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Chapter 438 Home City for a Long Time

Chapter 438 Home City for a Long Time ()

"Whose side are you from?" Yi Dan pushed the planner's shoulders fiercely, "Why do you always turn your elbows outward?"

The planner straightened his back and faced Yi Dan's question with firm eyes: "Of course I am loyal to the alliance."

Yi Dan was confused: "Really? You are so loyal and introverted, I really didn't notice it."

The planner did not rush to defend himself, but turned slightly sideways so that Yi Dan could continue to look at the monitor screen.

Chunyu walked towards the code scanning machine that suddenly appeared.

"If this is a game similar to 'Find Differences', then based on the scene I just saw, combined with Gao Yang's previous situation, it can be roughly inferred that - the quality inspector who failed in 'Find Differences' is turning the Rubik's Cube or trying to move towards In the next level, it will be reset to the starting point of this level.”

He stood next to the code scanner and raised the bracelet with his name on it: "Then as long as I fail to 'find trouble' in this round of the game, theoretically, I should also be beaten the next time the Rubik's Cube is turned. Reset to the game entrance."


Chunyu scanned the sofa's label information into the machine. A burst of snowflakes flashed on the scanner's display screen, and then a few lines of text appeared.

[Sampling abnormality records:]

[Temporary client quality engineering consultant——Mr. Chunyu, do you confirm that this product is an abnormal product in the area? 】


"Yes." Chunyu pressed the confirmation button on the screen without hesitation.

The machine flashed again with a shower of snowflakes.

【Already #*%&confirmed #*%&*¥*】

Chunyu took half a step back slightly: "Why is the code garbled?"

[Sampling abnormality records:]

[Temporary *%&*¥ engineering consultant——Mr. Chun*, are you sure that this product is an abnormal product in the area? 】

"What the hell?" Chun* frowned, "Didn't you sweep it in?"

He scanned it again in disbelief.

This time the machine seemed much more stable and normal, with no more snowflakes or garbled characters.

[Sampling abnormality records:]

[Temporary client quality engineering consultant——Mr. Chun*, are you sure that this product is an abnormal product in the area? 】


Yi Dan moved closer to the screen: "This is..."

The planner smiled and explained: "It's being cut."

"I see." Yi Dan pursed his lips, as if he had some understanding, but also seemed a little cold.

The planner thoughtfully moved the surveillance camera slightly closer to facilitate Yi Dan's viewing: "When the cutting technique is completed, he will no longer have any involvement or connection with the world. He will have no identity or name. Naturally, no one will remember him anymore.”

"At that time, the world will not retain any information about him. Even if the companion who entered the Rubik's Cube with him can still remember him, no one will believe him if he goes out to call the police."

"Written off?" Yi Dan picked up the pen on the table and rubbed it in his hand.

The planner nodded: "Yes, Chun*'s past has been wiped out."

"If a person no longer exists, does it mean that he has disappeared?" Yi Dan asked.

"Not for the time being, because Mr. Du said there are other plans that need him," the planner explained patiently, "Although I was ordered to cut him out of this world, Chun* can't really disappear completely for the time being. , so this Rubik’s Cube container was specially built for him for temporary storage.”

Yi Dan glanced at the 3D modeling map of the Rubik's Cube that was constantly rotating on the big screen: "So powerful? I thought your Rubik's Cube was just a trap to catch people."

"It is indeed a trap for catching people," the planner added. "It is also an operating table and storage container for cutting. There is no conflict."

"So you are quite talented." Yi Dan complimented slightly, "Your talent lies entirely in your IQ, right?"

"You are honored." The planner was very humble. Yi Dan muttered softly: "No emotional intelligence at all."



[Confirmed abnormal product record]

Gao Yang took back his bracelet and greeted his two temporary teammates who were wandering behind him: "I've finished registering for this room. Are you two sure you don't want to come and save a file?"

Ning Yao waved his hand, and Yu Min followed suit.

Gao Yang pushed two shopping carts: "Whatever you want, it's hard to persuade the damn ghosts."

Ning Yao strode forward: "Which room is next?"

Gao Yang: "Turn left."

Yu Min lifted the curtain at the door to block the view, only to find that there were already customers in the room.

"Ah, I'm sorry, you just have to watch first." She put down the curtain and exited.

But Ning Yao nimbly slipped into the room from under Yu Min's raised arm: "What's there to avoid? Let's watch together~"

"Sorry, I didn't see anything."

A second later, Ning Yao also bowed his head and retreated.

Gao Yang was late pushing a shopping cart from behind. He looked at the two people standing at the door with a puzzled look on his face: "What's wrong with you?"

The door curtain was suddenly opened violently, and a girl in a staff uniform rushed out holding scissors, pointing at Ning Yao and asking: "What did you just see?!"

Ning Yao was submissive: "Would you believe me when I said that I am actually a blind person?"

"Forget it, Xiao Feng."

Another girl's voice came from the door, with a strong nasal voice, and it sounded like she had just cried.

Xiao Feng, who was holding the scissors, glared at Ning Yao bitterly, turned around and returned to the room.

"What's going on?" Gao Yang was so frightened that he could only shout in anger.

Ning Yao glanced at the door curtain and answered him with his mouth: "They are cheating."

"You said you didn't see it!" Unexpectedly, Xiaofeng shot back and caught Ning Yao and Gao Yang who were biting their ears.

She grabbed Ning Yao and pressed him into the corner, pressing the scissors in her hand against his eyelids: "Blind, right? I will do what you want."

"Xiao Feng!"

The door curtain was opened, and the crying girl just now spoke out to stop Xiao Feng's next move.

The girl pulled Xiaofeng to her side: "It was my fault for cheating on you, don't take it out on innocent people."

Xiao Feng looked dissatisfied: "Innocent? They are not innocent. It seems that the three of you are quality inspectors who won the Easter egg, right?"

Ning Yao frowned: "This can only mean that the three of us are not lucky. How can we not be 'innocent'?"

Xiaofeng sneered: "If you don't have any problems, why would the mall generate special products for you?"

"What do you mean?" Ning Yao's eyes flashed slightly.

Xiaofeng put the scissors back into the pocket of her work uniform: "The so-called [Easter Egg] merchandise is actually the life you stole. Since we are all people with life debts, how can we talk about innocence?"

Gao Yang and Yu Min both had obvious confusion and shock on their faces, but Ning Yao was the only one who looked calm.

"Yes, you have seen this." He lowered his voice like a villain and raised the ray pillow in the shopping cart.

"I have been killing fish in the market for ten years. Now my heart is as cold as a kitchen knife. I am covered in blood and my hands are ruthless. I advise you not to mess with me."

"Hey," Xiao Feng mocked, "You're so old, so cold, so stupid, your life debt is probably caused by your cold jokes, right?"

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