Don't follow the rules

Chapter 364 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

"So, which one do you choose?" Geng Xun rested his elbows on the table, leaned forward slightly, and closed the distance between the two of them. He stared at the other person's face tightly, not missing any microexpression.

The corner of Tan Ai's mouth twitched, and just as he was about to speak, Geng Xun interrupted again: "You are a lawyer, think carefully about the consequences of lying to the police."

Geng Xun's combo obviously disrupted Tan Ai's rhythm. He swallowed back the answer he had been preparing before and asked uneasily: "Will the conversation really be kept confidential?"

Geng Xun raised a meaningful smile and said seriously: "Absolute confidentiality."

Tan Ai took a deep breath: "It's... it's that package..."

"Go on, we're keeping it a secret." Geng Xun encouraged.

Tan Ai closed his eyes, as if risking his life: "Chen Heng took a look at the package."

knock knock knock

There was a knock on the door of the small reception room without warning, which made Tan Ai tremble with fright. He returned to his usual quail appearance, and his lips were sealed again, unwilling to say anything more.

Geng Xun scratched his head angrily, slapped the table and cursed: "Who is outside?! Don't you know I'm interrogating someone?"

The door was gently opened a crack, and a young police officer weakly handed over a document: "The forensic teacher said this is very important..."

Geng Xun resignedly took the document and flipped through it. Unexpectedly, his eyes widened as soon as he flipped through it. He grabbed the young police officer and confirmed, "This is key evidence. Have the test results come out?"

"The forensics department is conducting inspections," the police officer replied.

"Very good." Geng Xun patted the young police officer on the shoulder. "You go to the forensic department and keep an eye on it. If you have any news, come and tell me immediately. I won't scold you and knock on the door."

"Copy that!" the little police officer saluted.

As soon as they turned around, Geng Xun and Tan Ai looked at each other. Before Geng Xun could say anything, Tan Ai tightened his neck and avoided each other's sight.

Geng Xun knew that the best atmosphere for conversation had broken down, and he couldn't ask anything for a while, so he might as well dry him out first and take out the hot new evidence he had just obtained.

"Mr. Tan Ai, please take a moment to collect your thoughts. We will continue later."

"Okay, okay." Tan Ai lowered his head and drank water.

Geng Xun walked with a breeze and almost flew into Chen Heng's reception room: "Hi! Long wait~"

Chen Heng still sat steadily at the table, leaning his arms lightly on the table, and his voice did not fluctuate much: "No."

"Mr. Chen, you are a straightforward person, so I won't go around in circles. First of all, I have to confirm again. Have you had any contact with the deceased after 4:30?"

Chen Heng raised his eyes and stared at the somewhat unsteady officer opposite him: "It seems that you have found the answer."

Geng Xun put down the document in his hand: "This is an investigation, and a confession is a confession. I still want to hear your own explanation."

Hearing this, Chen Heng nodded and did not try to hide it anymore, but admitted generously: "I did see the master after half past four."

Geng Xun: "Have you seen it? More than that."

"It's really more than that." Chen Heng said.

"Can you please tell me in detail?" Geng Xun had a polite smile on his face, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

Chen Heng glanced at Geng Xun: "I picked up the package from the lawyer, and I still had plenty of time, so I planned to pack up other tasks before going back, but the master seemed a little impatient to wait, so he came out to look for me in person. My The tasks were relatively private, so I had to find a nearby place to meet him, so we met in the master’s private wine cellar.”

Geng Xun didn't interrupt, he put his hands on his chin and listened carefully.

Chen Heng continued: "I gave the package to the master, and then we..."

He paused: "There was a little quarrel, and then they broke up."

Geng Xun opened the document just presented by the forensic doctor in front of him: "Just a quarrel?"

Chen Heng looked at the document in his hand: "Don't you know everything?" "I still want to hear what you have to say~" Geng Xun covered the document again.

Chen Heng withdrew his gaze and stared at his folded hands on the table: "To be precise, we had a little conflict, a physical conflict."

"Mr. Chen is a Lianjiazi at first sight. If Mr. Chi has a physical conflict with you, I'm afraid he won't get anything, right?"

Chen Heng clenched his fists: "I can only say that I didn't kill him."

"Oh~" Geng Xun said in a strange voice, "Then it seems that this physical conflict is quite intense."

Chen Heng did not answer the call.

"It's too late to adopt the strategy of silent confrontation now. We have evidence that you have to answer." Geng Xun once again opened the forensic documents he had been holding.

"The preliminary autopsy confirmed that the deceased died of mechanical asphyxia, that is to say, he was strangled to death, but the strange thing is that there were two strangulation marks on the neck of the body."

"Double?" Chen Heng asked.

"Uh-huh~" Geng Xun turned a new page. "Not only that, we also collected some skin flakes from the nails of the deceased."

Chen Heng was silent again.

Geng Xun suddenly changed the subject abruptly: "Mr. Chen, you are also a well-known figure in the Chi family. Although you don't dress up specially, you are always well-dressed. But what's interesting is that since you rushed to the Crystal Palace in a hurry, At that time, I noticed that there were many unnatural wrinkles on your sleeves."

He spread his right arm and made a forward bending motion. His arms were empty, but they seemed to be embracing something.

"This movement, the marks on my clothes' pleats match yours very well, Mr. Chen."

He asked irresistibly: "Can you please do this for me?"

Chen Heng was unmoved and just looked at him steadily.

Geng Xun clasped his arms towards his body: "Mr. Chen?"

Chen Heng had no expression on his face, raised his arm, and made a standard naked twisting motion. His sleeves tightened upward with the movement, and three clear scratches appeared on his arm.

"Mr. Chen, do you have any explanation for this?" Geng Xun pointed to the scratches on Chen Heng's arm.

Chen Heng put down his arm: "I told you, physical conflict."

"You strangled the deceased. Was this scratch caused by the deceased's struggle?" Geng Xun said bluntly.

"...I didn't kill him." Chen Heng had no other excuse and just reiterated this sentence.

"Brother, I really want to believe you, but the deceased died of mechanical asphyxia, and you strangled him. It's very difficult for me to handle."

Geng Xun frowned and rubbed his temples, looking embarrassed.

"Why don't you tell me how you got into a fight with the deceased? I'm really curious. After all, we can't find any conflict of interest between you and the deceased. There are even rumors that you two are still old comrades in arms and are close friends in life and death. Hand in hand - why did you want to kill him?"

"I didn't kill him." Chen Heng insisted, but seeing that the matter had come to this, he still relaxed.

"Chi Zhongwu, he really deserves to die."

knock knock knock

"What are you doing again?!" Geng Xun shouted angrily outside the door.

The young police officer weakly poked his head in: "Report to Captain Geng, there is news from the forensics department."

Geng Xun: "Mr. Chen, wait a moment, I'll be back as soon as I can."

After closing the door of the reception room, the young police officer handed over the latest report: "Captain Geng, the forensic examination of the skin flakes in the nails of the deceased did not come from Chen Heng."

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