Don't follow the rules

Chapter 443 Home City for a Long Time

Chapter 443 Home City for a Long Time (Nineteen)

Ning Yao has made his words very obvious.

Those seemingly complicated timeline mazes are just blinders to interfere with players' thinking. Now there is only one truly useful optimal solution in front of everyone, and that is to find the tallyman.

Liang Feng looked embarrassed: "I can indeed lead you through the living room area painlessly, but how are you going to find other tallymen in the back area? Speaking of which, I can't help at all with finding people. "

Hearing this, everyone tacitly focused their attention on Ning Yao.

Ning Yao blinked his eyes and showed a fool-like smile: "What are you looking at me for? Do I look smart?"

"Alas..." Bai Yun sighed quietly, "It seems that the progress bar is stuck again."

Ning Yao's fingers moved back and forth on the list screen: "Anyway, the current level can be guaranteed, which means that the entire living room area is our safe area. In this case, it is better to just spend more time here and collect Some clues would be good too.”

Liang Feng nodded: "It seems that this is the only way it can be done now."

"I'm familiar with this place. If you have any questions, you can ask me. As long as I know the information, I will never hide it from you." She waved her arms and drew a big circle in the air, which seemed to cover the entire living room area. .

"There is only one request." Liang Feng pushed Bai Yunyou forward, "You have to help me take Xiaobai out."

"Xiao Feng..." Bai Yunyou looked back at his friend, "What should you do?"

"Me?" Liang Feng shrugged, "Don't worry about me, I'll just get off work normally when the time comes."

"That's great," Gao Yang said enviously, "I'll get off work when I think about it."

Liang Feng paused and swallowed his words clearly: "...In fact, I don't recommend joining this company."

"By the way, Xiaofeng," Bai Yunyou asked, "Why did you join here? I never heard you mention it at all."

Liang Feng pursed his lips, seeming to be debating whether to say anything or not.

Yu Min stabbed: "You said it yourself. You will answer any information you know and will never hide it."


Liang Feng relented: "Because if I work here, I can safely earn the kind of pay you can get for a dangerous game like yours. As long as I work for a month, I can get it when I get paid."

Bai Yunyou: "The reward is...a perfect life tailored by the planner for you?"

"Yeah." Liang Feng's eyes flashed.

"I don't understand." Bai Yunyou looked a little angry. "Are you dissatisfied with your current life? But you have never complained to me about anything. Aren't we best friends?"

"It's so funny, that's her life, why are you so anxious here?" Ning Yaojian said sarcastically behind them.

Liang Feng sent a cold glare, and Ning Yao smiled and shut up.

Bai Yunyou was very disappointed: "Is that so? This is Xiaofeng's private matter, so does it have nothing to do with me?"

"No, no, don't listen to his nonsense." Liang Feng quickly pressed Bai Yunyou's shoulders.

"Of course we are best friends, but I...ah, yes, I signed an employee confidentiality agreement. I can only reveal so much. It is inconvenient to say more specific information." She stared at Bai Yunyou sincerely.

Bai Yunyou stared back at her eyes steadily: "Since Xiaofeng said so, then I believe you." "Tsk, boring." Ning Yao waved her hand and left.

"Don't run!" Liang Feng gritted his teeth. "Mr. Murderer, can you also tell me your purpose? Just now Gao Yang quietly told me that you have shown that you want to join the game from the beginning~ Where did you learn about it? information?"

Gao Yang's face fell: "My sister, why did you turn around and betray me?"

"My purpose?"

Ning Yao had a kind face and behaved innocently and harmlessly: "I just want to come in as a shark~"

Gao Yang was so frightened that he quickly hid behind Liang Feng.

Liang Feng didn't believe it: "Since we decided to temporarily form teammates, the premise of helping each other is to be relatively honest, right? I won't ask too much about it, and you'd better explain as much as possible."

Ning Yao nodded: "Well, as Gao Yang said, I wanted to join the game at first just because I was a pure fun person, but now I do have a goal that I have to go all out for."

Liang Feng watched Ning Yao's every move closely, trying to interpret all his micro-expressions.

Ning Yao spread his hands: "My best friend, my closest partner, my father is missing. I have to find him."

"Ah, three people were lost?" Liang Feng was surprised.

"What kind of understanding do you have?!" Ning Yao's face turned red with anger and she shouted loudly, "It's a person! It's the companion who entered Home City with me! He's missing! It's not an ordinary loss of contact, it's missing!"

"Yes! He did have a companion at the beginning!" Gao Yang confirmed Ning Yao's words.

"The customer is missing?" Liang Feng frowned, "Please elaborate."

Internal staff helped with the analysis, so Ning Yao explained in detail the entire process of his separation and loss of contact with Chun*.

"You two stupid things," Liang Feng said in a low voice. "Anyone with a little knowledge of horror movies should know that you must not be separated from your companions in such a situation. You two deliberately split up, but you are really seeking death."

Ning Yao accepted the criticism humbly: "Sister Feng is right, we think too highly of ourselves, so we must pay attention to it in the next life."

Liang Feng did not dwell on Ning Yao's "misjudgment", but quickly moved to the solution step: "Although there are often rumors from the outside that customers disappear in our shopping mall, in fact, it has never been truly confirmed. However, as an internal employee, I have never seen any missing reports.”

She thought for a while: "If I have to say it, only my colleagues in the broadcast room will occasionally help find children who are lost with their parents, but all the lost children will be found in the end. There has never been anyone who really disappeared in the mall."

"So your companion is the first real case of missing customers that I have come into contact with since I joined the company in so many days."

Liang Feng took back the tally list from Ning Yao and swiped it a few times: "You said that your companion also triggered the quality inspector Easter egg, so I can probably find him in the quality inspector list on this floor, as long as he still There is no time to go to the next area. What is his name?"

"Chun Yu." Ning Yao said.

"Chun Yu?" Liang Feng immersed himself in flipping through the list for a long time, but found nothing. Then he simply entered the name directly in the search bar, but the search information was empty.

"Huh?" She raised her head, "Are you sure your friend's name is really Chunyu?"

Ning Yao suddenly felt flustered for no reason, and he quickly replied: "I'm sure, very sure."

Liang Feng turned the screen to him: "Sorry, there is no such person."

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