Chapter 116 What kind of shoes to wear, they all ran away!
After Yu Luo yelled, everyone who was going to lie down and continue to sleep had to get up, doubtful, and panicked, picked up their clothes one after another, and were about to put them on.

Unexpectedly, when sleepiness struck, Yu Yingying, who was shivering from the cold as soon as she left the bed, was immediately dissatisfied and loudly criticized Yu Luo.

"Believe it or not, if you don't believe it, keep sleeping and wait for those wild beasts to eat you up!"

Yu Luo was too lazy to talk nonsense, and immediately wrapped herself tightly in three layers, and then turned back to help Ye Jiamei put it on!

Looking at the family of three, they put on their clothes and planned to go out without hesitation. Some people who were persuaded by Yu Yingying didn't care so much, and hurriedly urged the family to get up, put on their clothes, and imitate Yu Luo and the others. , Pick up the quilt and run outside!
And Yu Yingying, who was still ignored after being yelled at by Yu Luo, saw that within a short time, all the people in the tent ran away. Even Mrs. Chen next to her put on clothes. After catching Lan's family and escaping with him, she immediately panicked!

"Why are you still standing there? You would rather believe that they are there than believe that they are not. Do you really want to feed those beasts as a late-night snack?"

When she turned around, Chang Huilan realized that her careless little daughter was still sitting on the bed without moving. She slapped Yu Yingying on the back angrily!
Immediately, he ignored Yu Yingying's body and only wore a padded jacket. He immediately picked up Yu Yingying's clothes and quilt, dragged her and ran outside!

"Shoes, shoes!"

"What kind of shoes are you wearing? They all ran away!"

As soon as she ran out, Yu Yingying realized that she didn't even wear shoes. Even though she had a few pairs of socks on her feet, as soon as the soles of her feet stepped on the ground at the door, the ground that had been trampled into ice blocks immediately froze. She trembled and screamed directly.

In addition, she had just come out of the bed and was still wearing a thin padded jacket, so she suddenly felt that she was about to die!

Yu Xiaoran, who was evacuating the crowd, turned around and saw her sister being dragged by her mother, making her unable to walk. She was anxious, and immediately went forward and hugged Yu Yingying by the waist, and went to the largest poplar tree with light kung fu. upload!
I just sat down firmly on a branch of a tree more than ten meters above the ground, and just wrapped my body in a quilt. I was just about to ask my brother to go back and fetch shoes for me. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, my brother had already fallen from the tree. !

"Brother, brother! I want boots, my feet are cold! It's freezing!"

Sitting on such a high tree, how could Yu Yingying be afraid?A pair of feet fell under the tree trunk, but she didn't dare to move. She only felt that within a quarter of an hour, her feet would be useless!
But who knew, Yu Xiaoran had already landed, and was dragged by other people to help send those old people up the tree, and he couldn't hear his sister's cry at all.

Little did he know that because of this negligence, Yu Xiaoran would feel guilty for the rest of his life!

In this wild land, there are almost no mountains, and the road is flat. Even if there are some small rocky slopes, they are covered with snow, and there is no place to hide.

As soon as Yu Luo's family of three came out, they directly chose to climb the tree!
It's not that they don't want to enter Ye Jiamei's space, it's because there are too many eyes around with nowhere to hide, and the piles of bonfires lit up for the night, illuminating the whole place!

"Liu Mingxia, together with Xiaoran, send the horses and wild boar to the east!"

These horses and wild boar meat were all they depended on for their livelihood. Even when they were resting or after cooking, Yu Zhengqing asked people to put all the things on the sleigh.

Clothes and bedding are nothing, even if wild beasts come, they are not interested in these things, but those horses and sleigh carts, the wild boar that was cut into pieces, that is not necessarily the case.

So these things are as important as the lives of these people.

Now Yu Zhengqing didn't care whether Yu Luo's dream would come true, but Yu Luo's family of three were the first to climb the tree, so he had to believe it!
"Okay! Prince An, please take good care of my Liu family!"

"I will. You two are responsible for taking care of those horses and don't let wild animals eat them! Don't come back yet!"


Liu Mingxia can't take care of that much anymore, now he obeys Yu Zhengqing's arrangement in everything, even if he doesn't listen, he can't protect his wife and children if he stays.

If you choose to believe in Yu Zhengqing, you must choose to believe it to the end. Otherwise, after some hesitation and hesitation, everyone may be surrounded by those beasts in the end!

[There are almost eight hundred beasts in total. Host, your task today is to drive away those beasts with your parents. If you can kill half, you will get one thousand points. If you can kill two-thirds, you will get three thousand points. If you can kill them all, the few Losing your head doesn't count, this system rewards you with [-] points! 】

The voice of the system rang in Yu Luo's mind.

She couldn't care less about the excitement, but was still a little apprehensive. After all, the higher the points the system gave, the more difficult it was to complete the task.

"What if I can't finish? Why don't you deduct points from me this time?"

[The host's points were deducted before because the host was unwilling to do tasks. After so much experience, this system has seen that the host wants to grow, so there is no need to be driven by this system to do tasks anymore. . 】

Yu Luo nodded, and hid on the poplar tree at a height of more than ten meters. In addition to the thick cotton jacket, there was also the big leather jacket that Yu Haojie bought for them today, and she was even wrapped in a quilt.

In this kind of place where peeing can freeze immediately, she had to make thorough preparations, otherwise she was afraid that after hiding in the tree for a while, she would be frozen into a popsicle!

More than 100 people climbed up the tree in less than a quarter of an hour. In order to prevent those wild beasts from destroying the tents, Yu Zhengqing and Yu Xiaoxuan quickly dismantled the three tents and spread them on the spot. They fell to the ground, wrapped together, and buried under them with snow.

After everything was done, Yu Zhengqing led the complaining Yu Xiaoxuan, and continued to send the things on the ground to the tree with light work.

Yu Xiaoxuan was only 16 years old. When he was in exile, he suffered the most from walking. Now his father still makes him do so many heavy tasks, but he is exhausted to death, so his mumbling mouth keeps Never stopped!
He didn't even know why his father did this. In fact, he couldn't figure it out for a long time. Why should his father care about the lives of the Bai family and the Liu family when he just cared about their Yu family!

Now, it's just the two of them who know how to do light work, sending those who can't climb up the tree next to each other, and it's fine. Before they can catch their breath, who knows that they have to move these pots and pans!

"Dad, that's almost it. If there are wild beasts coming later, how can we deal with those wild beasts with our half-tired bodies?"

(End of this chapter)

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