Don't follow the rules

Chapter 53 Bus Route 4 (1)

Chapter 53 Four-way Bus ([-])

If Rao Qian was under Chunyu's strict protection, he could still be replaced by a special passenger without anyone noticing.Then not only his speech and reasoning will be invalidated, but even the identities of the group of four will need to be re-verified.

The four can no longer regard each other as reliable allies, and everyone is suspicious.

Rao Qian's replacement meant that he was dead.Then this Painted Skin Ghost's methods were so high that Chunyu sent a signal to the association headquarters for help.

Chunyu's mood was complicated: "Rao Qian... do you have anything to say? Can you prove that you are not a special passenger?"

The situation reversed, and the person who originally controlled the overall rhythm suddenly became the biggest suspect.

But Rao Qian was not flustered, and still spoke slowly: "It's very interesting. After I picked out the list of suspects, the murderous ghost in the back row immediately committed suicide stealing to me."

He tapped Chunyu's seat lightly with his knuckles: "Everyone here is a ghost. You must be able to easily feel the breath of suppressing evil and eliminating evil from Captain Chunyu. He is a high-strength player. I sit Next to him, if you want to steal the bus ticket under the nose of this master, even if half of your brain is cut off, you won’t do it.”

"Then why does the devil still want to steal the ticket at all costs?" Rao Qian looked at the young white-collar worker and threw the question back.

The young white-collar worker did not answer, but silently put away the pretentious laptop.

Rao Qian has very good eyesight, and he can see the badge hanging on the neck of the little white-collar from a distance. His name is Chen Heng, and his occupation is post-editing.

No wonder it is easy to die suddenly.

Rao Qian withdrew his gaze and continued his topic: "Of course it is because he wants to protect his teammate who is about to be exposed, that is, the real special passenger."

"Steal my ticket. If successful, I will immediately become a spare tire and belong to a special passenger."

"If it fails, like now, he will be skinned in public and the blame will be placed on my head."

"All in all, this is a counterattack set by the special passenger camp against me and trying to lead me into a self-evidence trap. As long as I am tired of proving my innocence, they can not only divert their attention to eliminate the suspicion, but also break through our four-person team. trust between them.”

"Because once suspicion arises, the crime is established."

Rao Qian looked at Chen Heng with a smile: "Although it is not a very sophisticated trick, but the conditions in the car are limited, you can complete all this within a few seconds of being suspected. You are really a guy who cannot be underestimated."

Chen Heng: "You don't care about the flying head, and you just think it's me?"

Rao Qian patted Chunyu's arm: "Can I trouble you, Captain, to search the Hengdegui's pockets to see if he has a ticket?"

Chunyu responded, squatted down, and rummaged through a pile of leather and clothing.

Chunyu: "After looking through them all, he does not have a ticket."

Rao Qian: "So as I expected, the deadly ghost has long been a spare tire, and this trip is to help you cover. If you are not exposed, he will be your pusher; if you are exposed, he will Self-destruction helps you divert firepower."

After he finished speaking, there was a long silence in the car.

Chen Heng's voice became hoarse: "Flying head man can also operate in this way, why doubt me?"

Rao Qian pointed to his job card: "Post-editing editors will not be busy doing PPTs to cause sudden death, or the vast majority of editors actually don't need to do PPTs. After all, just staying up late to edit films is enough for them to die suddenly." .”

Chen Heng was pointed at by him, and subconsciously covered his badge, but quickly let go: "That's not necessarily true, maybe our company will do PPT?"

Rao Qian: "So which editing software do you usually use, Final Cut or PR?"

"Uh final..." Chen Heng paused for a moment.

"No." Rao Qian immediately rejected his answer, "Final is Apple's special editing software, and you are not using an Apple computer."

"Then I'm using the cracked version, can't it..." He lowered his voice, but still insisted on quibbling.

Rao Qian looked at his teammates: "Isn't it obvious at this point?"

Ning Yao sighed in admiration: "Brother Qian, you are too powerful. You have clear thinking, logical thinking, rigorous quotations, and even know how to edit. You can beat that guy."

Rao Qian: "I understand a little bit."

"Brothers" Xin Cheng raised his hand weakly, "I seem to be a little... too hungry..." Before he could finish his words, he fell down and was supported by Ning Yao beside him.

"Wake up, hey? Hold on, buddy!" Ning Yao hurriedly put him back on the seat, shaking him vigorously, trying to wake him up.

"Is this the result of the high hunger value?" Chunyu stepped forward to check his physical condition.

Fortunately, he did not show very serious symptoms. It seemed to be just a hypoglycemic reaction.

Feitouman held his head and whispered: "Actually, it shouldn't be like this..."

Chunyu signaled her not to be afraid, and continued.

Fei Touman glanced at Chen Heng quietly: "The hunger value should gradually decrease bit by bit. First, symptoms such as dizziness and fatigue will appear, and then become restless, gradually losing the ability to think, and finally become like a head. Aggressive animals. I've never seen one that just fainted."

Rao Qian also came forward and took Xin Cheng's hand to take a pulse.

"How is it?" Chunyu asked worriedly.

Rao Qian put down Xin Cheng's hand: "He seems to be just innocent... fainted from hunger?"

Chunyu You was speechless: "It turns out to be a useless snack."

Ning Yao: "Snacks? Where can I get some snacks?"

Feitou Man: "I suggest you get him some food quickly. In a weak state, the damage caused by hunger will increase exponentially. In the end, even if he is rescued, he may lose his mind forever."


The three looked at each other.

Completely forgot about it!
The water ghost tremblingly raised his frog at the side, and Chunyu quickly took it and stuffed it into Xin Cheng's mouth.

Fortunately, Xin Cheng's swallowing function is still there, so he won't be unable to feed him food.

The frog received from the water ghost was still moist and entered Xin Cheng's stomach very smoothly.

But as soon as he croaked, Xin Cheng showed no sign of waking up.

The water ghost tremblingly lifted up a frog again...

"It's useless." Chen Heng crossed his legs, folded his arms around his chest, and no longer concealed the sarcasm on his face. "If the hunger value drops very seriously, eating this small snack will not relieve the hunger debuff at all. If you want to return to normal state, only to eat 'dinner'."

"What tricks do you want to play again?" Ning Yao stood between Xin Cheng and Chen Heng, full of vigilance.

"You have wronged me." Chen Heng smiled innocently, "I am very kind to share my experience~ I guarantee everything is true."

"Where is the dinner?" Chunyu didn't want to talk nonsense.

Chen Heng raised his head and gestured with his chin to look at the dead man on his seat.

Ning Yao felt bad: "What do you mean?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Chen Heng said, "The body of the dead ghost, that is, the 'corpse', is what I call the main meal."

"You want us to eat people?!" Ning Yao almost pointed at him and cursed.

Chen Heng went on to say: "Of course, emergency food is also considered a meal, and it's not a corpse. You can go find it. It's just that by the time you find it, Ji Yang's sanity may have been completely eaten by hunger."

Ning Yao looked at Chunyu, hoping he would make an idea.

Chunyu was also in a fierce battle in his heart, of course he couldn't allow Xin Cheng to be hurt to this extent, but "cannibalism"?It greatly impacted Chunyu's inner principles as a human being.

"No." Rao Qian helped them reject the suggestion. "When Chen Heng was hypocritically giving you suggestions, he inadvertently mentioned Ji Yang. I knew he didn't hold it in."

"Although Xin Cheng still has a ticket, he is no longer considered a passenger when he loses consciousness. That means anyone on the bus can hurt him. These ghosts are holding back because Xin Cheng is protected by the Extreme Yang Body. If If he eats this dead human flesh and accidentally breaks the Ji Yang, he will be turned into a scapegoat by the water ghost immediately."

The water ghost shook his head and quickly slipped back to his seat.

After saying this, he got up and walked towards Chen Heng, who shrank slightly invisibly.

Rao Qian stood still: "Listening to your tone of not taking it too seriously, you have completely given up on covering up?"

Chen Heng said nothing and turned his head towards the window.

Rao Qian didn't care about his deliberate ignorance and said firmly: "You are the special passenger on this train."

(End of this chapter)

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