Chapter 83
Song Yu looked at the little loach. He was also covered with a shell, but this shell was thinner than anyone else's and was about to dissipate. And he kneaded the dough vigorously, which seemed to eliminate all the irritability and unhappiness in his heart. Beat into the dough.

Little Loach finished making noodles, sat down without saying a word, and continued to make a plan.

Watching the Iron Lady go in to fry the small crucian carp, he suddenly raised his head and glanced at Song Yu.

"Master Xiao Song, I'm bewitched, I always want to throw bowls."

Song Yu said with a smile: "Then it may be that the bowl has become a spirit. Don't drop it. The spirit in the bowl will run away as soon as you drop it."

Little Loach believed whatever he said, so he nodded vigorously when he heard this.

Song Yu wolfed down the noodles, continued to wander around, and soon discovered something.

Cats have cat paths, dogs have dog paths, and people who really have nowhere to go can find a place to stay in Bianjing, which is the underground culvert used to drain bad water.

There are countless ditches in Bianjing, and culverts extend in all directions, are deep and wide, and the dock alone has more than 2000 feet of stone tubes. The stone tubes are very high, which is where filth and evil are hidden, and desperadoes are everywhere.

It became a country of its own, and people who had nowhere to go settled in it. It was named "Worry-free Cave". Some people specially robbed women and hid them in it, and started trading.

People outside call it "Ghost Fan Tower".

Song Yu tied his legs and feet with straw, jumped down from the temple, and stepped into the mud.

The composition of this sludge is complex, including urine, feces, dirty water, and food residues. The stench is overwhelming. It's not raining at this time, but it can be tolerated. If it rains, black water flows freely and turbid waves roll. This is the most filthy place in the world. Dirty.

The people here are no different from ghosts, they all cannot see the light of day.

On top of the mud, messy things were discarded everywhere.

Song Yu drilled in from the exit of the stone tube. First he felt in the dark and had to light a fire by himself. Then when he went inside, he could see the lights, which were lit by the people living in the stone tube.

There are broken quilts everywhere, everyone is unkempt, and they turn a deaf ear to the footsteps brought by Song Yu. They do their own thing, pick their teeth, beat people, catch lice, and even the slightest sound can be amplified countless times here

The echoes are endless and frightening.

There was also a woman who was tied to the ground, her face was dirty, her head was pressed to the ground, she whimpered as she was violated, her torn clothes were of good quality, and she was obviously captured.

This place is even worse than Xiwazi in Zhouzhou. No matter how many times the Xiangong Office changes its boss or how many times it is raided, it cannot be eradicated.

A world of its own, an underground world.

Song Yu didn't mind his own business and walked deeper, where the black shadow came out from here.

A dirty and smelly man got up from the ground when he heard the footsteps and looked at Song Yu fiercely.

His body was completely covered by the shell, and he had been chewing something in his mouth. He was holding a rotten human leg in his hand. After swallowing, he showed his rotten teeth, tore off a mouthful of meat, and continued to chew in his mouth. .

"The fresh ones are here, eat... eat..."

Song Yu grinned and handed his arm over: "Here you eat."

The sound of "gurgling" sounded, water lines were revealed on her arms, water dripped on the ground, and in just the blink of an eye, this person was completely swallowed up.

The people who were watching the theater stopped all their movements, and stuck to the stone wall in horror. When Song Yu turned around, they immediately ran away and burrowed into the underground maze like headless flies.

The crying woman looked at Song Yu, her mouth wide open, completely stunned.

"Still not going out? Do you like this place?" Song Yu glanced at her.

Only then did the woman come to her senses, roll and crawl, gather her clothes and run away.

Song Yu continued to drill inside and stopped after about half an hour.

There is a hole going down here.

There were countless black snakes squirming inside, varying in size, thick and thin, without scales and black light, just in the shape of snakes, coiled together, forming an endless web.

Is there a spiritual nest down here?
While Song Yu was thinking, he saw a snake winding up, slowly turning into a black shadow, stopping in front of Song Yu, stretching out his feet, trying to step on her shadow.

Song Yu immediately retreated, exited the stone tube like chasing stars and chasing the moon, and climbed up to the shrine.

She took a deep breath of cool air, and exhaled heavily, before throwing away the tied straw.

The stench still lingered around her, making her sick.

"If it's a spiritual nest, let Li Bi solve it..." She paused to take a breath, and saw a hand stretched out in front of her, with two silver earrings in her hand.

The woman in the cave hadn't left yet, so she whispered: "Thank you."

Song Yu waved his hand: "I'm not saving you."

The woman took back her hand, still very grateful: "Thank you very much."

After she finished speaking, she slowly walked into the night.

Song Yu did not go back immediately, but walked along the Bianjing River. Bianjing has four outer rivers, three moats, and four ponds: Ningxiang, Qionglin, Jinming, and Yujin. Underground culverts surround these. Built in several places.

There are stone tube exits everywhere, one of which is at Zhouqiao next to Daxiangguo Temple.

However, the area around the state bridge was not greatly affected.

With a stench all over her body, she sat on the stone lion of the state bridge and stared around.

Sure enough, as she expected, a black shadow crawled out of the exit of the stone tube under the Zhou Bridge.

It stretched out its arms and legs, and came towards Song Yu, trying to step on her, but before it got on the bridge, the bell of Xiangguo Temple suddenly rang.

The fourth watch is here.


The sound of the bell is solemn and long, echoing continuously in the inner city, with an ethereal Zen feel.

Most of the black shadow dispersed under the sound of the bell.

Song Yu stood up and frowned as he watched the remaining half of the shadow crawl back into the stone cave.

It's not a bell, bells are not unique here, but the only thing that can resolve this inexplicable spiritual thing is the bell of Xiangguo Temple.

It should be Zen.

Song Yu thought of a way.

She didn't go back to the Su Mansion and went directly to the Decryption Department to find Li Bi.

Li Bi also stayed up all night, and just came back from Wan Lanzong's place. Wan Lanzong's mouth is full of people, and he is dizzy from talking about it.

As soon as Song Yu entered the door, he immediately felt a refreshing stench coming to his nostrils and had to pinch his nose: "Why do you stink so much?"

"Does it smell?" Song Yu lowered his head and sniffed.

As the saying goes, when you enter an abalone shop, you have heard it for a long time and don't realize its smell. This is what happened to her now.

Not being able to smell it, she picked up the colorful chicken with one hand and pressed the colorful parrot's head into her arms. When she saw tears in the small black bean eyes of the colorful chicken, she realized that Li Bi's words were true.

She crawled back and forth in the hole, even her hair was covered in mud. How could it not stink?
She put aside the colorful chicken and made it clear that she wanted to make the bell of Xiangguo Temple ring throughout Bianjing. After ringing for just one day, he immediately went to do it.

The morning bell in the temple, named "Kai Jing", breaks through the drowsiness of the long night, reaching up to the sky and down to the underworld, so that those who hear the bell can practice precepts, concentration and wisdom diligently, and put an end to greed, anger and ignorance.

And to ring for a long time, it is to ring the Netherworld Bell.

The Netherworld Bell rings a total of one hundred and eight times, beginning and ending, in a back-and-forth cycle. The sufferers in hell will be relieved of their suffering every time they hear the bell.

When they heard that the Daxiangguo Temple was going to ring the Netherworld Bell, people from the outer city immediately swarmed in, even stepping on their shoes, and the surrounding area of ​​the Daxiangguo Temple was packed with water.

(End of this chapter)

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