unscrupulous spirit catcher

Chapter 11 is imminent

Chapter 11 is imminent
Gradually the wind began to pick up.

Song Yu's palms were all sweaty.

They could die at any time.

When the wind rises, the sky breaks, and the boat moves, they will all ripple and disappear into the reflection.

She thought to herself that it was really over now, and she would live and die with these big men.

The others didn't know why and stared at the lake stupidly, but they also knew that they were almost dead, and they were all unanimous.

Song Yu wanted to see through the water, trying to figure out some secrets.

After a moment, she suddenly said: "Do you think our place should be brighter?"

They were in the reflection of the water, and the reflection they saw was actually reality, but how could the reflection be brighter than reality?

Generally speaking, no matter how mirror-like a reflection is, it will be a little dull.

Everyone was confused and didn't know how to answer this.

Song Yu pondered for a moment, then suddenly clapped his hands: "Quick, split up and find a mirror. If we find this mirror, we can go out."

That ancient mirror and the mirror spirit must have been thrown into the Xiang River, right where the reflection of Lushan Mountain is.

Only when the mirror spirit is reflected by the moonlight and the mirror light appears, the water surface will become a huge mirror, trapping them in it.

Find this mirror and smash it, and they can get out.

Yu Chong quickly ordered the remaining catchers to disperse two by two to look for him. He still didn't dare to move, wishing he could turn into a yellow croaker and stick to Song Yu's body.

In his opinion, Song Yu is the safest around him.

This little chicken-like ghost hunter was extraordinarily calm at this time, and even her face, which was too black and white, became evidence that she was different from ordinary people.

Pretending, Song Yu is also one of the best in the world.

Song Yu stared nervously at the situation in the water.

The bottom of the mountain next to the water is obviously the most turbulent. When the wind blows and the boat moves, that area is covered with water ripples. The top of the mountain is a little better.

She suddenly wondered, if someone else threw her into the water, could she escape?

But this is too risky.

The last time I was able to encounter a mirror grinder, it was already a fluke. The mirror spirit's "trap" does not just trap people.

Maybe the spirit can also be trapped.

At present, the entire place covered by the moonlight is covered with mirrors. It can be said that the entire Xiangshui River has become the territory of the mirror spirit.

Not to mention that you may not be able to go down the mountain. Even if you go down the mountain, you may not be able to get out.

The quickest way now is to break the ancient mirror so that they can return to reality.

By the way, Su Mian was also released.

The waiting process was very torturous. As a gust of wind blew up, Song Yu was extremely nervous. Seeing the huge waves below, the entire lower half of the mountain was gone.

so far so good.

She wiped the cold sweat from her face and applauded her luck in her heart.

Others were not as lucky as she was. By the time the mirror was found, only eight of the twenty detectives were left.

The number of people who disappeared was scary.

The bronze mirror was delivered to Song Yu's hands. It was as cold as Song Yu's fingers, and the coldness complemented each other.

This is a small round mirror, because it is an old antique, it is very thick, the paint on the back is dark, the pattern is rough, and the inscription "Great Auspiciousness" is engraved on it.

The surface of the mirror was so dizzy that it was impossible to look at it. There was a thick layer of mud and dirt on it.

Song Yu wiped away the dirt and was about to see if Su Mian was inside, when a line of words appeared on the dim mirror.

"Stay away and don't look at me like a bull's eye."

Needless to say, Su Mian must be inside.

With his intelligence, he also guessed his situation, and waited peacefully inside for Song Yu to rescue him, but he was still startled when he saw those big dark eyes.

Song Yu threw the mirror to the ground with a bang, kicked it on the spot, and sharpened the mirror twice under the soles of his shoes, thinking whoever saves you is a dog.

Dog days stuff.

Who is she working hard for?

Yu Chong looked at her tremblingly, saw her throwing the mirror on the ground, and silently took a step back.

It seems that there is something very strange about this mirror.

"Smash this mirror."

She waved her hand and directed people to go forward and smash the mirror.

No one dared to step forward, so they just picked up a big stone and handed it over to Song Yu to do it himself.

Song Yu saw that two of them had peed their pants, so he didn't force them. He took the stone and threw it down.

Just when the stone landed on the mirror, she suddenly screamed out and quickly took the stone away.

But it was too late. In return for her exertion, the mirror cracked with a crack.

She quickly took the mirror in her hand and tried to make up for it, but blood began to slowly drip from the gap.

Tick ​​tick
This voice hit Song Yu's heart.

She overlooked a point.

What is provided in the dossier is only one aspect. Spirits will also change. Not all spirits are the same.

This mirror spirit is obviously different, that is, if the mirror is damaged, something will happen to the person inside, unless you are a dead person.

Here, the mirror and the person become one, just like a mirror grinder grinding the mirror and peeling off a layer of her skin.

When the mirror was smashed, Su Mian was also shattered.

Could this crack have cut Su Mian in half?
Fortunately, a line of bloody words soon appeared on the mirror.

"Your uncle, do you want to kill me and inherit my debt? And if you put down the mirror, I don't want to see the scenery in your arms."

Song Yu knew that he was cursing, but the mirror was too small and the characters were very small. She didn't know a few characters, so she simply stopped looking and threw the mirror to Yu Chong.

The bloody mirror fell into Yu Chong's hand. Yu Chong's tight string had reached its limit and broke directly, and he fell to the ground with a loud sound.

He fainted and it was over, but the others had to continue to suffer.

Song Yu didn't know how to rescue Su Mian without damaging the mirror.

If you want to save people, you can only smash the mirror. If you smash the mirror, Su Mian will die.

She sat down, stared at her reflection in the water, and began to think.

All the clues related to the mirror were pulled out of her mind and peeled off.

The spirit of the mirror, the spirit of the mirror, cannot be separated from the word mirror.

Mirrors are used to reflect people.

People hold a mirror and look at themselves in the mirror and grin, and the person in the mirror reacts in the same way.

The person in the mirror and the person looking in the mirror are exactly the same, but one is real and the other is fake.

There was once a rumor that the person in the mirror had replaced the person looking into the mirror. As soon as the rumor came out, almost no one dared to buy a bronze mirror, and everyone returned to the oldest way of looking at the face with water.

But the rumor was quickly forgotten.

The image in the mirror is always an illusion.

Thinking of this, Song Yu had some clues.

Su Mian carried a small round mirror with her.

If you look in the mirror, which one is true and which one is false?
No matter what, one is true and the other is false.

If Su Mian is real and the man in the mirror is fake, then Su Mian will leave the mirror spirit's dilemma and return to reality.

If he is fake and the person in the mirror is real, then Su Mian will enter his own mirror.

Either way, this mirror can be smashed.

(End of this chapter)

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