Chapter 140 The First Home in Ancient Times
Unexpectedly, as soon as Yu Shanhe finished speaking, the alien beast seemed to understand what he said, and ran towards Yu Shanhe on its four short legs!
Then he opened his mouth, bit Yu Shanhe's trouser leg, and pulled Yu Shanhe, running 50 meters eastward in the direction he came from!
Looking at such a cute alien beast, Yu Shanhe was naturally not afraid. Subconsciously, he could not suppress his excitement. He did not need the alien beast to drag him, and his legs unconsciously ran with the alien beast!
Looking at the snow-covered stone wall in front of him, and looking at such a lively little guy, Yu Shanhe's eyes widened in surprise, he squatted down quickly, and reached out and gently stroked the top of the alien armored beast. I can't hide my joy no matter what.

"What do you mean? Do you want me to drive here?"

Yu Shanhe asked tentatively. He naturally knew that the alien beast could not speak. Unexpectedly, when the alien beast heard this, its little head nodded desperately, making Yu Shanhe excited again!

"Since the strange-armored beast asked you to open it here, Uncle Shanhe, there must be a cave inside. So today, let's open the cave at Third Grandpa's house first, and then open it for Uncle Shanhe's house."

The alien-armored beast bit Yu Shanhe's trousers and came this way. Naturally, Yu Luo was worried, so he followed.

At the same time, the system also reminded Yu Luo in his mind that the Alien Armored Beast had now awakened this skill after having the experience of finding the cave yesterday.

For this, Yu Luo was not surprised at all.

After all, the alien armored beast likes to break stones to build a house. Maybe it didn't know how to find it before because it had no parents to teach it. But after being prompted by the system, the alien armored beast must be more sensitive to stones than humans.

Hearing Yu Luo's words, Yu Shanhe naturally nodded happily.

Unexpectedly, seeing such a human-like alien beast, other people are not calm!

The first was Yu Xiaoran. He was not polite. He landed a Qinggong next to Yu Luo. He bent down and picked up Yu Luo's armored beast, coaxing him with a flattering look on his face.

"Exotic Beast, can you help me find a cave like this? I'll hunt and eat meat for you later?"

As soon as the alien beast heard that it was eating meat, it shook its head and was about to break free from Yu Xiaoran's arms!
Seeing such a strange armored beast, Yu Xiaoran looked confused and raised her eyes to look at Yu Luo, "Isn't this Xiaoluo? Does your pet also know that you hate me?"

Seeing Yu Xiaoran like this, pressing down the alien beast hard to prevent it from breaking free, Yu Luo shrugged, spread his hands, turned and left.

"It's true that I hate you. I don't know if it hates you or not. If you have the ability, you can persuade it."

Looking at the retreating figure and saying such ruthless words, Yu Xiaoran, who was holding the alien beast, couldn't help but grinned, and shouted loudly at Yu Luo's back: "Xiao Luo, you are so annoying. Me, anyway, my father and I will treat you well in the future, no matter how much you hate it, you can’t stop it!",

Yu Luo

Being imprisoned by Yu Xiaoran, the alien beast started crying in aggrieved manner. When he looked up again, he saw that Yu Xiaoran was hugging it without looking at it. It was so angry that the alien beast immediately raised the two horns on its head and pointed towards Yu Xiaoran. Push it with the back of your hand!

The pain caused Yu Xiaoran to let go of her hand in a hurry, only to realize that the back of her hand was bleeding from the thrust of the alien armored beast...

Looking at the back of her hand, and then at the alien armored beast that had been running after Yu Luo earlier, Yu Xiaoran couldn't laugh or cry.

Looking back, he found that Yu Shanhe behind him was sweeping away the snow and moving stones on the ground, intending to make an obvious mark at the position pointed out by the alien armored beast.

"Uncle Shanhe, how did you convince the alien armored beast to help you find the cave?"

When Yu Shanhe was grimacing from the icy snow, he heard Yu Xiaoran suddenly say this.

He raised his head blankly and looked at Yu Xiaoran standing in front of him. He was stunned for half a second before he realized what Yu Xiaoran was asking.

"It takes the initiative."

Yu Xiaoran...

Yu Zhengqing's hand was injured badly yesterday, and today everyone will not let him use the hammer again. Now Yu Xiaoran and Yu Xiaoxuan came in handy.

Coupled with Yu Junjie's great efforts, at night, the cave of Yu Qiang's family was also dug open.

This cave is about the same size as Yu Luo's house, but because it was already dark, Yu Qiang's family had prepared a handful of weeds in excitement. A handful of weeds were lit and thrown into the cave.

On this day, Yu Luo and the others finally moved into their cave, their first home in ancient times.

In the afternoon, several women, Ye Jiamei and Yu Luo, tidied up the cave.

What surprised Yu Luo and his family was that the floor of the cave was also rocky. Although it was uneven in some places, it would only need to be chiseled to smooth it out later.

During the day, Ye Jiamei found a lot of weeds and branches, mixed them with the dry firewood bought by Yu Luo and put them in the system, and after lighting them up, they baked the cave for a long time, and there was nothing in it, and it was dry Not wet anymore.

At night, while everyone was resting, Yu Junjie quickly put together a simple wooden door using the wood stored in the Yuluo system. He also removed two sacks and nailed them to the door leaf, which could completely isolate the outside. The chill was gone.

Looking at her new home in the wilderness, Ye Jiamei sighed and lit up a few kerosene lamps. Her eyes were filled with excitement!
"Finally, we don't have to squeeze into tents with everyone, we don't have to travel in exile, we don't have to live in a fixed place. We can still be here in the future and eat the meals we packed at the inn last time. It's just those meals that didn't melt until the snow melted." The question, thinking about it now, makes me hungry."

"Stop talking, Xiaoluo, hurry up and get some food for daddy and me. I really want to eat some of that white rice, and get some of those roasted chickens and vegetables. I'll follow you all in the next two months." , there is no privacy at all, the corners of my mouth are almost foaming!"

"I still have a wooden bed. Why don't I get two more wooden beds? I don't have to sleep on the hard ground tonight."

Yu Luo wanted to bring out those daily necessities such as furniture in a few days, so as not to be discovered by others when they visited.

But considering that those people only came to visit during the day, she would put the bed into the system when she got up early tomorrow morning, so there was nothing to worry about.

Hearing Yu Luo's proposal, Ye Jiamei nodded excitedly!

"Quick, quick, there are some clean underwear and so on. Get one set for me and your dad each. I have to wash it thoroughly before entering the hospital."

Seeing that everyone's hair was about to get lice, Yu Luo hurriedly took out some new clothes.

Ye Jiamei, who was holding her new clothes, immediately pulled Yu Junjie into her hospital.

(End of this chapter)

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