murder scene 2

Chapter 116 Zhang Feng and Rat Poison

Chapter 116 Zhang Feng and Rat Poison

Even though Tang Lan begged for persuasion, Qingyang still decided to put the pregnancy aside first: "We will talk about this case after it is solved. It is a case that I took over. Don't pass it on to others because of special personal circumstances - the police department stipulates that female criminal investigators After the team members became pregnant, they tried their best not to call the police."

"But, isn't it too dangerous for a pregnant woman to have such close contact with a murderer?" Tang Lan was still worried.

"It doesn't matter. This case is a dispute caused by internal conflicts within the family, and it is not one of those vicious gangsters. There is no danger!"

"you sure?"

"Definitely and definitely!"

Qing Yang sticks out her tongue in her heart, if Tang Lan finds out that this family has a history of beating pregnant women, she must be in a hurry.

After all, Tang Lan gave up the idea of ​​working as a bodyguard with his wife: "You must go home early and not work overtime. Otherwise, I will go to the police station to sue them for abusing pregnant women and violating labor laws!"

"Okay, it's serious to go take your pregnant women's psychological counseling class!"

"Hey, don't omit the keywords, this is a psychological counseling course for pregnant women with anxiety syndrome, okay?"

"Okay, okay, anxiety, anxiety, let's go!" Qingyang pushed him out
Tang Lan walked back three times: "Remember to eat the fruits I put in zip-keeping bags for you, and the folic acid tablets for pregnant women, as well as calcium tablets and vitamins... Remember to buckle your seat belt when driving, remember to follow the crosswalk when walking, and when sitting Before getting off, try to see if the chair is stable..."

Qingyang lost his patience: "Are you leaving?! If you don't leave, I'll kick you?"

"Pay attention to prenatal education, Qing Yang, prenatal education, you should be self-cultivated, refined, and generous..."

Qingyang couldn't bear it anymore and put on a taekwondo split, only then did Tang Lan shut his mouth and sneak away obediently.



The Ching Yang investigation team held a case analysis meeting on the Li Fusheng poisoning murder case today.

1 spoke first. He was responsible for tracing the source of the high-purity poisonous drug in Sun Xiaomian's milk powder can.

"I have investigated several large chemical and pharmaceutical trading markets in this city. Although this high-purity tetramine is a prohibited drug, it is sold in many markets. Most of them are wholesaled to mouse drug processing factories, and generally retailed. There are very few cases. Unless they are introduced by an acquaintance, they are afraid of something happening and don’t dare to sell at will.”

"I took photos of several members of the Li family to verify. No merchant pointed out that any of them had directly purchased 'Poisonous Rat Strong'. I then focused my work on what the merchant said was an acquaintance's business. Well, I finally got it. I found a major clue: a wholesaler of industrial chemical products sold half a kilogram of high-purity poisonous rat poison to his wife’s old neighbor—the warehouse manager of the ×× clothing factory.”

Wang Yan was confused: "Where is that place?"

1m smiled meaningfully: "Don't you think it's familiar? Li Yueyan and Zhang Feng's original workplaces were registered when they were making records. It was this XX Garment Factory!"

Everyone thought about it and said "Ah!" in unison and became excited.

The 1 meter man couldn't help but feel proud: "I immediately contacted this old neighbor. Where do you think he lives?"

Qingyang snorted: "Of course the manager of XX warehouse lives in the family building of his own unit! He lives in the same community as Li Yueyan's family - need I say more?!"

"Well, the boss is quick to respond! He is just across the door from Li Yueyan's house."

Qingyang rolled her eyes at him and said, "Don't be so secretive. Tell him quickly. What will you say when you contact him?"

1 swallowed his saliva: "Although this state-owned garment factory has been on the verge of bankruptcy in recent years, the warehouse manager has always been on duty. His poisonous rat strength is bought for the cloth stored in the warehouse..."

"Does Bu also need to eat poisonous rats to become stronger?" Niu Niu was confused.

"Uh, what a nonsense! What I mean is, it's for the rats that chewed up the cloth in the warehouse. This old master named Zhang thinks that the poisonous rats sold in the market are fake and don't work. In the spirit of protecting collective property, Because of my high sense of responsibility, I asked my neighbor to illegally buy high-purity poisonous rat poison and blended it myself..."

Qingyang asked: "Then, the key point is, how did he deal with this poisonous rat? How did he place it, and did he give it away?"

"I have gone to check it out in detail: It is placed in the small cubicle next to where Master Zhang lives in the warehouse. A small part has been used, and most of it is still placed in a broken tile basin. Master Zhang divided it with waste paper. A dozen small bags were wrapped. There were people walking around the warehouse all the time. He was very popular. When many laid-off workers came back to receive laid-off relief funds, they would go to his cubicle to sit and chat. Everyone knows that rat poison has been placed in the crockery."

"Did he lose it? Or give it away?"

"Master Zhang turned 66 today, and he couldn't remember clearly. The crockpot was placed carelessly against the wall. He counted and counted, but he couldn't figure out whether it was too much or too little... However, he said that he had never given it away to anyone. , Now there are no mice in everyone’s house, and I have not asked him to ask for it. I specifically asked Li Yueyan and Zhang Feng whether they have been to his place recently. He said that he and Zhang Feng have always been chess friends, and he received relief every time he went to the factory. Jin would go to his place to play a game of chess with him. He told me that the last time the two of them played chess in a warehouse cubicle was two weeks ago."

"What about Li Yueyan?"

"She doesn't go back to the factory very often. Zhang Feng collects all her money on her behalf."

1 added: "I took back Master Zhang's remaining poison and sent it to the laboratory. After testing, it was 86% consistent with the poisonous substances in the milk powder can. After analysis and estimation, the poisonous substances in the milk powder were 99% consistent." The amount of poisonous rat poison is about the same amount as a small paper bag of Master Zhang."

After the 1 meter report was over, everyone fell into silence.

An Niuniu said: "So, can we now confirm the source of the poison in the milk powder?"

"Well, my colleagues in the laboratory department said it's almost ready to be confirmed."

An Niuniu thought for a while and then said: "Then, can the key suspect be confirmed to be Zhang Feng?"

Qingyang shook his head: "This requires further digging for clues. Also, the person who steals the poison is not necessarily the person who poisoned it. This concept should be clearly understood by everyone."

Wang Yan sighed: "I understand what the boss means - family dispute cases are the most difficult to handle. If the close relatives of a family live under the same roof and come in and out together, it is difficult to confirm who is responsible. If There is a bag of rat poison in the house, and all three people in this family may be the poisoners."

Li Kun agreed: "Yes, Zhang Feng and his family are now living in the massage parlor. If they brought rat poison to the massage parlor, the murderer's suspicion might be even greater."

Qingyang held a pen in his hand and knocked on the table unconsciously: "So, what should we do next? Should we summon Zhang Feng or stand still?"

Wang Yan suggested: “I think it’s better not to alert the suspect first, but to look for a breakthrough in the case. Only when evidence is available will it be easier to break through the suspect’s psychological defenses.”


"I suggest that Zhang Xiaohai can be considered..."

――――――――――――――PS dividing line――――――――――

The rainy season is rainy and gloomy. Without seeing the sun for days, I can't help but feel depressed.

Many people asked what kind of ending this book would have in the future. Xiao Qiben said, "Is it a detective novel? Solving the case is the ending!"But many of my friends have fallen deeply in love with the characters in the play and have been caught up in their joys and sorrows. They must give Xiao 7 an explanation for the fate of the characters in the play.Regarding this, Xiao 7 is still thinking about it and will reply to you later.

In the past two days, I suddenly doubted the meaning of writing, and became a little depressed. If it weren't for the trust of my relatives to be a small 7, I really wanted to stop from now on, the keyboard was smashed!
"Murder Scene [-]" is a contracted work. It has been slow to update due to the writing of a new book. I just found out recently that it is a breach of contract if the word limit is not enough to update... Well, I'd better speed up the murder part. The book "Rose" is relatively new. It will be slower to speak, sorry, sorry! (At present, "Rose" is updated every other day. If it is updated today, it will be dead tomorrow. Dear friends, please don't be cautious and watch it every other day!)
(End of this chapter)

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