Don't follow the rules

Chapter 379 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

The Xin Group suite, not far from the Crystal Palace building, is brightly lit.

Xin Cheng lay on Assistant Tang's back, chewing on the chicken legs, and asked in a low voice: "Have you checked it yet?"

Assistant Tang didn't even raise his head, his fingers were flying on the keyboard: "Don't eat fried chicken behind my back."

"First of all, I didn't eat fried chicken. I ate braised chicken legs, the skinless kind. It's a healthy meal." Xin Cheng said proudly.

"Secondly, when I lie on your back, you are 'carrying' me to eat, not me."

Assistant Tang finally stopped typing on the keyboard and raised his head: "I'll call Mr. Xin if you play this boring word game again."

An Han pulled Xin Cheng off his back so that Xiaotang could work peacefully.

"How's it going?" An Han asked. "Your expression seems to be serious. Didn't you hear?"

"I heard about it..." Assistant Tang rubbed his eyebrows, as if he had just digested the information he received: "But it's not good news, and it also challenges my world view."

"Someone in my team contacted an insider of the High Seas Auction House through a relationship. Due to work reasons, they need to live on the high seas all year round. Therefore, in addition to the police, the staff of the High Seas Auction House are the most knowledgeable about this sea area. A familiar person.”

"But I guess he may have signed some confidentiality regulations, which are bound by rules, so he explained it very...abstractly, and probably used pronouns in many places, but by sorting out the text, you can probably get a little bit of what he meant. "

"This piece of [high seas] on the high seas auction route is different from the high seas in the geographical sense that we usually understand. It is a complex, ownerless... human will in the form of an ocean?"

An Han almost couldn't keep up with his train of thought: "Human will? What does it mean?"

Assistant Tang held the computer in both hands and bit his lower lip with his teeth. He tried to understand but failed. He had to click his tongue irritably: "Actually, I don't quite understand it, but that's what the other person said. Maybe it's some industry term or something. The slang on the road?"

He lowered his head and continued to read word for word: "The disordered ocean of group consciousness will swallow up all individual wills that stray into it. Only the wall of the heart can isolate interference and maintain individual sobriety and independence..."

Assistant Tang looked up at An Han blankly: "Uh, do you understand?"

"I don't understand." An Han said honestly.

"I don't understand either." Assistant Tang curled his lips. "If you understand it based on 'terminology' or 'slang,' I would probably think that some large-scale experiments to transform seawater may have been carried out here."

An Han pushed up his glasses, looked up at him, and motioned for him to continue.

Assistant Tang thought with his chin: "It's not necessarily an experiment. In short, it's some kind of large-scale action to transform the sea water. It's also very likely to be pollution."

"Especially because before this ship docked at our port, it had docked in Neon Country for supplies. As we all know, Neon Country has a lot of hot water."

"The high seas we are traveling on are actually not far from neon lights. Coupled with the influence of ocean currents, the sea water here may also be polluted. The water quality is polluted, and the underwater creatures may also have mutated, although they look like science fiction monsters. The story background of the film is very complicated, but it is also logically coherent.”

An Han: "You want to say Godzilla?"

"Ahem," Assistant Tang coughed twice awkwardly, "Sorry, I just let my thoughts run wild, and it's really a bit wild."

"No, no, no, I think the real situation may be more outrageous than you think." An Han said.

Assistant Tang: "How do you say this?"

"If it's international news like neon ocean pollution that is known to the whole world, why do they use such inexplicable 'slang'?" An Han pointed out the crux of the problem.

Assistant Tang was stunned: "That's right."

Even Assistant Tang was a little confused, let alone Xin Cheng beside him. He was completely confused: "So what exactly is going on? Is there any kind person who can summarize a cost-saving version?"

An Han took the laptop from Assistant Tang and stared at the text on the screen in trance.

"What if these are not 'black words'?" he said suddenly.

"What?" Assistant Tang was confused. An Han pointed at the screen: "What if the insider didn't use any so-called jargon or terminology, and what he said was actually the literal meaning?"

"What if this 'high sea' is really not a sea?"


"Are you ready?" Ning Yao blocked the increasingly strong sea breeze with his hands and shouted at the top of his voice.

"I should be asking you this." The sun sailing boat has returned to its original size, riding Ning Yao over the fence, and slowly descending to the sea from the high deck.

"I'm ready. An Han and Xiaotang sent the drone's positioning information to my phone early in the morning. Now we just need to follow the direction of the signal and drive there. It's very simple." Ning Yao checked the information on his phone. The signal gave the boat relief.

"25 nautical miles due north, full left rudder, set sail!"

The Sun Sailing Boat laughed loudly: "I carried a blind man fishing for drones on the sea at night. No other ship would believe me when I told him this."

"You are the only one who talks a lot." Ning Yao patted the side of the ship and said, "Hurry up and get going!"

"Hey! Let's go!" The sun sailing boat successfully landed on the dark black water, raised its bow to suppress a layer of waves, and sailed forward.

The moment we left the cruise ship, the sea surface temperature dropped sharply and the sea breeze was biting. It was not as cold as a late summer night.

"This is unscientific!" Ning Yao tightened her clothes and shouted, "Don't the geography books say that the specific heat capacity of seawater is greater than that of land, so there won't be such a sudden temperature difference at sea?"

Sun Sail, who usually couldn't help but talk to Ning Yao, was unexpectedly quiet at this time.

"Why don't you speak!" Ning Yao hugged the upturned bow of the boat and shouted with her mouth on the turquoise.

The green gem shimmered, and the sound of the boat sounded in his mind, but it became much more distant than usual:

“There’s something wrong with this sea area!”

"Aren't you talking nonsense!" The sea breeze was strong, and Ning Yao could only yell, "It's because there is a problem that it's our turn to go into the sea, otherwise we would have used sea robots!"

After saying that, one person and one boat were silent for five seconds in the strong wind and waves.

"...So why is something wrong in this sea?" Ning Yao finally spoke timidly.

But the always mean Sun Yacht didn't catch this and started to ridicule: "I just looked down specifically. There was obviously nothing under the hull, but I could always feel as if there were countless hands pulling me. bottom of the boat.”

"No, it's not 'pull'" it adjusted the wording, "it's 'tear' to be precise."

Ning Yao shrank his neck: "Is there a water ghost down there?"

Sun Sailing: "Do you think I'm farting when I talk to you? I already told you that there is nothing under the boat. There are no water ghosts, no mummies, no fish, not even a piece of kelp!"

Ning Yao let go of the bow of the boat, curiously lay down on the side of the boat, stretched out his hand towards the water, and tentatively picked up a handful of water.

In an instant, an accident occurred.

The dark seawater seemed to come alive under the night. The water surface that Ning Yao touched suddenly collapsed into a very deep whirlpool. The water flow tightly attracted Ning Yao's arm, and tightly wrapped around his arm and kept pulling downwards.


Before Ning Yao even uttered the curse words, he and the boat were all winnowed down by the whirlpool.

Then the storm calmed down and the sea became calm again.

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