Don't follow the rules

Chapter 395 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Chapter 395 Fa Fa Fa Cruise (ninety-seven)
"What a coincidence?" Yingying was surprised.

"This is not a coincidence." An Han pushed up his glasses. "This is a warning."

"Why is it related to the warning again?" Yingying was confused.

“Putting the snake crown in front of our target lot must have been designed by them.

If we grab the lot that Du Jingxiu wants, it means that he can bid against us in the bidding process of the body. Whether it is snatching away our target in exchange for his, or raising the price of the body to a level that we cannot bear, it is a great threat to our bidding plan. "An Han analyzed.

"This is Du Jingxiu's warning to us. If we want to successfully rescue Ning Yao, we should not interfere with him."

"So insidious!" Yingying exclaimed.

An Han sighed: "I guess he deliberately asked Rao Ze to take out his body to 'seduce' us, perhaps to prevent us from grabbing the shot during his bidding. After all, Xin Cheng's original target lot has already been sold. Frame, we have plenty of budget to mess around with.”

"Then what should we do?" Xin Cheng was worried, "Are we just going to watch them take what they want successfully?"

An Han took off his glasses and rubbed his eyebrows slightly irritably: "Now we must make a decision, Captain Jiang."

"Ah? What does it have to do with me?" Yingying was at a loss.

"You have the highest rank in the team and are also the person in charge of this operation, so now you must determine our first mission target." An Han put his glasses back on and said to her seriously.

"Our first priority now is to ensure that the naked body is photographed and Ning Yao is rescued; or is it to photograph the snake crown and interfere with Du Jingxiu's plan?"

"Of course it's to save..." Yingying choked suddenly.

An Han stared at her: "You are the first responsible person, you have to think carefully."

Yingying looked at Xin Cheng and then at An Han, obviously caught in a fierce inner struggle.

She is naturally very aware of the importance of Du Jingxiu. Normally, any clues about the alliance would be the focus of the association. An opportunity like this that can directly disrupt the alliance plan is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

But she was determined not to give up her companions just like that.

Yingying squatted down holding his head: "Why wasn't I the one who turned into a fish? Don't force me to make such a decision!"

An Han patted her on the back: "The auction hasn't started yet, you have time to think and weigh. And these few days are enough for us to do a lot of things, such as asking Manyi and Ning Yao for their opinions."

Yingying slowly lifted her buried head from her knees and sniffed: "Can...can you see her? Isn't Manyi in solitary confinement?"

An Han tapped his watch: "We agreed to be the lobbyist for President Zhong. How can we lobby for her without meeting or chatting?"


"There is a visitor coming to the No. 1 prison cell. Governor Zhong has given special permission to enter."

The sailor's emotionless announcement sounded in the deep and silent corridor, and it was clearly transmitted from the radio in the corridor into Manyi's small room.

"Come to find me?"

Manyi was a little surprised. He put down the wine bottle in front of him and propped himself up slightly towards the head of the bed. He didn't seem to have the consciousness to get up to welcome guests.

The door of the small room opened quietly, and against the light, several figures and dogs flashed in furtively.

"Why are you here? Didn't you say that no visits are allowed?" Manyi raised her eyebrows, but there was no surprise in her tone.

Four people suddenly entered the small and cramped single room, and there was almost no room for them to stay. The leader Yingying had to be squeezed very close to the front. He smelled the alcohol breathed out by Manyi as she spoke, and her face was full of panic.

"I, I, I..." She glanced around and pulled An Han forward. "Tell me." An Han said helplessly, "You don't know any news? I thought Governor Zhong had already come to see you."

Manyi leaned over and took the wine bottle back from the bed, taking a sip: "Who is President Zhong? I don't remember that I have a loan."

"Good guy, it turns out that after all this hard work, she didn't dare to come to you at all. It seems that she is really afraid of you... By the way, she is so afraid of you, but you don't know her?" Xin Cheng clicked his tongue.

"It's normal. There are so many people who are afraid of me. Isn't there one in front of you? Do I need to get to know everyone?" Manyi said casually.

An Han: "...Okay, stop showing off, we came to you for a serious matter."

Manyi raised her neck and took another sip of wine, signaling for him to continue.

An Han: "You heard just now that we can only come in through the special approval of Governor Zhong. Governor Zhong is the BOSS of the High Seas Auction House and has a great say on this ship."

Manyi blinked her eyes and burped.

Yingying covered her nose: "Ah! I'm going to vomit! You ate garlic!" While shouting, he pushed Xin Cheng and Assistant Tang behind him and ran away.

An Han only glanced at her for a moment, but was not disturbed by her: "President Zhong... seems to be both afraid and interested in you, so he wants you to stay here as long as possible."

"That won't work." Manyi refused without thinking. "I still have to go out and save my brother."

He paused and then added: "Ah, and Ning Yao."

An Han nodded with understanding: "Of course I told her that, so she proposed a deal and gave a condition: accompanied by her, you can leave the prison room like other normal passengers. "

Manyi stopped drinking and finally started to listen seriously.

An Han continued: "After we take pictures of the body, you can also perform magic to save people directly on the ship - of course, this must be under the supervision of Governor Zhong."

"You just said that the president proposed a deal? What do I need to pay?" Manyi asked.

"She didn't say what she wanted from you, but I think that when you two officially meet, maybe you can take the opportunity to make more requests." An Han said.

Manyi said "Huh?"

An Han said: "She paid us some scraps of information about Du Jingxiu in exchange for us to lobby you. But she asked to observe you up close, but only gave you this little limited freedom as a reward. It's really hard for you. It’s not cost-effective.”

"Now our plan to bid for the nude body has been interfered by Du Jingxiu. You can take the opportunity to ask her to adjust the order of the items on the shelves."

Manyi agreed without thinking: "Okay, how do you want to adjust it?"


"He agreed!?" Zhong Ming's voice came from Assistant Tang's tablet, and his words were filled with uncontrollable happiness and nervousness.

An Han leaned his head over: "Yes, but he said that there are some specific transaction items that require interviews. You won't refuse, right?"

"No, no, no..." The tablet was obviously incoherent.

"No? Sorry, we were presumptuous." An Han apologized sincerely.

"No rejection!" Zhong Ming said loudly, "I mean it's absolutely okay!"

"Are you over there in the prison room? Wait a minute, I'll come over now!"

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