The whole family went into exile when they crossed, and evacuated the Hou's mansion all the way

Chapter 143 Chapter 143 Xiaoyi, did you take Xiaoxue to make a hole?

Chapter 143 Chapter 143 Xiaoyi, did you take Xiaoxue to make a hole?

At first, everyone didn’t want to talk to Zhang’s family, but when each family opened a cave, Zhang Yuan and his family quietly followed them to work. Even if others looked at them with blank eyes, they would not leave. They also lost their temper. In the end, even the Yijia Beast went to Zhang Yuan's house to find a cave.

Zhang Yuan had the cheek to ask Yu Junjie to borrow something, thinking that Zhang Yuan's wife Tao Fanghua was so ruthless back then and stopped Zhang Yuan from letting Zhang Yuan go to rescue Yu Luo, so he was so angry.

Naturally, Yu Haojie didn't want to borrow it, and Zhang Yuan was stubborn, so he went back!

Unexpectedly, when Yu Haojie thought that Zhang Yuan was about to give up like this, he saw Zhang Yuan and his son actually picked up a big stone and smashed it against the stone wall with his internal force!
Although they also have internal strength, when the stone hits the stone, the stone wall is either loose, or the stone in their hands is smashed. After a long time, the thick stone wall has not been smashed. In the pierced cave, small stones kept falling down because of the movement of Zhang Yuan's family smashing the mountain.

Everyone was so scared that they ran out of the cave one after another, for fear that the cave would be destroyed by Zhang's father and son!

Seeing Zhang Yuan and the others like this, the hands of the father and son were all bloody from smashing into the cave, Yu Haojie went straight up, threw them two hammers and two chisels, and went back to study how to burn red bricks, Going to make cement.

Looking at the hammer and chisel thrown by his side, Zhang Yuan picked it up, and looked at the back with gratitude.

If time goes back, he must not allow himself to listen to his wife, so selfish.

In the past few days, because of digging the cave, the system rewarded Yu Luo with another five thousand points. After Yu Luo converted all of them into growth points, he spent two points on the beast control technique. As expected, the alien beast spoke, She could understand it completely, and the remaining three points were added to her internal strength.

With the blessing of these three points of growth, Yu Luo quietly left the cave at night and tested his Qinggong. As expected, he was much faster than before!
But here, Yu Junjie, who was idle, was stumped by the matter of burning bricks.

If you want to burn bricks, it means you need a lot of firewood. When Yu Junjie's family of three was in trouble about this matter, who knew that the strange beast and Xiaoxue who ran out to play came back.

"Oops! Is this, this little thing, still Xiaoxue?"

Seeing Xiaoxue, who was originally covered in snow-white fur, suddenly turn into black coal, the eyes of Yu Luo's family of three widened!
Ye Jiamei exclaimed and quickly picked it up and looked at it carefully. The more she looked at it, the more she felt like Xiaoxue.

"Who else could it be?"

Yu Luo picked it up in disgust, and unceremoniously patted Xiaoxue's butt!
"Mother, take it in and wash it."

"Okay, turn around and ask this Xiaoyi, where did you take Xiaoxue to play wild, and you are not allowed to go next time, and see what you have done to Xiaoxue!"

"The snow outside hasn't melted yet. The black color on Xiaoxue's body is a bit abnormal, isn't it?"

Yu Junjie grabbed Xiaoxue from Ye Jiamei's arms and looked at her suspiciously. His focus was not on Yu Luo and her daughter at all, but just talking to himself.

Seeing that her father was so suspicious, Yu Luo stepped forward and touched Xiaoxue.

The originally white palm suddenly turned black. He brought it close to the tip of his nose and smelled it. The familiar smell made Yu Luo's eyes light up!

"Coal, it's coal! The black thing on Xiaoxue's body is actually coal?!"

Hearing her daughter's happy voice, Ye Jiamei took a closer look, but expressed doubts.

"Isn't it true? The Bai family, the Liu family, and the others all make fires to cook outside. Maybe the dirt on Xiaoxue's body was done in those piles of firewood."

"No! This is indeed the smell of coal. Coal is different from firewood ash. Coal is dark black, while firewood ash is lighter in color. As long as Xiaoxue shakes, the firewood ash on her body will fall off, but Xiaoxue's tiger hair will turn green." It's black, it must be coal!"

This discovery directly made Yu Haojie, who had been confused for several days, simply ecstatic!

If there is coal in this barren land, let alone burning bricks to make cement, if it is developed, it will make a fortune selling it in the future!

You know, this wild land does not belong to any country. Even if they exploit it privately, several countries have no right to interfere.

Unless any powerful people are disturbed, those people will send force to suppress them, and they will have to watch the coal mine become someone else's.

Thinking of this possibility, Yu Haojie's eyes lit up with excitement!

Let's not talk about the distance, at least now, he can solve the problem of burning bricks!

"Xiaoyi, did you take Xiaoxue to dig a hole?"

Coal is usually found deep underground, Yu Luo had no choice but to doubt the ability of the alien armored beast.

Now Yu Luo has reached the third level of beast control and can communicate with Xiao Yi normally.

Hearing Yu Luo's words, the Alien Armored Beast raised its head and nodded obediently, as if it could see that Yu Luo's family was no longer angry because of its troubles.

[Yes, Xiao Yi’s hole-piercing ability has become even better today! 】

Yu Luo...

Ignoring Xiao Yi's soft excitement, Yu Luo stood up and looked at Yu Junjie.

"Father, let's go and see, if it's really coal, then we'll really get rich."

"You go ahead and be safe on the road. I'll take Xiaoxue inside to wash her so that she won't get the bedding dirty when she goes to bed later."

Seeing the excitement of the father and daughter, Ye Jiamei didn't think too much about it. She only thought that if she could burn bricks and build a yard, it would be more secure to live in.

The father and daughter came out of the cave, with the strange beast leading the way, all the way to the southwest. After walking for almost half an hour, they finally arrived at the place where Xiao Yi dug the hole, and saw a hole with a diameter of less than ten centimeters. It was dark and deep, so Yu Luo directly carried Xiao Yi to the entrance of the cave.

"Go in and bring me a black stone. It's the kind of stone that dyes Xiaoxue's body black. Do you understand?"

[Good master! 】

The obedient Xiaoyi, wagging his long tail, slipped into the hole it made. The father and daughter waited outside for a cup of tea against the cold wind, when they saw Xiaoyi's tail, Withdrew slowly.

When Xiaoyi withdrew completely, the father and daughter looked at the coal hanging from its mouth, and immediately laughed!

"I guessed it right, there is actually a coal mine underground!"

"Yes, Dad, I suddenly had an idea."

Perhaps Yu Junjie and Ye Jiamei were both the same, they only thought of using coal to solve life problems, but Yu Luo thought of more.

"What's your idea? Come on, Dad, listen to it. If it's feasible, Dad will definitely support it!"

(End of this chapter)

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