, with broken glass all over his body."

"I also heard that the heads were smashed."

"My God! This is too cruel..."

"Look, look! It's out!"

When the students onlookers heard the news, they hurried forward to form a more airtight crowd, and some even raised their mobile phones to take pictures, trying to seize some fresher gossip to share.

Ning Yao's face was no longer the excitement of eating melons just now, but stood still silently, watching the female corpse being carried away amidst the excited discussions.

Xu Sui tugged Ning Yao's sleeve worriedly: "Brother?"

Ning Yao came back to his senses: "I'm fine, class is about to start, let's go back."

Li Xin was keenly aware of Ning Yao's expression: "Brother, do you... know that person just now?"

Ning Yao shook his head: "It's not considered acquaintance, just met once."

Li Xin: "But you seem very unhappy?"

Ning Yao: "I just don't quite understand..."

Both Xu Sui and Li Xin looked at Ning Yao curiously.

Ning Yao: "Forget it, go back and report the news to the eldest brother."

Senior one (class three) classroom.

Chunyu frowned: "So it wasn't Cao Man's body that was carried out?"

Ning Yao is very sure: "It's not her, her figure is different, and... no one mentioned Xixi during the whole process."

"Xixi is gone?"

"Maybe you went to the girls' dormitory with Cao Man?"

"Where will the corpse that was carried out go?"

Xu Sui weakly raised his hand: "According to past practice, students who have accidents will be sent directly to [recycling]."

Chunyu's eyes froze, he grabbed Ning Yao's collar and rushed out of the classroom, leaving a sentence for the two bewildered younger brothers: "Please ask the teacher for leave!"

"Brother Chun Yu!" Ning Yao struggled to breathe, "Let me go, I'm going to strangle to death!"

Chunyu relaxed perfunctorily and continued to track the location of the female corpse transport team.

Fortunately, all members of the lucky corpse team paddled very slowly, and the two quickly caught up with them.Chunyu put turtle's breath amulets on both himself and Ning Yao, and followed behind the team not too far away, keeping a distance where he would be able to hear their conversation.

The corpse transportation team is a team of employees that they have never seen before. They also wear small caps and low-key uniforms. They move lazily but are particularly arrogant.When they met students, they would yell at them, and when they met teachers, they would not exchange pleasantries.It seems that [transportation] is the most important thing in this school.

However, they did not transport the body of the tragically dead student off campus or hand it over to the police. They did not even go to a remote place to hide from people at all, but just swaggered towards the faculty cafeteria where students would not set foot.

The teachers who came and went all seemed not to be surprised.

"Staff cafeteria?" Ning Yao felt goosebumps rising on the back of her neck. "I have an unpleasant association..."

Chunyu's face was also not very good-looking: "Hurry up, don't get lost."

The corpse transportation team carried the corpse into the back kitchen of the staff cafeteria to unload, and then quickly replaced it with a new transportation item-a car of plastic vats.But the cart was rickety and looked empty.

They pushed the cart of plastic buckets and continued forward. In front of them was the teacher's dormitory building. All the teachers of No. [-] Middle School were not allowed to leave the school and had to live in the classroom dormitory provided by the school.

The transportation team stayed for a long time after pushing the plastic bucket into the classroom dormitory, but it was obviously rewarding when they came out.Although Ning Yao and the others couldn't see what was in it, they could tell from the struggling expression of the transportation team that the cart was full of plastic buckets.

The team continued to advance, Chunyu and Ning Yao hurriedly followed, seeing the team walking on the familiar school road, the two felt more and more disgusted.

Gan!They went to the student cafeteria!

Ning Yao covered his mouth, feeling that his vomit had almost reached his throat, when a person came up to him suddenly, he was so frightened that he quickly swallowed it back.

It's the principal who spawns randomly around the school.

The principal still looked calm and unfazed. He smiled and said hello to the transportation team. The team members stopped the car and nodded and bowed with smiles. They seemed to be very afraid of the principal.

Ning Yao followed Chunyu and hid behind the trash can and waited quietly. Suddenly, his eyes widened in excitement and he didn't dare to make a sound. He could only dance and gesture to Chunyu, pointing to the principal's chest.

Chunyu looked intently: Yi Dan's red pen was prominently pinned in the pocket of the principal's straight suit jacket.

The principal and Yi Dan really had contact!
Where did Ke Yidan go, and why did he leave this pen for the principal?

Watching the principal and the transportation team leave, Chunyu knew that it was time to chat with Cao Man again.

Soon it was time for lunch break, Chunyu and Ning Yao took advantage of the break time to come to the girls' dormitory building, and saw that Cao Man was living in comfort and enjoyment here.

"The toilet you lived in before carried out a corpse today." Chunyu cut to the chase.

"I know." Cao Man was not surprised.

"Not you."

"Haha" Cao Man seemed to hear a joke, "I'm already here, how could I carry out my dead body."

"Is it Sister Hong?"

"It should be easy to recognize, after all, her head was smashed by you."

"Do you know where she ended up going?"

"According to the usual practice, it has been recycled."

"She was sent to the staff canteen."

Cao Man shut her mouth, apparently not intending to continue the topic.

At this time, several girls happened to enter the dormitory building with laughter. They greeted Cao Man happily and lively: "Hello, Sister Xixi~"

Ning Yao was shocked: "Xixi?"

Cao Man, or Xixi said calmly: "There is nothing to hide, yes, I am Xixi."

Ning Yao: "What about Cao Man?"

Xixi: "She is my shell."

Ning Yao was confused.

Xixi: "Cao Man and Xixi are both me. Director Sang's idiot thought he made my belly bigger. In fact, I just got rid of my shell early and wanted to force him to give me a promotion earlier."

Speaking of Director Sang, Xixi had a gleam of joy on her face: "I hate that I was not a speculator at the time, and I couldn't do anything to him if he broke his promise. Thank you for helping me get him. If that's the case, then I'll send you another one for free." news~"

Xixi pointed in the direction of the student cafeteria: "The food prepared for the students is all 'produced' by the teacher himself~"

(End of this chapter)

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