Don't follow the rules

Chapter 406 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Chapter 406: Cruise ship (one hundred and eight)
Although An Han was a little happy that he got a win in Ying Ying's hands, the option screened out by Assistant Tang's team was indeed a bit inexplicable.


The impression seems to be the tree used to make barbecue skewers...

He clicked on the more detailed information in the auction house's official catalog.

This is a living tamarisk tree. It is said to be a descendant of the sacred tamarisk tree. Its ancestor once housed the coffin of Osiris. Therefore, the descendants descended from that sacred tamarisk tree all have some special abilities.

The seller, through some unknown means, actually moved a living sacred tamarisk tree onto the boat.

But it is worth noting that although tamarisk is a long-lived tree species, its individual lifespan is only more than a hundred years, and the animal mummies of the so-called "Guardian Tree" next to it are often over three or four thousand years old.

"How can any guardian be so much older than the treasure? I don't know who is protecting whom..." An Han couldn't help but mutter.

Yingying came closer and said, "Couldn't it be to protect this tree that the tree owner went to collect the mummies of these small animals?"

"If there is no additional clue about the mummy, of course it is possible as you mentioned."

An Han pointed to a line of small words and showed it to Yingying: "Here, according to the carbon 14 measurement method, the formation time of these animal mummies is consistent with the year of the altar when they were unearthed."

"So?" Yingying raised his head.

"So it means that these animal mummies have not been moved at all since they were made. The tree owner did not collect them from outside to protect the tree." An Han explained.

"About this..." Assistant Tang opened the appendix of the document for them. "My team also collected some information."

According to what the seller said in his own promotion, the tamarisk in the center of the altar is actually replaced regularly.

In the village where Tamarix is ​​located, there are a group of remnants of the ancient dynasty. They have followed their ancestral precepts for generations and protected Tamarix and the altar where it is located.

When the life of the altar tamarisk comes to an end, these loyal believers will propagate new sacred tamarisk trees through cuttings.

An Han nodded: "That makes sense."

Xin Cheng pouted: "You really know how to make money."

Yingying tilted his head: "What do you mean?"

Xin Cheng pointed at the picture of tamarisk: "Selling this tree is actually not painful at all for the villagers. They only need to leave enough branches for cutting. Anyway, the tree is sold. It can still grow new ones, it’s a renewable resource. If you don’t have any money to spend, just sell one tree – if their village doesn’t get rich, who will get rich?”

"If you say so..." Yingying rubbed the back of his head, "Isn't that seller the village chief?"

Xin Cheng: "It's very possible. How can any ordinary person remove such a big tree under the eyes of the villagers?"

Ning Yao made a concluding speech sadly: "The world is really in decline, and people's hearts are not the same as before."

An Han turned to the next page expressionlessly: "That's enough, stop talking about useless things. The auction has already started, we must quickly determine the target."

On the big screen in the room, auctioneer Zhong Ming has already started the process. "The first lot in the summer sale of High Seas Auction House, lot number 0000-001, special reminder, any lot with a horizontal bar suffix in the number will be auctioned at a reduced price. There is only one chance to raise a placard. Dear guests, please come in advance Assess the psychological price and seize the opportunity.”

Ning Yao turned her head and whispered to Assistant Tang: "Why does the number have a suffix?"

Assistant Tang came slightly closer and lowered his voice, trying not to allow others to watch the live broadcast of the auction: "I don't know about the other lots yet, but the first batch are the lots sent by Miss Chi Nian, and they are all collected by Mr. Chi. , because all she wanted was to 'get rid of it as soon as possible', so President Zhong allowed her to jump in line at the expense of lowering the price and increasing the commission."

Zhong Ming smiled and moved the camera towards the lot. While ensuring that the buyers could see the lot clearly, her voice sounded just right.

"A set of [Sealed Exodia]. This set of cards is an official limited-edition commemorative pure gold PR card. The number in existence is extremely rare, and most of them have been collected by private buyers. There are almost no such cards on the market. will circulate."

"Okay, distinguished guests can now see that a Dutch clock appears on the left side of your screen. The starting price of the lot has been displayed directly above the dial. The pointer of the dial will move in reverse from the highest price to the lowest price. The clockwise rotation, when the pointer points to your psychological price, you can choose to shoot the button in front of the seat.”

“When the pointer completes a circle and reaches the lowest price and there is still no bidder, the lot is unsold.”

"Please note that as long as one person presses the button while the pointer is moving, the pointer will stop moving and the transaction will be displayed."

"Dear distinguished guests, time is money, the bidding for lot 0000-001 starts now!"

Everyone looked at the Dutch clock running backwards on the left side of the screen. Before they could even say a word, it showed that the auction was over.

"Why is this thing gone now?" Ning Yao was shocked.

"Now I will show you lot 0000-002..."

An Han took off his glasses, rubbed the bridge of his nose, and adjusted them for a moment before putting them back on: "It is indeed an auction system used to take pictures of flowers. The efficiency is simply terrifying. It seems that Miss Chi will soon be able to sell her father's The batch collection is all gone."

"Everyone must hurry up and identify Du Jingxiu's targets."

He raised his head and looked at Assistant Tang: "By the way, why did your team list this tamarisk plant as an alternative?"

Assistant Tang thought for a moment and replied: "Probably because - the seller who provided this tamarisk plant is Chi Zhongwu."


Ning Yao slapped her thigh hard again, and Xin Cheng grinned: "Why did we forget? Didn't Du Jingxiu give that set of game cards just to flatter Chi Zhongwu in the first place? His target auction item was Chi Zhongwu which provided!"

Xin Cheng poked Ning Yao's thigh: "Second brother, don't slap me, can we cherish your new body? Xiaotang said that the parts of your body are worth a commercial building in the downtown area."

An Han quickly lowered his head to check the auction information collected by Assistant Tang's team, and compared it with the previous candidate list of target auction items: "The only item in the two pieces of information is [Ancient Sacred Tamarix Altar Set] It overlaps the two pieces of information, ‘Chi Zhongwu’ and ‘Psychic Magical Weapon’!”

"That's right!" Ning Yao rubbed her hands excitedly, "It must be it! [Ancient Sacred Tamarix Altar Set], just hearing the name will make Du Jingxiu salivate."

Yingying clenched his fists: "Okay! It's decided that it's the one! Big Willow Tree with BBQ Sticks!"

Xin Cheng also clenched his fist: "Xiaotang! Buy it! Buy it!"

Assistant Tang’s fist also hardened: “I’ll buy you a hammer, I won’t shoot this tree until tomorrow.”

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