Don't follow the rules

Chapter 433 Home City for a Long Time

Chapter 433 Home City for a Long Time ()
Chun Yuli stared at the house number at the door, hesitating for a moment. He was thinking about whether it was necessary to record this model room that seemed very "abnormal" even before he entered the door.
"Let's talk to Ning Yao first." He took out his cell phone, but found that there was no signal at all.

Chunyu put the phone back into his pocket with an expressionless expression, and subconsciously imitated Ning Yao's tone and complained: "I can only say that it is not surprising. As expected, we still can't trust science too much in the ghost story."

After saying this, I was stunned for a second: "...Have I talked a little too much recently?"

He shook his head to clear some ridiculous associations from his mind.

Then some dogs glanced around furtively. Seeing that no customers were approaching, they quietly sprinkled a few yellow beans on the ground and whispered: "When you find Ning Yao, just let him know." , There is no need to bring people here, and there is no need to come back. "

The soybeans took the order and left.

In this case, let's just watch it first. Anyway, we will eventually meet up at the appointed living room No. 5, and we will talk about it then.

Chunyu thought like this, raised his legs and walked into the living room No. 1 from his perspective.

"Quite... spacious?"

He pushed the shopping cart from the door to the center of the living room. Except for a weird sofa, there were almost no objects in the living room that blocked the flow of movement.

It is obviously a living room, but there is no coffee table, tables, chairs or benches.

Except for a sofa, there is no space reserved for sitting. If guests come, they can only stand.

There is no main light design, and all light sources are very scattered. The whole room looks extremely empty, and the most eye-catching thing is still the sofa.

As for the TV wall that could have been a big deal, it was only carefully painted with pure white latex paint. The TV model was flatly attached to the wall. It was not a big thing, but it was hung very high and there was no placement underneath. TV cabinet.

The outside of the living room is not designed to connect to the balcony. There are many windows installed, but they are all sealed up in large areas, leaving a small ventilation opening, which is not even wide enough to stretch out an adult's arm.

The curtains also gave up soft fabrics and used pure white blinds that were completely flush with the lower edge of the window, without any redundancy.

If this entire model room had to be described in one style, it would probably only have two words - "minimalist".

"Is it that simple?" Chunyu raised his eyebrows. "Perhaps we should let that fool come here to record the information..."

He approached the sofa, which was the only "centerpiece" in the room.

This sofa seems a bit out of place with the overall style of the space.

Generally speaking, the part of an ordinary household sofa used for sitting is relatively spacious and comfortable. However, the place where people sit on this sofa is only a narrow strip close to the wall, and the part where people rarely sit is the imperial concubine couch. But it was extremely exaggerated.

"This is not how you want to make a sofa bed, right? How can you make a bed without making a sofa?" Chunyu squatted down, lifted up the cushions of the imperial concubine's couch, and carefully inspected it inside and out.

It's very ordinary, without any hidden secrets.

He frowned and put the things back in their place, turned around and sat on the imperial concubine's couch.

The layout of this living room is simple and clear, with soft colors, clear vision, and excellent lighting. There are no cumbersome decorations and complicated lines. It can be said that other than "minimalism" and "sofa", there is no intention to leave any memory points for customers.

Chunyu simply lay down on the imperial concubine's couch on the sofa and looked around from the angle of lying on his back. Suddenly, an inexplicable feeling of familiarity surged in his heart.

A pure white and empty room, a single bed in the center, a sofa chair for escort, a monitor in the shopping cart...

Chunyu suddenly sat up: "It's so unlucky. Why does it look like a ward?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a faint gurgling sound - the beans that had just been spilled were coming back. "What's going on? Didn't you say you don't have to come back to recover?" Chunyu stood up, bent down and picked up a bean spinning on the ground.

"No one was found?" Chunyu thought to himself, "On such a floor, how can you not find anyone?"

He knew that questioning a soybean would not help the matter, so he did not dwell on the information that soybean brought back. Instead, he immediately pushed up the shopping cart and left the room, heading towards the living room No. 1 where Ning Yao was. .

Unexpectedly, as soon as he stepped out of the door of this pure white living room, the entire shopping mall suddenly started spinning in front of him.

Yes, it's spin.

The store of Jiujiu Home Furnishing City seems to have suddenly changed from the most ordinary daily life to a dream that is constantly reversing. It is no longer a rigid cubicle that stays in place, waiting for customers to review, but is like a huge The third-order Rubik's Cube slowly rotates according to a specific trajectory in the endless void.

Each model room is a lattice that makes up a Rubik's Cube. The nine model rooms are put together to form one face of the Rubik's Cube. However, they do not always remain on the same plane stably, but can be broken up or reorganized at any time to form a new one. New area space.

As the Rubik's Cube rotates, intersects and overlaps, time is no longer just an invisible "scale", but unfolds in front of Chunyu like a quadrant.

He could almost see the ripples of time jumping between the grids.

The farther away from the core and outer corners of the Rubik's Cube, the faster the time flows in its model cells. When customers walk among them, it is as if they have pressed the fast forward button.

On the contrary, the closer to the central block of the core part, the closer the time flow rate is to zero.

The core of the entire home city Rubik's Cube is the pure white living room where Chunyu is located.

Theoretically, he can go to any Rubik's Cube, but the reality is that he can't take another step outside at all.

Chunyu stopped and looked up at this dizzying maze-like rotating building, as if he were looking up at a huge art installation.

"I always feel that such a grand scene appears too early. Such a scene of burning funds should at least be revealed when the boss appears at the end of the level, right?" he muttered.

The little soybeans rolled past his feet menacingly, and after accumulating a little strength, they catapulted towards the adjacent cubicle. However, they seemed to hit some invisible wall out of thin air, making a crisp sound, falling to the ground, and finally just Neng rolled back to Chunyu's feet in dejection.

"So the reason why you can't find the fool is not because the fool is gone." Chunyu picked up a bean. "It's because I'm missing, right?"

The soybeans on the ground looked at each other.

"Forget it, it's useless to embarrass you beans. You still have to rely on yourself." Chunyu covered his hands and took all the beans into his palm.

"It's just the Rubik's Cube Building. I've seen it since I was a kid."


Ning Yao had memorized all the details of Living Room No. 1, patted the dust collected while jumping up and down, and set off towards the next room.

However, the moment he raised his legs and stepped into the living room No. 2, a very subtle ripple blew through the invisible pointer deep in his soul. It was the ripple that appeared when time was stirred. It was extremely small, so small that he almost Thought it was just an illusion.

But Zhong Ming's legacy greatly heightened the sensitivity of Ning Yao's senses, making him unable to ignore this abnormality. He chose to exit Living Room No. 2 and re-entered.

This time he was finally able to confirm that the time flow in Living Room No. 2 seemed to be a little faster than that in Living Room No. 1 just now.

Thanks to Xue Hua for the reward ~ Crab Crab Baozi! Do I love you?

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