Chapter 9
The outer circle of the capital is a rippling moat, with mulberry trees and willows growing along the river, and the ground is covered with green shade. Walking across the broad Moxi Bridge, you will reach the majestic south gate of the capital: Yaori Gate.

There are endless traffickers and pawns outside the door, and there are many luxurious cars and horses.

After entering the city gate, there is a new atmosphere. There is a wide moat outside the city gate. Inside the city gate is a slightly small diversion river. There are many mulberry and elm trees planted on both sides of the river bank. Where there are people living there, there are also peaches and plums. .

There is a stone-made slope on the river bank, where three or five women wash clothes and collect vegetables.

The prosperity and the market are so harmonious that people can't help but feel good about it.

"This is the capital city." Xin Nuo poked his head out and looked at the shops left behind by the carriages on the roadside. He did not hide the rustic charm of a small place at all, and shouted: "I like it, the capital city!"

The new and old ladies quickly pulled their granddaughter back.

The alluring face flashed past, and the young man sitting by the window in the three-story teahouse of Lu Xi's family stood up almost at the same time, stretching his head to look at the carriage.

I want to see what the logo is.

"Brother Chongfan, are you juggling?"

Following this low and pleasant male voice came in a handsome man wearing a rust-red cross-collar brocade suit.

He held a folding fan in his hand and yawned loudly as he spoke.

"Brother Yuan Chen, you haven't seen it, it's so beautiful," Zhao Chongfan said while pointing out the window, "Just now, he leaned out of a car to see the scenery of the capital, and he also said that he liked the capital."

Yuan Chen casually sat down on an empty chair by the table, sitting in an imageless posture, but it did not diminish his charm at all.

Even a few friends were full of admiration.

A young man with black and brown cloud patterns said: "To say that the city is unparalleled, I think there are only two people in the capital who can handle it. One is Ruiminghou, and the other is our brother Yuan Chen."

Yuan Chen smiled and said lazily, "That's because you have never seen a true beauty."

The deep look he was holding on his hands and looking out the window made several friends curious.

"Who else has a prettier face than Ruiminghou?" another person asked.

"I see," Zhao Chongfan clapped his hands suddenly, "Brother Yuan Chen is talking about this person, is he a beautiful woman, the second lady of the Cheng family?"

Cheng Xueyao is talented and beautiful, and she is the most admired talented woman by many princes from aristocratic families in the capital.

Yuan Chen, who has been working hard in the capital for five or six years, is no exception. In the past, he would go to any garden or party where Miss Cheng Er was present.

He likes Miss Cheng Er very openly, and even Mr. Cheng knows that he is such a scoundrel who chases after his daughter.

But Yuan Chen was obviously not very interested today and said, "Do you think only beauty can be called the most beautiful person? Ugliness can also be of this level."

After hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

"Brother Yuan Chen, which girl was so ugly?" Zhao Chongfan asked, "You haven't recovered yet?"

"It's not someone else's, it's my own." Yuan Chen raised his fan, turned his head, and pointed at his nose, "My junior sister went to Beijing, and the old man wrote three letters in succession, asking me to take good care of him. Everyone You know, I despise ugly people the most in my life, but that junior sister in my family has crooked mouth and slanted eyes, skin black as coal, how will I live these days from now on?"

These friends are either from the business world or from the literary world. They are all friends of Yuan Chen who have a bad temper. They also know a little about his affairs. They know that Yuan Chen has a martial arts master in Jinnan, but they don't know. He also has a junior sister.

Regardless of whether you are ugly or not, everyone was surprised: "You still have a junior sister, and you are coming to the capital?"

Zhao Chongfan then asked: "Do we need to prepare a gift for your sister?"

Yuan Chen pressed one temple, "When I pick up people, let's see if they live in my house."

Everyone could see Yuan Chen's depression, and they were even more curious about the extremely ugly junior sister he mentioned.

While in the capital, they had seen many beauties, but what kind of ugly people could make people look like this?
Is this what Yuan Chen is only worried about?The master had mentioned earlier that the junior sister's family was very fond of her and would not want to marry someone who did not know her family background. His master agreed, saying that one of him and the senior brother would marry the junior sister.

He also said that there will be surprises then.

No matter how great the surprise is, it is bigger than the shock of that face.

While he was drinking wine melancholy, the two subordinates Yuan Chen sent to greet the junior sister and her family at the city gate returned.

"Sir, according to the portrait you gave me, I didn't receive anyone at all." A subordinate came forward and handed back the scroll the master gave him when he left.

Yuan Chen's eyes lit up, "Didn't you pick up anyone?"

Could it be that the junior sister and her family have thought about it and no longer plan to go to Beijing?

"Qingfeng, are you sure?" The subordinate nodded, "Ling Ren has the best eyes, he didn't even see it."

"I'll go, it's so ugly."

The painting scroll that Yuanchen didn't pick up was snatched by Zhao Chongfan and others. They crowded around the table and looked at each other, and then they all backed away in shock.

After a long time, someone finally said: "The Hanbao in the ancient book legends probably looks like this."

"Brother Duanming, it's just your bad mouth." Zhao Chongfan winked at Yuanchen, and signaled: "At least it's my junior sister, please save face."

Liu Chao's courtesy name was Duan Ming. His grandfather was a priest in the Imperial College. He was very knowledgeable and his evaluators were always vicious. At this time, he hurriedly said: "Brother Yuan Chen, don't be surprised. I'm really shocked."

Yuan Chen thought to himself, when I saw this portrait sent by Master during the Chinese New Year, I was so scared that I had a nightmare all night.

She understood very well: "It's nothing, it's just that my little junior sister will come in the future, if you see her, please restrain yourself."

No matter how ugly she is, she is his only little junior sister and she still needs to be taken good care of.

"By the way, master," said another subordinate, Ling Ren, "Rui Minghou returned to Beijing, and brought back a corpse."

"Marquis Ruiming is worthy of being a prison officer. People die wherever he goes." Zhao Chongfan couldn't help complaining.

Yuan Chen was overjoyed. The senior brother was back, so he would leave the junior sister to him.

Anyway, that year when the senior brother returned to the school after the Chinese New Year, he showed him the portrait of the younger junior sister. The senior brother didn’t say anything. He said a few words about being ugly. The senior brother also said: “The eyes and nose are long. All in all, not too ugly.”

Since the senior brother can't tell the difference between beauty and ugliness, he and his junior sister are a perfect match.

Yuan Chen suddenly became enlightened and wanted to inquire about gossip, so he asked: "What corpse? Where is the case again?"

Before Ling Ren could reply, a penetrating wooden sound came from outside.


"Before we start today's lecture, let's talk some gossip. Just last night when the heavy rain poured down, a murder occurred in the Thousand Layers Temple, a hundred miles away from the capital. What kind of murder was it?"

"It was a tongue-pulling case. The tongue was hung on a bronze mirror. Some people said that it was an imitation of the evil mirror stand. Dear readers, have you ever heard of the evil mirror stand in the Fengdu Emperor's Palace? Those who did good deeds during their lifetime will not enter the Mirror of Evil, only those souls who have committed various karma will be judged in front of the Mirror of Evil."

"As the saying goes, there are no good people in front of the evil mirror. I wonder what kind of evil things the tongue-pulling corpse has done."

"In addition, the deceased is still unclaimed in the Yamen. Anyone who has stayed away all night can go to Yizhuang to identify themselves. Okay, let's get back to the topic. Today we will talk about Donghua Daojun Huang Liang's dream of breaking the world."

The people listening to the lecture in the tea house booed and booed, and what the gentleman said could also be heard clearly in the private room on the second floor.

Yuan Chen listened for a long time and asked: "Where did the gentleman who spoke this news come from? The case has not been solved yet, but he is talking about it here. Aren't you afraid that Rui Minghou will put him in jail?"

The point is, since when did the eldest brother become so weak in restraint, once the case was revealed, everyone knew it.


(End of this chapter)

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