Chapter 118 The Strange Look
"If these wild beasts pass by later, everyone don't do anything. If these wild beasts find us and want to knock us off the tree, then you will pull the bows and arrows in your hands. Do you understand?"

Even when he climbed into the tree, Yu Zhengqing did not forget to remind the men and women who had bows and arrows in their hands!
After his words fell, the replies came tremblingly from the trees, and Yu Zhengqing felt a little relieved.

And Yu Yingying, who had just been a demon, finally stopped her panic after hearing the sound of the beast appearing!

At this moment, how could she care about whether she had shoes to wear?

She weakly glanced in the direction of Yu Luo's tree. Apart from being frightened by the "rumbling sound" that was getting closer, she was also frightened that a catastrophe like Yu Luo would have such abilities!
Thinking of how she had just retorted to Yu Luo, Yu Yingying suddenly felt a burning sensation on her cheeks!

Now think about it, fortunately those people didn’t listen to me. If I had listened to me, everyone would still be sleeping in the tent at this time. In this way, everyone would not be gnawed by a group of wild beasts. left?
Afterwards, even if he was lucky enough to survive, would he still be resented to death by the living people?

Isn't Yu Luo a disaster star?In addition to bringing bad luck to the family around him, when did he have such extraordinary abilities?

But at this moment, not to mention Yu Yingying, everyone in the Yu family was thinking about the same question at this moment!
Yu Zhengqing also thought that he would rather believe that something is there than believe that something is not there, so he led everyone to hide first.

Even if there are no wild beasts, it's better than being attacked by wild beasts, right?
But it was just a fluke in her heart, but at this time she had to get to know Yu Luo again!

Sure enough, as expected, his second brother and his family are not ordinary people!
How blind were his parents before, so they didn't see the excellence of this family?

The roar of the wild beast was getting closer and closer. The more than 100 people hiding in the trees all held their breath and looked towards the direction of the roar and the sound of footsteps.

In today's wild land, there is a rare bright moon hanging high in the sky. When I think of today's market, I realize that it is already the fifteenth day of the first lunar month.

No wonder the moon is so round today.

But it happened that during the Lantern Festival, more than 100 of them were experiencing the test of life and death on this cold and windy night!

In addition to the extreme cold attack, there is also a spectacular threat to the wild beasts who only hear their voices but have not yet seen them.

The strength in my heart, coupled with the fear of the unknown, has long since been attacked to the point that it collapsed into a mess.

The people whose psychological defense lines have collapsed one after another have a plan to look forward to death!
Most acquaintances have already made up their mind at this time.

If you really can't escape this catastrophe, then die, there is no other choice anyway.

But when everyone looked at death as if they were at home, suddenly the southwest direction was filled with darkness, and with the roar that just came from far and near, it came overwhelmingly towards them!

"It's really, really a beast. Well, much better!"

There was already moonlight, and with the reflection in the snow, countless people hid in the poplar trees, and saw this shocking scene from a distance!
The speed of these beasts and the huge team directly caused everyone in the tree to tremble and become weak!
"Dad, what kind of beasts are those? How come I've never seen them before?"

Yu Xiaoxuan, who was hiding in a tree with Yu Zhengqing, already had internal strength, and his eyesight must be better than that of other ordinary people.

Seeing those rough-skinned, thick-skinned beasts with one-horned heads rushing towards them in groups, he, who has never known the heights of heaven and earth, was also frightened by this scene, his calves trembled, and his tongue grew wide!

"There are a lot of savage beasts, many of which are not found in our Lanyue Dynasty and other countries. This kind of beast is actually the same as the one in Xiao Luomeng, with the same horn!"

Hearing his father's dignified voice, Yu Xiaoxuan was even more frightened!

"Father, you shouldn't let the eldest brother go too. With the eldest brother here, we will have one more person who knows how to kung fu. If these beasts really hit the tree, we won't be able to resist at all."

The palms and backs of the hands are full of meat, but how can a bowl of water be leveled?

If possible, he would rather send Yu Xiaoxuan away with him. Unfortunately, Yu Xiaoxuan cannot hold a big position. Although his kung fu is pretty good, he is not as calm and calm as his eldest son in times of trouble and does not pay attention to the overall situation.

If there is really danger, then the one in the Yu family who should live the most is Yu Xiaoran!
How dare Yu Zhengqing say this?Having said that, doesn’t that chill the son of Yu Xiaoxuan?

"Stop talking nonsense, remember what I said, it's okay if these beasts pass by, but if they hit our tree, then shoot arrows at them!"

As the words fell, a dense black shadow was less than a kilometer away from the poplar forest where they were hiding.

The children hiding in the trees were all so frightened that tears flowed down their cheeks. Their parents or elders held them tightly in their arms and had to reach out to cover their mouths for fear that they would burst into tears. Accidentally, these children couldn't control their fear and cried loudly, attracting the attention of those beasts!

What was even worse was that Huang Xiaoju, the second roommate of the Yu family, was sent to the tree by Yu Zhengqing, the uncle, and sat alone on the branch of the tree.

The branches of the poplar tree are thinner. It is better to say that the branches borrow a little bit of strength, but in fact, almost everyone is holding the tree tightly, stepping on those small branches, not daring to let go. half point.

And at this moment, she, who was already in the late pregnancy, suddenly felt wet under her body, as if she wanted to urinate uncontrollably.

She couldn't tell whether she was about to give birth or if she was so frightened by the scene that she peed her pants.

But her family members were far apart, and she didn't dare to make a sound. She had to hug the tree trunk tightly, biting her lips and crying silently!
Yu Luo's family of three had already taken out their crossbows.

During this period, Yu Luo's system had briefly taught the three of them the weaknesses of these beasts.

In comparison, these beasts have rough skin and thick flesh, can weigh up to three to four hundred kilograms each, and are as strong as an ox. Their biggest attack weapon is the single horn on the head of these beasts.

Therefore, if you want to kill these beasts with one blow, the short arrows on their crossbows cannot do it at all. At least several arrows must hit their throats or between their eyebrows.

"Can't you shoot in the eye?"

When Yu Luo thought that these beasts could not be rhinos, when those beasts ran up and took a closer look, they were not rhinos at all.

In addition to the horns that are as hard as rocks on the top of their heads, they also have pointed mouths!
"What a weird look!"

[This is nothing. When you get to the place where you are exiled, the beasts there will be ugly and there will be more. 】

Just as this thought came to Yu Luo's mind, the system's voice echoed in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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