Don't follow the rules

Chapter 390 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Chapter 390 Fa Fa Fa Cruise (ninety-two)
Xin Cheng followed Zhong Ming slightly uneasily, looking back from time to time, his eyes revealing weakness and helplessness.

The few people behind him had the mentality of watching a show, looking up and down the corridor, and constantly avoiding eye contact with Xin Cheng.

Xin Cheng could only cast his last hope in the almighty Assistant Tang. Xiaotang did not avoid it, but gave him a high and low gesture, indicating that this was the boss's bureau, not a social gathering that his assistant was suitable to participate in. scene.

Zhong Ming strode forward alone, clicking his high heels, and did not walk side by side with Xin Cheng while chatting. His intention to lead the way was very obvious, and he seemed to be in a hurry to lead everyone to the small hall.

"Here we are~" She stopped in front of a door and turned around with a bright smile.

Everyone also stopped and looked up at the door of the small hall.

Although it is called a "small hall" by Zhong Ming, the grand entrance of the small hall is not small at all. It is even more exquisite and luxurious than the semi-open preview hall downstairs. It seems incompatible with the unified decoration style of this ship. Full of baroque style.

However, this is very consistent with Zhong Ming's first impression.

She is cheerful and charming but not frivolous, and has a warm fragrance of her own. She is not a single beauty, but a group of beautiful flowers.

Zhong Mingxin pushed open the door of the small hall with her hand. This seemingly heavy door was light and silky in her hands.

"You're welcome, sit down wherever you want. The tea and snacks have been prepared and just served." She said this, and then sat on the window sill naturally.

Xin Cheng's mind was still buffering, until An Han quietly poked Xin Cheng, and Xin Cheng responded quickly: "Thank you, President Zhong, for your hospitality!"

Assistant Tang did not enter the room, but silently helped close the door and stood guard outside, leaving all the space in the small hall to them.

An Han poked him again, and Xin Cheng turned around blankly and nervously: "Ah? Do you want to say anything else?"

An Han and Ying Ying covered their faces speechlessly at the same time.

Zhong Ming, who had seen all these little moves, laughed heartily: "Don't be formal, just ask whatever you want, or do you need to nominate a spokesperson among the three of you? I have no objection."

Tick ​​tick
In situations where time seems to stand still, the noisiest thing is the clock.

Xin Cheng suddenly discovered that the indoor walls were full of various styles of clock dials. Not only were they full of real and movable ones, but even the murals on the walls were variations of the dial patterns.

It's like a hunter who is good at hunting and hangs all the animal heads on the wall to show off.

After a few rounds, Xin Cheng was actually quite frightened by Zhong Ming’s aura, but due to the helplessness in the social scene, he could only forcefully laugh and pretend to be warm: “Wow~ Mr. Zhong’s decoration and furnishings here are quite good. Quite unique?”

Zhong Ming looked at the wall with satisfaction: "Hmm~ I like some pragmatism."


Do normal people need to use so many clocks?

Is it possible that she has so many clocks just because her last name is Zhong?
"Ahaha, that's it..."

Xin Cheng smiled dryly and scratched his head, his eyes glancing at the clock on the wall: "Yo! It happens to be three o'clock in the afternoon, perfect afternoon tea time. Speaking of which, we worked all day yesterday, stayed up all night and were still settling down this morning... I I really don’t have time to sit down and eat with my new pet, why don’t we eat something and talk while we eat?”

He picked a seat away from the window sill with both hands and feet, dove into the dessert tower, and never farted again.

Seeing that the scene had completely turned cold, An Han finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Sorry, can I say something?" An Han tried his best to be polite.

Zhong Ming raised his chin and said teasingly: "It seems you are the spokesperson?" "I don't dare to be the spokesperson." An Han waved his hand, "I just can't hold back my words."

Zhong Ming smiled: "Just ask~"

An Han: "With all due respect, is President Zhong very familiar with Mr. Du Jingxiu?"

"Oh?" Zhong Ming blinked, "I thought you would be curious about why I brought you here in the first place~"

"I'm really curious, but it's not the most important question." An Han said.

"Aren't you worried that I kidnapped you and sold you? Our auction house dares to bid on anything~" Zhong Ming played with the ends of his hair that hung down to his elbows, twisting it around his fingers into a curl and letting it go.

"President Zhong's power and strength are so formidable. The level of worries you mentioned cannot be solved by just worrying about us, so we decided to trust you absolutely." An Han explained, gesture It was placed very low, and it was smooth and flattering.

"Hahaha~ You are a sharp-tongued little thing." Zhong Ming seemed to be very pleased with An Han's flattery. "Rao Ying is actually willing to let your little honey-smeared mouth come on board. It seems that you are very popular with her."

"Are you an old friend of our commander?" This friendly tone was obviously an unexpected surprise, and An Han quickly established a relationship.

Zhong Ming nodded: "There are some intersections, to be precise, there are some transactions."

Since she frankly admitted that she had contact with Rao Ying, it showed that she would still take into account some association relationships. An Han was really relieved at this moment, and even the smile on his face became a little more sincere.

But before An Han could continue to ask, Zhong Ming changed from his previous passive attitude, jumped down from the window sill, approached An Han, and took the initiative.

"Do you care about Du Jingxiu and the others? It's easy~" She came very close, and An Han was almost completely surrounded by her perfume.

Zhong Ming smiled slyly: "As you can see, I am a businessman. Since everyone is on my territory now, how about just following my rules and let's make a deal?"

"So you also made a deal with Du Jingxiu?" An Han asked back.

Zhong Ming pinched An Han's nose affectionately: "Little naughty boy, answer me directly and don't change the topic without permission."

An Han had goosebumps all over his body, and he even stuttered when he spoke: "Okay... okay, what deal do you want to make?"

"Let me think about it..." Zhong Ming turned around, seeming to be really distressed.

An Han made his request at the right time: "We want to know information about Du Jingxiu or the Guitan Mutual Aid Alliance, preferably about this auction."

Zhong Ming: "This is not difficult. I handle all their demands directly."

An Han pursed his lips and eased his nervousness: "So what do you want to get from us?"

"I am particularly interested in a certain member of your team, and I hope to keep him on this ship as long as possible." Zhong Ming lay on An Han's shoulder, blowing gently on his ear as he spoke. side hair.

"Who..." An Han suppressed goosebumps and asked, "It can't be that fish, right? You can just take it away, you're welcome."

Yingying silently stepped on An Han, and his face instantly wrinkled.

Zhong Ming smiled and let him go: "It's Manyi."

Thank you Bai Xiaodouer for your monthly vote! Crab baby~?

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