Don't follow the rules

Chapter 445 Home City for a Long Time

Chapter 445: Haojiu Home Furnishing City (Twenty-one)

"Is it very valuable?" Ning Yao looked at her painful expression and it didn't seem fake, and suddenly he felt a little guilty.

"It shouldn't be cheap anyway," Bai Yunyou muttered quietly, with worry in his eyes. "I heard that there are people who specialize in Huanghuali antiques. I think it should be expensive."

Gao Yang waved his hand and said, "Don't worry, the price is definitely not that outrageous. I have seen Huanghuali furniture. If this kind of wood is really that expensive, who would be willing to make it into furniture cabinets?"

Yu Min replied: "It's hard to say. It's just made into furniture, not made into common people. Rich people can afford it."

As she spoke, she glanced at Ning Yao: "Didn't this gentleman say that he had 'plenty of money'? It's not a big problem."

Ning Yao smiled awkwardly: "To be exact, I have a rich and generous brother..."

"Then you're done~" Yu Min gloated, "The signal is bad now, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to ask for help from the audience outside the venue."

"Ahem." Ning Yao didn't want to dwell on this issue any more, so he interrupted everyone's chatter with a throat-clearing cough and brought the topic back to Liang Feng. "Sister Feng, how's your list? Are there any alarms or prompts?"

Liang Feng: "There was a prompt, and a page floating on all interfaces popped up in the list, asking me to immediately go to the damaged red-label product area for recycling and replacement."

"But..." She frowned.

"What's going on?" Everyone gathered around.

Liang Feng showed the screen to everyone: "This priority page that pops up is not a 'mass notification' or 'announcement' page, which means that this message was actually only sent to me."

"Why did you alone get notified?" Gao Yang asked.

Bai Yunyou explained: "I guess it should be sent to the tally clerk who is 'closest to the scene'?"

"It makes sense," Ning Yao nodded. "After all, it's just a replacement of one product. There's no need to mobilize everyone in the entire region."

Liang Feng thought for a moment, "What I mean is, if you want to see other tally clerks, I have to stay away from you to prevent the list system from assigning tasks to me again?"

"At the moment, it seems so." Ning Yao said.

Liang Feng was helpless: "Well, I thought I would be able to see other colleagues after all this trouble, but I didn't expect that I still have to avoid them."

"Xiao Feng~" Bai Yunyou reluctantly held Liang Feng's hand, "Do you want to go away alone? I'm worried about you."

"Don't worry about me, I've been working here for a while, I'm very familiar with the place, and I won't be in danger," Liang Feng comforted Bai Yunyou.

"As for you, I'm still worried about handing you over to..." She glanced at Ning Yao "a gang with a murderer."

"What is a gang..." Gao Yang was furious.

But no one paid any attention to his little unhappiness.

Ning Yao patted his chest and assured, "Don't worry, didn't we agree on this? You escort us out of the living room, and we'll help you take Xiaobai out."

Liang Feng looked hesitant.

Ning Yao was puzzled: "What are you worried about?"

Liang Feng considered his words for a long time and said, "I want you to not only take Xiaobai out, but also to be alive, complete, and healthy both physically and mentally."

"..." Ning Yao was speechless for a rare moment.

He covered his face and smiled bitterly: "Sister, I'm really not that perverted."

After changing the new doorplate, Liang Feng waved to everyone: "Then I will try to walk as far away as possible, and you can move the red-label products in about fifteen minutes."

"Be careful, Fengfeng!" Bai Yunyou also waved at her.

"I will. Remember not to get too close to that guy!" Liang Feng shouted as he walked away. Ning Yao: "Fuck you."

"She can get too nervous sometimes. Don't take it to heart. She means no harm." Bai Yunyou put down his arms and defended his friend.

"I don't take it to heart." Ning Yao yawned. "I've already finished scolding you."

He asked everyone to pick a seat: "Sit and wait, everyone."

The three of them hurriedly responded. Although they did not communicate with each other, they all sat a few meters away from Ning Yao tacitly.

"Honestly, you don't need to be so scared. I'm not a bad person. Although many people have died, they all deserved to die." Ning Yao said sincerely.

"You saying that makes me even more scared, brother..." Gao Yang's calves were shaking a little.

Yu Min swallowed her saliva: "You are completely rationalizing your murder..."

"Then who do you think deserves to die?" Bai Yunyou tilted his head and asked curiously.

Ning Yao raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Probably someone who broke the rules."

"What rules were violated?" Bai Yunyou frowned slightly, as if he was thinking seriously.

"It violates my rules." Ning Yao smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes at all, instead, it revealed a hint of coldness.


Gao Yang's legs went weak and he couldn't even sit on the sofa anymore, so he slid to the ground.

"Brother, if you have any taboos, just tell me clearly at once. I promise not to violate your rules!" Gao Yang was about to cry.

Ning Yao blinked: "I was just kidding."

Yu Min quickly squeezed into the same chair with Bai Yunyou before she dared to comment: "It doesn't look like acting."


"Just you just watch?" Yi Dan asked.

"Ah, what else?" the planner asked.

Yi Dan tapped the monitor screen with his pen as Liang Feng left: "They will soon discover your little trick."

The planner was not in a hurry at all: "This is a very normal way of thinking, so they will get normal results, so it is not surprising that they find some of the game tricks I designed."

Yi Dan: "Are you not worried at all that they might pass your checkpoint?"

"If they can pass, then let them pass," the planner said matter-of-factly. "Do you think I should stop them?"

"No, buddy." Yi Dan really couldn't understand the train of thought of this subordinate. "Do you really think you are the one who designed the game? You are running the surveillance just to supervise the fair gaming environment, right?"

The planner pursed his lips and said, "Master Pen Fairy, you may have misunderstood. I did not open the door to convenience for the enemy."

"In fact, whether he can pass this quality inspector game or not, it will not interfere with our core plan."

Yi Dan kept his mouth shut, leaving him plenty of room to explain.

Planner: "Everything that is happening now is happening on the surface of the Rubik's Cube. No matter whether Ning Yao follows the rules and passes the game, or violates the rules and is eliminated from the game, as long as he is still trapped in this choice of 'go left or go right', he will never be able to leave the plane of the Rubik's Cube and will never touch the core of the Rubik's Cube."

He looked at Yi Dan, with a polite smile like a robot on his face: "So why should we, who are sitting in the monitoring room and have a God's perspective, intervene?"

Thanks to Big Monster HUUUI and Bai Xiaodouer for the monthly tickets! A kiss to each of you two! Love you guys!

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