Don't follow the rules

Chapter 371 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Tea exploded out of Geng Xun's nostrils, but he didn't even bother to wipe it. He pulled Ning Yao over in shock: "Really or not?!"



"Otherwise it can still be fake?"

"So it's not fake?"

"It's really not fake."

"Is that true or false?"


"You are riding a horse." Geng Xun grabbed Ning Yao's neck and shook him back and forth: "Explain it to me clearly!"

Ning Yao coughed twice: "Let go!"

Geng Xun closed his eyes and forced himself to calm down: "Can you conclude that Tan Ai is the murderer just based on these inexplicable words?"

Ning Yao nodded: "Although I haven't figured out the specific method yet, he is indeed the murderer and has not escaped."

Tan Ai panicked visibly: "No, no, how could you convict me so casually?!"

Geng Xun let go of Ning Yao's neck and did not directly respond to Tan Ai's question. He just avoided the important and ignored the easy: "Don't get excited. This is just an interview by the negotiator, not a police interrogation, and there is no conviction."

Tan Ai's mind also calmed down: "Yes, you have no evidence, this is slander! I will reserve the right to pursue it."

Geng Xun stepped on Ning Yao's feet under the cover of the table, crushing him until he grinned.

After finally retracting his feet, Ning Yao leaned forward and began to take off his shoes and rub his feet. He put his face on the table and continued to interrogate Tan Ai without any delay.

"Have you seen the deceased since half past four?"

"No, I'm only responsible for handing over the package to Butler Chen."

"A pure lie with no trace of truth."

"You!" Tan Ai stood up, "This conversation is useless. Why do you conclude that what I told is a lie without any evidence? I am a lawyer and have passed the examination. I know the consequences of perjury. I will never break the law!"

Ning Yao smacked his lips, as if savoring Tan Ai's words: "This is half true and false. You do know the consequences of perjury. To be precise, the consequences of perjury being exposed."

He smiled: "You dare to swear to us so confidently, but you are just very confident that your perjury will not be exposed."

Tan Ai was at a loss for words. He kept licking his lips and repeated dryly: "You have no evidence."

"Now that the suspect has been identified, all we need to do to find evidence is to follow the map, which is very convenient~" Ning Yao looked confident, which made Tan Ai even more flustered.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, are you guilty?" Ning Yao continued to add fuel to the fire and taunted, "I am blind, but my hearing is sensitive. I can hear the thumping of your little heart now."

Tan Ai covered his heart, as if this could prevent Ning Yao from eavesdropping on his heartbeat.

"Don't say that these are true or not. You have no evidence and are relying on guesswork. Answering your questions is just a waste of time. I won't speak anymore."

Tan Ai covered his mouth in an exaggerated manner to show his determination.

"You really don't want to talk anymore?" Ning Yao asked, only to hear the breath coming from Tan Ai's nostrils.

Ning Yao refused to give up: "Did you dismember the deceased?"

Tan Ai's eyes were still wide open and he covered his mouth tightly, looking like he was determined to resist to the end. Ning Yao put on her shoes very understandingly: "Okay, okay, it's just evidence. It's simple. Just sit here peacefully, cover your mouth and wait, and I'll slap you in the face right away to convince you."

After saying the harsh words, Ning Yao stood up and left the small reception room. Geng Xun smiled apologetically at Tan Ai and quickly rubbed oil on his soles.

"Do you have an idea?" He followed Ning Yao's footsteps, full of curiosity but afraid to ask loudly.

"No." Ning Yao's answer made him dumbfounded on the spot.

"No?!" Geng Xun repeated in disbelief: "Then you just dared to say such nonsense?"

"Didn't I already say it? According to the picture, we only need to search for clues related to Tan Ai, right?" Ning Yao acted like an inferior expert again.

"Although I understand what you mean, I have to remind you that this idiom is not used this way..." Geng Xun said.

Ning Yao waved his hand nonchalantly: "Just understand the spirit and don't care about the details."

"Then what are you going to do next?" Geng Xun asked. "Anyway, I don't have a clue, and I don't know how to check."

Ning Yao stopped: "Where is our secret room stuck?"

Geng Xun almost hit the back of his head: "It's stuck in the notch."

"Wherever it's stuck, you have to unblock it." Ning Yao clenched his fist and said, "Let's go to the sewer!"


"Captain! Master! You are here!" Lu Yi rushed forward with a mournful face.

"Stand at attention! What do you look like crying?" Geng Xun frowned and scolded sternly.

Lu Yi hugged his strong biceps and triceps and stood tremblingly. There were tears in his eyes, and he looked like he was really going to cry.

"No... Captain Geng, there is really a bit of evil here..."

Geng Xun was too lazy to listen to his ramblings. He turned around and handed Ning Yao a pair of shoe covers: "Put them on before going in to check."

Although the scene of the crime was perfectly preserved in the Crystal Palace in accordance with the requirements of the police, the body has been taken away by forensics for in-depth examination. In order to facilitate Team Geng's simulation of the scene, the forensics thoughtfully left a mannequin to replace the body. .

Ning Yao stood on tiptoes, trying to take down the body model from the high hanging display cabinet, but even if he stretched out his arms and jumped up, it was still difficult to reach the body model accurately.

Lu Yi quietly moved a low stool.

Ning Yao stepped on the stool and finally got the arm model.

As soon as he took it, Ning Yao felt the solid weight and couldn't help but sigh: "Oh, it's quite heavy."

Geng Xun approached them and explained: "Of course, in order not to delay the examination and to better restore the real scene, the forensic doctor specially cut us a ballistic gel dummy. This kind of dummy can be regarded as the ultimate Simulation, with simulated bones, internal organs and blood, is much more advanced than plastic and cotton.”

He took the dummy arm in Ning Yao's hand and weighed it: "It's just to investigate the case of the rich man. This dummy costs at least 3000 US dollars. When the case is solved, I will pay more to the team." Apply for some subsidies..."

"That's not what I meant." Ning Yao interrupted Geng Xun's gradual complaints.

"What I want to say is that the real human body is so heavy. To fish them out of the slot, it seems that it won't work using the classic fishing line mechanism I just imagined on the way. Although the fishing line is tough, it will work anyway. Make very deep marks."

Ning Yao pinched the dummy's fingers: "Did the forensic doctor find any suspicious traces on the body?"

"No more. So far, only two strangulation marks on the neck have been found on the deceased. Chen Heng has already identified the strangulation mark caused by nakedly twisting his arms. Due to the disparity in skill between the two, the deceased was almost unable to do anything after being coerced. He made any effective resistance, so there are no scars from the fight on his body. Hey, hey, don’t be mean, this thing is very expensive!”

Geng Xun slapped Ning Yao's hand away and rescued the dummy's arm, which was broken due to thumb fracture.

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