Don't follow the rules

Chapter 78 Hospital 5 (3)

Chapter 78 The Fifth Hospital (Thirteen)
Chunyu was wondering how this corridor allowed him to take so many steps back, when he saw a layer of transparent ripples suddenly appear in front of him, his sight seemed to sink underwater, and then the ripples condensed into the white wall of the corridor, his eyes The tip of the nose is even pressed against the wall.

He passed through the wall.

The bright lights in front of his eyes and the noisy voices in his ears all announced that Chunyu had left the dark corridor full of ghosts.

He was dazed for a second, then immediately threw himself on the white wall in front of him, and slapped his palm on the wall, only to find that the wall was completely solid, and he couldn't go back through it.

Angrily punching the wall, Chunyu immediately turned around to find the way back to the corridor, but within two steps he found a reality that shocked him—this corridor was exactly the one they walked through just now.

Familiar nurses' stations, familiar intersections, familiar visually impaired patients watching TV together, and familiar gourd dolls...

He also said that he was going to find the uncle who was watching TV, but now that the uncle was in front of him, he hesitated and didn't know how to speak.

Although these patients were blind, they seemed to have a high degree of perception. The uncle soon noticed Chunyu's approach and received him warmly again.

"Hey, you're back again." The uncle smiled, "Why are you alone, where is your friend?"

Chunyu's face looked ugly, and Ning Yao was happily pasting charms alone in the corridor next door. The ceiling and the special ward were full of eager ghosts, and there might even be ghosts behind the door of the ward where he was pasting the charms.

He looked at the uncle speechlessly, after all, the people they were looking for were all watching TV here...

"My friend and I may have encountered a little trouble now." Chunyu thought for a long time and finally decided to speak. "We are separated. Do you know where I should go to find him?"

The uncle's gentle and dry palm held his hand again, and his voice was low: "Let's go, kid. Now that you're out, don't stay here. You two... can leave one by one."

"Let's go?" Chunyu's pupils narrowed slightly, "How to go?"

The uncle invited Chunyu to sit down, and the other patients gathered around, seeming to welcome the newcomers together.

"You have returned to this corridor, just go out the way you came." The uncle suppressed his voice under the discussion of other people.

Chunyu also lowered his voice: "What if it's in the next corridor? How do I get out?"

The uncle sighed: "Your friend is still there? Give him up, it's only one who can go."

"No." Chunyu rejected the proposal without thinking.

"When he is completely infected..." The uncle seemed to have swallowed something, and then said, "Everyone is easy to get along with, and we will take good care of him."

But Chunyu immediately understood the voice of the uncle's words: "Is the corridor next door an infection area?"

The uncle seemed a little surprised: "You know the infection?"

Chunyu asked: "Are you all infected? Are you..." He felt the temperature of the uncle's palm, "Are you still alive?"

The uncle shook his head: "We have already sacrificed our eyes to the director. It is lucky to be able to keep the body. How dare we expect to be alive."

"Sacrifice your eyes?"

"If you donate your eyes, you will stay in the ophthalmology department forever to receive 'treatment' from these monsters, but at least your body will not be used to make traps like the person in the special ward."

Chunyu clenched his fists: "What happened to the man in the special ward?"

"That man is a ghost catcher. I heard that he beat several nurses to death. After being caught, his bones were so hard that he refused to obey the director. The director gave him special treatment in a fit of anger." The uncle sighed again, "It's so stubborn." What's the use, it's not that I can't keep my eyes in the end."

"Who is the director?"

"Director..." The uncle shrank his neck, as if he was very scared, "Stop talking, he can see everything." After saying that, he wanted to end the conversation.

Chunyu grabbed the uncle: "The last question, is the tunnel the exit?"

The uncle was helpless: "You still want to go back, young people are so stubborn."

"I can't leave my friend alone to deal with this."

"You will be stabbed to death if you walk in the tunnel..." The uncle shuddered, and his warm palms turned cold.

Chunyu keenly noticed his hypothermia, and held the uncle's hand behind his back.

The old man murmured: "It's time for a briefing today, we have to go back to the ward for treatment."

The people around the TV also got up one after another and retreated towards their respective wards. Soon there were only the two of them left in front of the TV.

The uncle broke free from his hand and warned: "Don't go to the director, he can see everything."

Everyone dispersed, and the corridor became cold and empty again. Only this TV was still playing Calabash Baby tirelessly.

It can be considered that he got a lot of information, and Chunyu sorted it out silently in his mind.

The uncle only said that if you use the tunnel, you will be stabbed to death, but he did not say that you can't get out of the tunnel. Since he has already guarded against the trap once, it seems that they can indeed leave through the tunnel.The only problem now is how to return to the corridor next door to find Ning Yao.

He suddenly recalled that the talisman he handed to Ning Yao was a disposable fire talisman that would explode at regular intervals.

When the time is up, all the talismans will blow open the door of the ward. If a group of unidentified little ghosts run out from the inside, they will alarm the nurses on the ceiling, and there will be a 123 wooden man waiting to escape back to the special ward.

It was a great fun like never before.

In the corridor next door, Ning Yao, kept in the dark, was still diligently pasting talismans on all the doors he saw.Although the nurses on top of their heads seemed to be unable to hold back the urge to jump down, the tortoise breath amulet on their body still effectively helped him confuse the nurses.

The nurses overhead already knew that the two reserve patients no longer seemed to follow the guidance of the emergency lights. They wanted to jump down and drive them directly to the director's room, but they could only detect a very weak breath.

Moreover, the two preparatory patients seemed to release high temperature interference, which made it more difficult for the blind nurses to lock on the target, and could only climb back and forth anxiously on the ceiling.

A small and agile trainee nurse stretched out her neck, sniffing something vigorously in mid-air, and then crawled back to a huge nurse monster behind her, breathing rapidly and silently, which seemed to be a way of communication between monsters. .

The huge humanoid monster was entrenched alone, hidden at the corner of the ceiling and the wall. It could be identified from the color of the tight clothes on its body. It was the head nurse, leading the group of nurses.

The intern nurses smelled Chunyu's escape, and now they only have one reserve patient left. If Ning Yao also escapes, they, the nurses, will definitely bear the director's wrath on the patient's behalf.

The head nurse became more and more frightened as she thought about it. She had no time to guide her slowly and had to catch Ning Yao quickly.

Nurse monsters have a slender body, but they are actually very fragile. They seldom launch direct attacks, and "guiding" is their forte.But now that he ran a mission goal, he didn't care so much.

The head nurse hurriedly issued the order to attack, and the young nurses climbed from the ceiling to the wall, forming a circle towards Ning Yao.

Just as they staggered and raised their upper limbs, ready to kill Ning Yao by surprise, the serial explosions in the corridor caught the nurses by surprise.

The nurses on the wall fled back to the ceiling in fright, and gave up this wave of offensive. When the gunpowder smoke cleared, they smelled the putrid smell coming from behind the blown door.

All the doors of the wards were blasted open, exposing the patients held in these wards.

A clear child's voice sounded:

"A little frog,

Called a croak.

Hide and seek under the lotus leaves,
Don't let mom find him. "

(End of this chapter)

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