Don't follow the rules

Chapter 387 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Chapter 387: Cruise ship (eighty-nine)
"Don't thank me too much, I just did it out of selfishness." An Han put down his hand and waved goodbye to Chi Nian.

Assistant Tang pretended to be stupid: "How do you start saying thank you?"

"The Chi family's group changed coaches in a hurry. The board of directors alone has been enough to keep them busy for a while. Isn't this a great opportunity for your Xin family to exert their efforts? Especially since the new coach who is about to take office is also a 'pro-Xin faction' , I must have waited for this incident, your Mr. Xiao Xin’s rich second generation will have a qualitative leap.” An Han handed Assistant Tang’s tablet back to him.

"It turned out to be for Mr. Xiao Xin, but unfortunately Mr. Xiao Xin never cared about this. In the end, our Mr. Da Xin still took advantage of it." Assistant Tang took the tablet and shrugged slightly, seeming to be displeased with An Han's inexplicable " Diligence is not a cold word.

"Don't get me wrong, brother." An Han quickly explained, "The bloody turmoil in the Chi family is not over yet. I am not here to encourage Xin Cheng to seize his sister's power. Let's not talk about his bad ethics. Your Xin Cheng's IQ and temperament are still better." Suitable for being a 'silly son of a landlord'."

"I know that even if I didn't tell her the news just now, Chi Nian's own personal lawyer would tell her sooner or later. After all, they are more professional. But since she can accept the Xin family's love, why not do it?"

"I said I'm a little selfish, but my selfishness is just to let Xin Cheng go home and save him a lot of trouble."

Assistant Tang tilted his head: "Are you worried that Mr. Xiao Xin will use the original auction funds to take some nude photos for you?"

An Han scratched his nose in embarrassment: "I'll give you a vaccination first. The things we want to photograph may not be expensive in general."

"Don't worry about this. Mr. Xin will never embarrass you about money matters." Assistant Tang seemed to be very confident in Xin Cheng's sister.

"I don't know you, Mr. Xin," An Han said, shaking his head, "but I think I know a lot about the Weird Talk Mutual Aid Alliance. After reading the information summarized by countless seniors, I have a bad impression of the kind-faced Mr. Du." to the extreme.”

"The new auction picture book that Xin Cheng received was a 'trap' packaged and delivered by Du Jingxiu, the leader of the alliance. The 'bait' in it was the proud work of Rao Ze, the traitor of our association. Even if I don't Even if we speculate on these two guys with the worst possible intentions, we have to think a little more - this is not a configuration that can allow us to escape unscathed. "

Assistant Tang thoughtfully said: "I see. I understand a little bit of your worries, but you can rest assured. We are willing to send Mr. Xiao Xin to participate in the auction in person. That means we have already inspected the Gonghai Auction House in advance. . As long as the auction goes through their auction house’s formal procedures, the auction house can guarantee absolute fairness and safety, and the two dangerous people you mentioned will never tamper with the auction.”

"Since the quality of the lot is endorsed by the auction house, the only thing they can do to embarrass you is the price of the lot."

Having said this, Assistant Tang straightened his back and spoke with unabashed pride: "As for money, it's not a problem."

An Han laughed dryly in agreement: "Since Assistant Tang has promised this, then why should I worry about it? I'm sorry to bother you."

"No trouble." Assistant Tang asked An Han to accompany him. "This shows that the handover of the stingray has been completed. Let's go down and take a look."

An Han suddenly raised a malicious smile: "Okay, wait a minute, I'll be here soon, I'll get something."

Xin Cheng was lying on a movable glass tank equipped with bottom wheels, his whole face pressed against the tank wall, his nose was squeezed flat, and he was talking in a buzzing voice:

"Second brother! Are you still used to it after changing the water?"

Ning Yao turned her belly against the bottom of the tank, looking as if she was dead.

Xin Cheng knocked on the glass jar: "Second brother?"

Ning Yao turned over speechlessly, spread out her huge fins, flicked her tail, and splashed water out of the tank, splashing it on Xin Cheng's face, signaling him to be quiet.

"I thought I moved the vat to death for you, so it's okay." Xin Cheng wiped his face and didn't care. Ning Yao turned his face to the side, looking angry. Even though he couldn't speak, Xin Cheng probably understood what Ning Yao was scolding.

It's nothing more than: You just died.

Xin Cheng babbled to the autistic stingray: "The auction will officially start tomorrow. I can ask Xiaotang to find someone to do the activities and move the serial number of the lot we want to buy forward, and wait for the things to be collected. Once we get the shot, we’ll go find Dr. Man immediately.”

"I'm afraid it won't be so fast." Assistant Tang said. It was a lucky coincidence that he and An Han heard this last sentence.

Assistant Tang pulled Xin Cheng away: "Don't get so close. This tank was found temporarily and was used without much cleaning."

Ning Yao's tail instantly exploded with thorns, and he pressed against the wall of the tank and cursed at Assistant Tang, but unfortunately he could only pop out a string of bubbles.

Xin Cheng patted the dust on his chest: "What do you mean it's not that fast?"

Assistant Tang explained: "Dr. Man is currently under supervision and no one is allowed to visit him. He will continue to do so until he is escorted off the ship by sailors at the next port of call. I want to use the photographed body to resurrect Mr. Ning. Finally, We can only wait until Dr. Man disembarks."

Xin Cheng asked: "How long will it take to arrive at the next port?"

Assistant Tang glanced at the timetable on the tablet: "In three days, we will dock at Malay Port for a while, where there is a famous resort."

"Three days, not bad." Xin Cheng patted the glass jar.

Assistant Tang: "But our target lot is a new one, and the serial number is too late. It will not be picked up until the sixth day after the auction starts, which happens to be the day the ship leaves."

Xin Cheng moved the hand that was patting the vat to Assistant Tang's shoulder, and patted him: "I believe in your ability, go and take a look at the back door."

Assistant Tang sneered: "This ship of yours is full of gods and monsters. I am a mortal, but I don't have the ability to fight off the tsunami. Don't think too highly of me."

Xin Cheng retracted his hand angrily: "You don't need to fight off the tsunami..."

An Han said nothing and did not participate in the discussion between Assistant Tang and Xin Cheng. He just silently took out a fishing rod from behind, put on the bait, threw the hook, and started fishing.

Ning Yao was so angry that he turned the glass jar into a drum washing machine.

Xin Cheng quickly stepped forward to start a fight: "Don't irritate him."

An Han handed Xin Cheng another pole and said seductively: "This is a mermaid. Don't you want to try fishing for mermaids? How many times can you have such an opportunity in your life? Ordinary people will never encounter it in their lifetime, right? Let alone ordinary people. , even the knowledgeable field members in our association may not have seen this style of mermaid.”

Xin Cheng took the fishing rod from An Han in a daze, his mind completely blank, and he whispered: "Isn't this...isn't this good?"

But the hand has thrown the hook very honestly.

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