Don't follow the rules

Chapter 411 Fa Fa Fa Cruise

Chapter 411 Fa Fa Fa Cruise (One Hundred and Thirteen)

An unexpected Didi sound almost made Rao Ze choke to death on his coffee.

He quickly climbed up from the massage chair, grabbed the terminal button on the table and clicked on the small display on the side.

[Your target lot - Rosier's laminator, there are currently other buyers placing bids.

Since you are the target buyer of this lot, we hereby provide you with an opportunity to modify your bid. This price change will still adopt the hidden bid mode and will not show you the bid amounts of other buyers. Please consider it carefully and be cautious. treat. 】

"How could anyone buy this thing?" Rao Ze couldn't believe it. He confirmed it several times before accepting the reality.

"Someone really bought it...could it be Ning Yao and the others?" He then immediately rejected the speculation, "It's impossible, it's impossible. They are all focused on Du Jingxiu and don't even know that I'm secretly paying attention to this lot."

Rao Ze looked at Zhong Ming who was still congratulating the deal on the screen, and murmured to himself: "But if it weren't for them, who else would have immediately interfered with my hidden bid after Du Jingxiu just closed the deal?"

After much thought, Rao Ze decided to report the unexpected situation to Du Jingxiu and let him make a decision.


"Okay, okay, there is nothing to trouble Mr. Xin here." Assistant Tang hid in the corner and whispered back to Mr. Xin's call.

"Did my sister get through on the phone?" Xin Cheng stretched his neck and shouted.

Assistant Tang nodded and handed the phone to Xin Cheng: "Do you want to have a word with Mr. Xin?"

Xin Cheng took the phone: "Sister, what did you do just now? I couldn't find anyone when I asked you to borrow money."

The person on the other end of the phone felt extremely amused: "Listen to what you said. Is this the attitude of asking someone to borrow money? It's just the opposite of Tiangang."

Xin Cheng heard that his elder sister was not angry, and was even in a good mood: "Humph, I don't need to borrow money now~"

"Pfft." Mr. Xin, who was opposite him, couldn't hold back his laughter. "Then do I still have to celebrate that you have grown up?"

"That's not necessary." Xin Cheng scratched his head and asked out of curiosity, "But what did you really do just now? Xiaotang said it wasn't a signal problem."

Mr. Xin paused, seeming to be thinking about whether he could reveal it to this rash little brother.

"What's the secret again?" Xin Cheng asked.

"It's not a secret," Mr. Xin said. "Actually, I think it's a bit strange, but after analysis, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing."

"Dumeng Film and Television Group suddenly came to us to discuss cooperation, and offered us a large profit. It seemed very sincere, so I personally contacted it. We just had a conference call all morning."

Du Meng Film and Television?

Xin Cheng was slightly stunned and asked hesitantly: "Could it be that Du Jingxiu's property?"

"It's him." Mr. Xin replied.

"Ahhh!" Xin Cheng angrily kicked away the waste paper at his feet. "It turns out to be him. I knew this was a deliberate trick on his part!"

"Aha, is it a dirty trick?" Mr. Xin on the other end of the receiver was not worried at all. "This is a dirty trick to stop you from spending money and give me the money in a hurry. I really hope that Modo Modo will do it." ~"

"No gloating!" Xin Cheng yelled angrily into the phone.

An Han opened his eyes and said, "It's very noisy."

Xin Cheng quickly lowered the volume: "Sister (angry)!"

"Okay, Xin Cheng, things have happened, and second-guessing and venting your anger will not help. If you really need that thing, you might as well see if there are any 'other' ways to get it." She said firmly. the pronunciation of individual words.

Xin Cheng wilts and says, "It's no use. They worked so hard to capture the willow tree and finally managed to close the deal. No matter how high the price we pay, they will never let it go to us."

"You are on the sea! How come you are such a stupid idiot and don't know how to adapt?" My sister hates the fact that iron cannot become steel.

"What's wrong with my brain?" Xin Cheng touched his head.

"I'm too lazy to talk to you, so give the phone to Xiaotang." "Oh, okay." Xin Cheng handed the phone back, "My sister is looking for you."

Assistant Tang answered the phone: "Okay, Mr. Xin, I understand what you mean, but there are some rules on this ship... Okay, I understand."

Xin Cheng was shocked: "You already know what you know?"

An Han opened his eyelids: "It just coincides with Ning Yao's idea."

Xin Cheng suddenly realized: "You mean to rob..."

"Cough cough!"

An Han coughed twice and sat up and corrected: "It's borrowing, not robbing. We borrowed it for a look, but we don't really want theirs. What's more, in this auction on the high seas, if the buyers come into contact with each other, how can we say robbing them?" Here~"


The receiver of the phone that Rao Ze was holding was already slightly warm.

"So what should I do here, continue to raise the price? But I can't be sure how much the other party will bid. Or should we contact Ning Yao and the others? Or find the person who got involved? Hey, don't pretend to be dead. Make a sound."

"Well, don't make any noise, I'm thinking..." Du Jingxiu finally replied slowly.

"Then please think faster." Rao Ze urged impatiently.

"Okay, I'm thinking very quickly." Du Jingxiu replied, but in addition to human voices, there were other strange sounds coming from the receiver.

Rao Ze simply gave up communicating on the phone, ran directly to the next door, and kicked open Du Jingxiu's door.

"Don't fool me."

Du Jingxiu reluctantly hung up the phone at hand: "I'm really thinking very quickly."

Rao pointed at his intense computer screen: "Stop the game in your hand first and then talk to me!"

Du Jingxiu shook his head: "Doing two things at once is a must for a boss..."


Rao unplugged the computer.

Du Jingxiu smiled bitterly: "I have to admit that in a sense, you really look like a 'father'..."

"Discussing business." Rao Ze was too lazy to chat with him.

"Don't worry too much," Du Jingxiu comforted Rao Ze, "I have reached an agreement with Zhong Ming. I will withdraw from the media market in Zhenxing, and she will try her best to help me get the auction items I want. Look, the altar set will go smoothly. Are you here yet?”

Rao Ze crossed his arms on his chest and sneered: "Do you still dare to believe her? Your money bag is too big, right?"

"Well...what Ai Qing said is very reasonable."

Du Jingxiu twirled his non-existent beard in a serious manner and pursed his lips: "Given her bad record of temporarily raising prices just now, we really can't trust her too much."

Rao Ze: "Don't bother me with this, just tell me what to do next."

Du Jingxiu asked: "What do you think is the probability that the person bidding against you is Ning Yao and the others?"

"I don't know..." Rao Ze was also confused. "It stands to reason that it is impossible for them to know that our troops are divided into two groups and we want to take two lots."

Du Jingxiu squinted his eyes and recalled: "Not necessarily."

"What?" Rao Ze asked.

Du Jingxiu plugged in the computer and called up the surveillance playback outside the corridor: "In the morning, in the cafeteria, that Xiao Xin always saw you."

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