Chapter 74 Ink 2
There is no magic pen in the world, even if there is, it is caused by spirits.

But none of the spirit catchers said anything, but stared at the four students with scorching eyes, waiting for them to tell the story behind the magic brush.

The students were hesitant to speak, as if they wanted to say something but dared not.

The four pushed each other, and finally Xu Guan stepped forward and spoke.

"We saw that Cao Zilu painted many paintings. He painted all the missing people. We suspect that he included all the people in the paintings."

As soon as the four people finished speaking, they kept looking back, as if they were afraid that something would bite them from behind.

But these big shots from the Decryption Department didn't say a word, each of them looked like they were thinking hard, and there was an inexplicable gloomy feeling in this dark night.

Especially Song Yu. Although she was as thin as a medicine bottle, her eyes were motionless and dark without any luster, which was particularly scary.

Just when they were about to leave, Song Yu suddenly raised his head and glanced at Xu Guan. This glance made Xu Guan feel terrified, so he hurried away.

Song Yu's eyes frightened him.

This man's eyes are too quiet.

It is so quiet that it penetrates people, like a big bug hiding in the mountains and forests, never revealing its whereabouts easily, once it strikes, it will hit the vital point.

After they left, Old Phoenix said insightfully: "One of them is lying."

Cao Zilu said it was ink, Xu Guan said it was a pen, and the pen was in Cao Zilu's hands, as for the other students, they can be ignored.

All of them are people who are struggling on the edge of life and death, and they can't tell who has something to say.

Gu Beiqi thought deeply: "Maybe it's neither the pen nor the ink. They are ordinary people after all, and they are in this situation. It is very possible that they have made a mistake."

"Regardless of whether it's true or not," Song Yu broke a piece of rice cake, "the two of them conveyed a very important message."

"What?" Gu Beiqi asked.

He always looked high at Song Yu's head and admitted in his heart that none of the three of them could turn their heads towards hers.

Song Yu closed his eyes: "Someone is using spirits."

It is not the spirit itself that is causing trouble, but man using the spirit to cause it to cause trouble.

Rather than saying that it was a spiritual creature that killed these students, it was better to say that it was a human being.

This is really bad news.

One person can kill so many people, his heart has become perverted to the point that ordinary people can't imagine, but he is still holding a spiritual object for his use.

Maybe he has regarded himself as a god, just like Wan Lanzong, thinking that he can criticize the life and death of others at will.

The most important thing is that people have their own ideas.

He can choose when to use it and when not to use it, and even draw the ground as a prison to trap them all here.

"Amitabha." Daozang muttered silently.

Gu Beiqi's heart trembled. He thought about this thought in his mind, and then nodded: "Yes, whether it is ink or pen, it is used by people. What we have to do is to find this person."

Su Mian said slowly from the side: "You don't need to find anyone else, just one of Cao Zilu and Xu Guan."

He believes that Pai Gow is best at reading people's expressions. During the day, he has dealt with other students. It is impossible for these stupid young people to have such a hidden ability.

The person who does this kind of thing must be a smart person. The smartest people in the art academy are Cao Zilu and Xu Guan.

Xu Guan is a famous student, it is fine to be not smart in painting, but to get rid of craftsmanship, one must have a little bit of smartness, and Cao Zilu is also smart, Song Yu and Su Mian have witnessed this smartness with their own eyes.

"I'll call Wang Daishan, and you can ask."

Su Mian quickly called people over.

When Wang Daishan heard them asking Xu Guan and Cao Zilu how they were, he was silent for a while, and finally said: "It can't be Zilu."

But he didn't say it must be Xu Guan.

"Why?" Song Yu was quite curious.

"Zi Lu is not such a person. I will find a scroll of paintings to show you." Wang Daishan glanced at the pile of scrolls and finally gave up.

There's no way to find it.

Old Phoenix looked at Wang Daishan sternly: "You must be careful what you say and don't make random guesses. What you say will directly affect our judgment."

Wang Daishan was stared at fiercely by her little eyes and thought: "These people have no choice but to deliberately blame me?"

Thinking of this, he didn't dare to speak. No matter it was Cao Zilu or Xu Guan, he couldn't say anything casually.

Just when everyone was silent, an extremely strong fragrance of ink suddenly appeared.

It is not ordinary ink. The ink fragrance is mixed with the smell of annihilation of time. It seems that a thousand years have passed and the four seasons have rotated, all of which are sealed in this ingot of ink.

The appearance of Mo also indicates that such a long-lost ancient relic has come to the world again, using human hands to devour its prey.

"It's Mo!" Old Phoenix stood up and quickly retreated behind Gu Beiqi and Dao Zang.

Wherever the eyes go, there is covered with green and black sticky ink, and more and more, it first surrounds everyone, and then climbs up little by little, covering everyone like a cage.

The name Cao Zilu chose was indeed correct.

Ink Prison.

Su Mian picked up Song Yu, carried her on his back, and stood behind Gu Beiqi.

Song Yu could turn into bones without turning into bones. She didn't intend to raise this thing and turn herself into a tombstone.

The person who took action was Daozang.

The black shadow behind him got rid of its shackles and rose up, growing taller and taller in the darkness without light. It stretched out only one hand and covered everyone's heads.

It's fighting against ink.

Dangerous spiritual beings devoured and suppressed each other in the same way, and the ink stopped flowing in the confrontation between the black shadows.

Heiying was very hungry. He hadn't eaten a single meal since he came in, so his body was getting bigger and bigger, almost to the point where it was about to wrap around the entire Mojian Prison.

But soon, Mo started to fight back and sped up his movements.

It emerged from the gaps in the bluestone slabs, flowing around like water, and in the ink, one after another dark faces bulged out.

They are the faces of the missing students.

They were imprisoned in Mo Prison forever, and when Mo appeared together, every face opened its mouth wide, eyes widened, and looked at the crowd as if shouting.


"help me!"

"Teacher, help me."

"Teacher, it's me, I'm Xiao Yuan, please help me, teacher."

The voices came out and all headed towards Wang Daishan.

Wang Daishan was so frightened that his face turned pale and he fell to the ground. He watched helplessly as the student he spent time with was isolated by a huge black shadow. He called the teacher over and over for help. These voices were like knives piercing his heart.

"Are you still alive? Can you save me?"

No one answered him, and all the ghost hunters knew that he was dead.

Wang Daishan reached out and tried to pull out the nearest face, but Old Phoenix slapped his hand away.

"Don't die."

(End of this chapter)

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