Don't follow the rules

Chapter 50 Bus Route 4 (8)

Chapter 50 Four-way Bus ([-])

Rao Qian accepted the ticket: "Thanks, Captain."

He got up and tidied up his crumpled clothes, sat gracefully on the passenger seat, leaned back slightly, and said with a smile: "But I don't intend to get out of the car, my aunt always only let me I am doing data collection work in the surrounding area, and now I can hug your thigh and rub your hands on the field, so I don't want to go back so early."

Chunyu was helpless: "This place is very dangerous..."

Rao Qian was indifferent: "Don't you still want to partner with me? I will come sooner or later, so I'm not afraid of this time."

Chunyu didn't try to persuade him too much, he has never been a persuasive person, he just said a word about love, anyway, it's not me who died.

Rao Qian stayed as a matter of course.

All eyes were on Xin Cheng.

Xin Cheng smiled weakly: "Well... can I stay and take a look? I will never compete for the wishing quota, and I will not hinder your business."

Chunyu: "OK."

Ning Yao's pupils trembled: "I didn't hear it wrong, did you just agree? What about protecting human beings?"

The vehicle started and drove slowly towards the terminal.

Except for the abolished driver Huang, everyone in the carriage was his own people, and Chunyu had a lot of time to explain.

"Xin Cheng, he has a very special physique."

Xin Cheng was instantly charged up and looked excited.

Chunyu ignored Xin Cheng's excitement and Ning Yao's disgust, picked a seat and sat down, and said to himself: "The reason why he is so fascinated by supernatural events is that he has never encountered any real supernatural events at all. He has never been exposed to the terrifying truth behind this world. This kind of person will either grow into a materialist warrior, or he will easily become a fool like Xin Cheng."

Xin Cheng nodded quickly, affirming Chunyu's statement: "That's right! No matter how eerie a place it is, or a ghost game, I have never run into a ghost. My daily job is actually a sleep tester in a haunted house. How fierce, the house is peaceful after I sleep."

"Because you are a very rare extreme yang body, not pure yang, but extreme yang, that is to say, ordinary little ghosts will get hot even if they look at you, let alone make you hit a ghost." Chunyu gently rubbed his chin , looked Xin Cheng up and down, as if he was estimating whether he could be included.

"So that's it." Rao Qian also became a little interested, "That's why you can pierce his hand, because he won't be hurt by evil spirits, and he won't be protected by evil spirits."

"Damn!" Xin Cheng was overjoyed, "Then I'm not invincible?!"

Rao Qian shook his head: "It is true that you will not be harmed by evil forces, but you are still a mortal body, and many ghosts can still cause physical damage to you, such as giving you a hammer on the head."

Xin Cheng still looked very happy: "It's already awesome, I'm very satisfied."

Ning Yao said sourly: "Brother~ is there anything special about me?"

Chunyu: "You are very stupid."

How ruthless.

"Then what's your plan next, captain?" Rao Qian yawned.

"According to the routine of Japanese comics, it should be to make a paradoxical wish and burn the monster's CPU." Ning Yao interrupted forcibly, "For example: I hope to eliminate all witches in the world."

Xin Cheng was excited: "I've watched this episode! Once you fulfill your wish, you will become a god!"

"Shut up both of you," Chunyu said with a big head.

The two quickly covered their mouths and sat down to show their kindness.

"Actually, it's not without merit." Rao Qian said, "It should be feasible to make some wishes that can weaken her strength."

Chunyu: "What if she rejects us and chooses to fulfill other people's wishes?"

Rao Qian: "Then drive away all ordinary passengers, so that she has no choice."

Ning Yao stayed away silently: "You sound like a sick girl."

Rao Qian did not refute: "I just want to offer an option that she cannot refuse."

Chunyu was curious: "So you have an idea?"

Rao Qian: "No, but I will make a wish to get my ukulele back on the next bus."

Ning Yao: "Is this a powerful magic weapon?"

Rao Qian: "It's not really of much use to others, but it has greatly improved my special skills."

"By the way," Ning Yao suddenly remembered, "I heard from Brother Chun that you seem to have very powerful special skills. What skills allow you to engage in such supernatural work with a mortal physique?"

Xin Cheng was also interested, and he seemed quite willing to join in.

Rao Qian paused and chose to tell the truth: "Omniscient."


"I don't understand."

Ning Yao and Xin Cheng said in unison.

Rao Qian spoke very slowly, as if he was thinking about how to explain it in a more understandable way: "You can understand... I am like a bat, a dolphin or a sonar, and rely on sound waves to detect information around me."

"So you need to play the piano?"

"Actually, it doesn't have to be the piano. I just need a medium to help spread my spiritual power to perceive information. The more convenient one is sound waves. In the area that the sound of the piano can cover, I can perceive all the information currently presented by things, that is, [omniscience] 】.

As long as I get the piano back, no matter what the special passenger looks like, I can find out. "

Ning Yao shook Chunyu's arm: "Coach! I also want to learn this trick!"

Chunyu: "Give it up. His technique is not learned, it is a [talent]. Just like Xin Cheng's Extreme Yang Body, it is born and cannot be acquired."

Ning Yao sat back to his original position, and suddenly thought of another question: "Brother Qian, can you use this skill without a piano, or is it completely useless without props?"

Rao Qian: "It's not completely abolished, but the area I perceive is very, very small now..."

"Then when the time comes, you can post it for every passenger, is that okay?"

"No." It was Chunyu who retorted, "This special passenger should be Huapi if I expected it. If Rao Qian sticks it on Huapi, he may be attacked immediately. After all, the rules do not say that special passengers will not attack ordinary passengers. "

[Siling Temple Station, arrived]

[This station is the terminal station. All passengers are asked to get off the bus, renew their tickets, and then transfer to the return bus]

Before everyone could figure it out, the vehicle had already arrived at the stop, and they had to get off in turn.

The old ticket dissipated in the crisp sound of ticket checking, and the new ticket will not be issued until you board the return bus.

The street on a rainy night was still cold and empty. There were no other No. [-] buses waiting at the Sixing Temple Terminal Station, but the bus that had just arrived turned around and stopped in front of everyone and opened the door.

"This is squeezing the labor force too much," Ning Yao exclaimed. "At least hire a shift driver. Who can stand such continuous work?"

"It's better to feel sorry for him than to feel sorry for yourself." Chunyu walked towards the door expressionlessly, "You also got on the bus from No. [-] Middle School. This time, you will definitely be very tired when you wake up."

Chunyu got on the car first. As soon as he got on the car, he noticed subtle changes in the car.

The car looks older.

The thick sponge cushions on the original seats had become flattened due to years of sitting pressure. The seat covers were also dull in color, and there were holes burned by cigarette butts in many corners.

The parts of the car walls on both sides close to the seats are greasy and discolored due to the back and forth friction of the human body.

The hanging rings are occasionally missing, and the paint on the handrails is also peeling off to varying degrees.

He looked at the "Passenger Regulations" on the back of the driver.

Sure enough, it has changed.

"Passenger Rules·Old"

·【Please do not make any noise】

·【Please do not give up your seat or change seats】

【Do not ask to stop at places other than the platform】

·【Please do not eat, refers to food in the normal sense】

·【Keep moist, do not open windows on sunny days】

·[The passenger protection system is still on, but do not try to provoke special passengers]

·【Appropriate hunger state helps you stay awake】

·【Excessive hunger will consume your sanity, and if you lose your sanity, you will not be regarded as a passenger and will no longer enjoy protection】

[If you don't have "food", there are "emergency food" in the car]

·【A full meal is not a virtue】

·【Leave some for me!Otherwise, I will be very angry]

【Do not chew】

·【Protect your ticket, losing your ticket is regarded as giving up your autonomy and becoming a spare tire】

·【The spare tire belongs to the special passenger and can be allocated by the special passenger】

·【No communication with the driver during the entire journey】

·[If the driver crosses the station, please fasten your seat belt immediately]

·【Seat belts will not keep you safe】

·【Good luck】

(End of this chapter)

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