Don't follow the rules

Chapter 369 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Geng Xun picked his ears: "Why do you have to follow me? I can't let you in."

"I have special powers." Ning Yao used his old trick to fool Geng Xun.

"Stop talking nonsense, even the Jade Emperor can't do it!" Geng Xun didn't buy it. "Let's take you in. This doesn't comply with our rules."

Ning Yao rubbed his hands: "Rules are dead, people are alive~"

"Don't try this with me. I've always been selfless." Geng Xun refused.

"But iron is a metal that is easily corroded~" Ning Yao handed over a pack of cigarettes.

Geng Xun: "Are you kidding?"

Ning Yao: "Do you think it's funny?"

Geng Xun: "Get out."

"I was wrong, I was wrong!" Ning Yao quickly begged for mercy. "But I really have special powers, and I am particularly suitable for interrogation! Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to convince Lu Yi to let me go. Do you think this is true?"

"Lu Yi?" Geng Xun sneered: "He's just a musclehead. It's not difficult to convince him."

"If you speak ill of others behind their backs like this, the team members will be sad if they know it." Ning Yao stood up for others.

"I would say it even worse in front of him. If you have nothing to do, you should go upstairs and comfort Lu Yi by the way. He is guarding the murder scene alone and may be frightened now."

Ning Yao sighed and slowly raised a hand: "It seems I can't convince you without showing my hand."

Geng Xun took out a cigarette from the cigarette case presented by Ning Yao, put it in his mouth, and lit it: "Okay, I'll give you a cigarette to convince me, but if you just do magic, forget it. I don't like to see this."

Ning Yao nodded repeatedly: "Then I'll start!"

"During the interrogation just now, you found new clues."

Geng Xun almost choked on the cigarette: "Do you have to say this? Otherwise, you should go back."

"Wait, wait, wait, I know!" Ning Yao shouted, "Chen Heng!"

Geng Xun was stunned when he was shouted: "Ah? What?"

Ning Yao: "No, Chi Nian!"

Geng Xun: "What kind of plane are you working on?"

Ning Yao slapped her hands: "Tan Ai! It must be right this time."

Geng Xun rolled his eyes, extinguished his two puffs of cigarette in the ashtray on top of the trash can, and manually chased people away: "Go, go, go."

"Wait!" Ning Yao suddenly stopped at his feet, "I really know this time!"

Geng Xun looked at him impatiently and said slowly but firmly: "Get out."

Ning Yao: "Wait a minute! Tan Ai, Chen Heng, and Chi Nian have all given you new confessions, and each one is more powerful than the last. Don't think I'm talking nonsense. What Chen Heng and Chi Nian said to you is powerful. Going deeper, although the truth or falsehood is yet to be determined, they have already said what they should say. But you have not dug out everything about Tan Ai."

Geng Xun's pushing hand stopped: "How do you know Tan Ai didn't vomit completely?"

Ning Yao smiled mysteriously: "Special powers."

Geng Xun looked at him amusedly: "Continue."

Ning Yao was encouraged: "Although Tan Ai still has something to hide, you won't make any big progress if you directly interrogate him now. At most, you will scare him into saying a few more words, unless you can get some Evidence that he had to open his mouth and explain.”

Geng Xun thoughtfully said: "You continue."

Ning Yao shook his head: "You have guests to entertain now, I'll talk to you later."

"What kind of customer...Mr. Du?" Geng Xun instantly showed his business smile.

Du Jingxiu nodded politely to Geng Xun and Ning Yao: "Captain Geng, I'm sorry, I have something else to do and it's not convenient to stay here for too long."

"I understand, I understand!" Geng Xun said, "I've almost asked you. I originally planned to let you go back first. Thank you for your cooperation. Haha."

"In that case, we will not disturb Captain Geng's handling of the case anymore. If there is anything else that needs to be investigated, you can come to us at any time and we will cooperate with the work." Du Jingxiu said goodbye to Geng Xun. Geng Xun: "Easy to say, easy to say, walk slowly."

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, Du Jingxiu paused again: "The game card I gave to Master Chi really had nothing to do with metaphysical prophecies. It was just to do what he wanted and to please Master Chi - because he The collection is my target lot. I don’t want to compete with others at the auction, so I want to cut it off in advance, that’s all.”

After saying these words, Du Jingxiu led Rao Ze and officially left.

Geng Xun groaned: "There is no three hundred taels of silver here."

"No," Ning Yao retorted, "Du Jingxiu didn't lie, it was the truth."

Geng Xun: "How do you know?"

"Special functions~" Ning Yao started to babble again.

"Although I believe you have some special powers, this thing is not legally convincing. You'd better come up with some evidence."

Ning Yao knew that it was impossible to dominate the police force by relying on his nonsense "special powers", but this tiger-skin flag was actually a very useful stepping stone. As long as Captain Geng could relent and let him get involved in the case, the rest would be You can safely leave your reasoning to professionals.

An Han: [Du Jingxiu definitely means something]

[Did he talk about cutting off the auction items? 】

[The deceased also cut off Xin Cheng’s auction items. Is Du Jingxiu hinting at something? 】

[I recorded Geng Xun’s interrogation of Tan Ai. How could Tan Ai have the deceased’s student ID card in Jiaozhi? This is illogical]

[What is the relationship between Tan Ai and the deceased? 】

"What is the relationship between Tan Ai and the deceased?" Ning Yao turned around and asked.

Geng Xun: "Do you doubt Tan Ai? At present, it seems that both Chen Heng and Chi Nian have more motives for killing than Tan Ai, and they both admitted that they had attacked the deceased. Tan Ai seems to have nothing to do with the deceased."

Ning Yao raised her hand to interrupt him: "Did you just say that you found out the relationship between the deceased and Tan Ai?"

Geng Xun was a little confused by Ning Yao's anti-customer attitude: "The big boss and the intern?"

Ning Yao said disgustedly: "Your investigation is too superficial."

Geng Xun threw the folder into his arms: "You are awesome, come and check it."

Ning Yao happily took the folder and looked through it.

Geng Xun: "Are you really reading it? Do you want me to find you a braille version?"

Ning Yao: "I have never learned anything. I am an illiterate blind person who cannot read Braille."

Geng Xun felt a little guilty: "Sorry."

Ning Yao pressed forward: "Then can you give me one?"

"What a bullshit, don't read it!" Geng Xun snatched the folder back.

"It's okay~" Ning Yao's mood was stable, "I've almost finished reading."

"What about your harvest?" Geng Xun asked.

"You haven't found the murder weapon for the real fatal strangulation marks on the deceased. Generally speaking, the murderer will quickly get rid of this hot potato, especially since we are sailing on the sea, the murderer only needs to throw it away casually."

"But this also reminds me of another very incomprehensible thing. Miss Chi Nian has already killed her. Even if the murderer didn't take action, the deceased would disappear into the sea along with the garbage in the trash can. Why would the murderer do it? It was unnecessary to kill him with your own hands and then go to great lengths to get the body back?"

"There can actually be many directions here. For example, the murderer hates the deceased so much that he must kill him with his own hands and then quickly; or, this body carries some information that the murderer wants to leave behind."

Ning Yao tilted her head: "Now, what clues are there on this naked body?"

Geng Xun was silent for a moment: "The corpse is very clean. According to your previous reasoning, the corpse entered the room from the aquarium, and even if there were any surface traces, they were basically washed away by the water."

"Except... the flakes of skin between my fingernails."

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