Don't follow the rules

Chapter 367 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Once the chat box is opened, the words in my heart pour out.

"I'm in a bad mood today, and there's no drinkable wine in the room, so I thought I'd just go to my dad's wine cellar and pick up a bottle."

"But when I opened the door, I found..."

Geng Xun interrupted: "Chi Zhongwu is lying on the ground unconscious, but he is still alive."

"How do you know?" Chi Nian was surprised.

"Generally speaking, this is the plot." Geng Xun lowered his head and muttered.

Chi Nian didn't hear clearly: "What?"

Geng Xun puffed up his chest and looked serious: "Of course it's because our police have some clues that are temporarily inconvenient to be disclosed."

"No wonder." Chi Nian was fooled.

She continued: "I found my father lying on the ground. Of course, I wanted to save him immediately... At this moment, Bian Shu suddenly called. Oh, by the way, he came to seek peace. We had a fight before. mouth, so I went to drink in depression."

"Whenever we have any conflicts, he always comes to comfort me. Although I am angry, I don't hold it for too long. I usually answer the phone calls he makes."

"I told him that I saw my father passed out in the wine cellar with obvious strangulation marks on his neck. He must have been attacked by a gangster. I asked him to quickly bring someone to rescue him."

"But...but Bian Shu asked me to keep quiet for now. He said he needed me to make an idea."

Geng Xun asked cooperatively: "What's your idea?"

"He said" Chi Nian closed his eyes, "Dad has been having a very heated fight with Gong Shun Zhonghuai recently. He got the news that Dad is going to readjust the will..."

"Adjust the will?" Geng Xun rubbed his temples. "As expected, your wealthy family cannot escape this routine."

Chi Nian was not disturbed by Geng Xun and continued: "Bian Shu said that the new will is extremely unfavorable to me, but if my father... dies before adjusting the will, then I can follow the previous will. I will get the Chi family property I deserve."

"Wait a minute," Geng Xun said thoughtfully, "Has Chi Bianshu told you where his news came from?"

"No, I didn't ask him." Chi Nian was slightly stunned. "But I think he must be a lawyer with whom I am familiar with in Jinchi Firm."

"Miss Chi, you trust your husband too much." Geng Xun couldn't help complaining.

Chi Nian lowered his head and gently stirred the hem of his clothes with his fingertips: "I always feel that I am his only support in the Chi family, and..."

"And you think he has feelings for you." Geng Xun helped her.

Chi Nian nodded.

Geng Xun sighed: "Go on."

"He said that my father had been attacked and strangled. This gangster was obviously trying to kill him. He only fell into a coma because he was destined to die. My action at this time was just to let him return to the path of his destiny. .”

"If dad wakes up, realizes that he is in danger, and contacts a lawyer to speed up the change of the will, we will be completely screwed."

Geng Xun asked: "Did you take action? Did you also pinch him?"

"No," Chi Nian denied weakly, "I don't dare. Although I don't have a good relationship with my father, I still can't kill him with my own hands."

"So what did you do?"

"I..." Chi Nian's lips trembled, "I stuffed him into the dustbin of the cleaning truck."

"What the hell?" Geng Xun was confused by her operation. "You threw your dad away as non-recyclable garbage?"

"No," Chi Nian explained, "the garbage on the ship will be dumped directly into the sea..."

Geng Xun was speechless for a second: "So in the end you decided to kill Chi Zhongwu."

Chi Nian covered his face with guilt and started sobbing.

"Okay, okay, it's not time to cry yet, the story is not over yet." Geng Xun looked at the information documents in his hand. "What else is there? I've already explained everything I need to explain." Chi Nian looked up, his face covered with snot and tears.

Geng Xun: "I have confessed everything that needs to be explained, but there are still some things that should not be explained, so let me explain them all~"

Chi Nian shrank his neck: "I really have nothing to hide, sir."

"Didn't you stuff people into the trash can? Why did you show up in the Crystal Palace again?" Geng Xun asked, "And you cut them into pieces."

"I really don't know." Chi Nian said.

"Does Chi Bian Shu know?" Geng Xun asked.

"...He probably doesn't know either. He didn't show up during the whole process. He just directed me on the phone." Chi Nian said.

"He is quite shrewd." Geng Xun did not hesitate to ridicule.

After walking out of Chi Nian's room, Geng Xun lit another cigarette, but this time he didn't smoke it hastily. He just stood quietly in front of the door, savoring it carefully while reviewing the results of these in-depth interrogations. .

Zizzi beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.

The intercom on his shoulder made a slight noise. Geng Xun flicked the butt of his cigarette and said, "Speak."

"Captain Geng, this is Lu Yi. The blind man coughs. Mr. Ning said that there is progress in the secret room, and I need you to come and control the eyes."

Geng Xun cheered up: "Finally some good news, you two wait, I will come right away."

Lu Yi put down the walkie-talkie: "You heard it, I just called the captain, he will be here soon, what kind of medicine are you selling in the gourd? It's mysterious, can't you tell me first?"

Ning Yao acted like a master: "It's not time to say anything before the time comes."

"Hey." Lu Yi was disdainful.

"Do you really think anyone cares about listening? I'm kindly checking for you. If there are any mistakes or omissions, I can make them up in advance. Our Captain Geng is very strict. If you make a mistake later and you can't get it right, you're going to be punished. .”

Ning Yao pointed to the bandage on his face: "Can your captain really beat me, a blind man?"

Lu Yi glanced at him: "...I probably won't hit you, but you might take it out on me."

"That's fine."

"No way? Not at all! Why should I take the blame for you?" Lu Yi was anxious, and there were even some beads of sweat on his rough face.

Ning Yao patted his strong biceps: "Oh, he's so strong. He looks like he can withstand a beating."

Lu Yi shook off Ning Yao's hand: "You kid, don't cheat me."

"Relax~" Ning Yao stretched his waist, "I'm sure, I won't let you get beaten."

"I didn't stay too long, right?" Geng Xun got out of the elevator and ran over.

"No, no, you came just in time." Ning Yao greeted him.

"Come on, show me your discovery." Geng Xun pursed his lips.

Ning Yao led the two of them into the room at a rapid pace. Without a guide stick or a guide, he was still able to avoid all roadblocks dexterously.

Geng Xun and Lu Yi exchanged glances with each other without speaking.

"here we go."

Geng Xun was confused: "What started?"

In the empty room, the sound of mechanical startup suddenly sounded. Immediately afterwards, the extended curtain wall of the aquarium that occupied half of the wall became restless, and the water flow gradually became rapid.

"This is……"

"Self-cleaning system for fish tanks."

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