Chapter 150 Resentment towards Ye Jiamei

Yu Luo, who had been silent all this time, listened to the arrangements of the father and son. After secretly communicating with the alien beast, the alien beast readily agreed.

In her opinion, learning martial arts and practicing bow and arrow are both good, but the effect is too slow, and there is not enough time. It is more practical to think about how to deal with the sudden intrusion of the enemy.

Yu Luo's voice fell, and everyone looked at her.

"It's good to dig a trap, but the movement is so big, if someone comes to watch them secretly, isn't the trap dug for nothing?"

Just when everyone thought Yu Luo's idea was a good one, Yu Xiaoran was skeptical.

"Yes, the movement of digging a trap is definitely not small. The ground is still covered with white snow more than a foot deep. It may not be all stones under the white snow..."

Liu Mingxia originally thought that digging traps would be a good idea, but after Yu Xiaoran said this, he began to doubt whether this feasibility was worth the trouble.

"The alien beast can do it. It can penetrate stones, let alone some loose stones and soil on the ground?"

After Yu Luo finished speaking, everyone turned their gazes to the alien armored beast.

Curled up at Yu Luo's feet, the alien armored beast lying on the ground with Xiaoxue, felt everyone's eyes on him, raised his head cutely, looked at the people around him, and suddenly reacted, repeatedly nod!
"Oh, Xiao Luo's alien armored beast is really human, it just needs to speak human words, how can it understand everything?"

"Xiaoyi is smart and a natural expert at digging holes. I'll leave this matter to him. You are responsible for cutting down the branches and sharpening them for later use. Before this evening, the strange beast should be able to dig a few cave doors. We have prepared traps, but you have to watch out for your children. Don’t accidentally fall into the trap before the enemy comes."

After Yu Luo finished speaking, everyone nodded in unison!
"Yes, we must keep an eye on them and we must not let them get out of the cave!"

People with children heard this and all promised.

Yu Luo didn't care about that anymore, anyway, she said the ugly things first, and if an accident really happened, it would be their own business.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw the ability of the alien armored beast.

Under Yu Luo's order, the alien armored beast immediately started its digging technique on the ground!
After a while, Xiao Yi dug up a lot of loess under the white snow. The men picked up the recently collected tree vines, woven baskets, and quickly transported the excess loess to a distance outside the cave and threw it away to avoid leaving any traces. , let those people see it.

The children who occasionally went out to play in the cave were also detained in the cave by the adults of their own family, and were watched exclusively by their family members.

After some threats, those children didn't dare to go out by themselves, so they obediently played in the cave by themselves.

In the evening, the Yu Xiaoran brothers and the men from Zhang's family went a few miles away and chopped back a bunch of branches. After all, the trees nearby are limited. Instead of destroying the environment where you live, it's better to use light work to go elsewhere .

It's said to be a branch, but it's actually about the size of a baby's arm.

Everyone went into battle together, sharpened their sticks, and inserted them into the two-meter-deep trap in front of the door, and sealed the hole with finely broken branches, and removed the thin sticks that had been picked off from the bandit rocks. Put the inner clothes on top, and then spread a thin layer of snow, and the trap is ready!

With this trap, everyone feels more at ease.

However, the trap had been dug for three days, and everyone was worried for three days, but still no one from the Wanli Gang showed up. This kind of waiting was undoubtedly more painful for everyone.

But during this period, some people's injuries have long since healed. Even those with serious injuries like Yu Yongjun can eat some rice porridge and say a few simple words.

And because of this, Ye Jiamei's medical skills also completely conquered this group of people, only Yu Yingying and Chen shi directly hated them.

Yu Meiyao, who was sent by the Chen family to walk around the third room of the Yu family, came back and briefly explained Yu Yongjun's injuries to the Chen family.

In the small cave, she did not deliberately lower her voice, even Yu Meiyao exaggerated and raised her voice, as if she was afraid that the people in the cave would not hear her. , the eyes were directly red, filled with hatred!
"Really or not, I heard your two brothers come back and say that Yu Yongjun's injuries were not serious. His intestines were exposed after one stab, and other internal organs must have been injured. It's like that. Ye Jiamei was also rescued?"

Hearing the news brought back by Yu Meiyao, Mrs. Chen was so shocked that her face was wrinkled and she was almost squeezing together!
I haven't heard of it for the past few days. When the news of Yu Yongjun's death came out, Mrs. Chen couldn't believe Ye Jiamei's medical skills, so she asked Yu Meiyao to go there on purpose.

Who would have thought that what Yu Meiyao brought back was news about Yu Yongjun getting better and better day by day.

"It's absolutely true. Madam Ye goes to change his dressing every day and personally delivers medicine to him. When I went there, Madam Ye had just left. Although Yu Yongjun couldn't get up yet, he was in good spirits. It would probably take less than ten days. , and can walk normally.”

Yu Meiyao also said in disbelief. Although she had not seen the injuries on Yu Yongjun's body with her own eyes, the two brothers Yu Xiaoran had seen them. Together with the conversation between the third roommate of the Yu family today, all this proved that Ye Jiamei really had a lot of skills. brush.

"This Mrs. Ye is too cruel. Since even Yu Yongjun's injury can be cured, why didn't he show the injury to my daughter, it hurts, hurts..."

The more she talked, the more uncomfortable and angry Chang Huilan became!
As soon as she saw Yu Yingying, who had a broken leg and could only lie in the cave all day long, Chang Huilan felt extremely distressed. During these days, she was crying every day, worrying about Yu Yingying's rest of her life.

"Yes, Mrs. Ye is too cruel. Can't you tell who is close and who is far away? My sister is missing a leg like this. This is a lifetime thing. She is too cruel. By the way, Huang Xiaoju also had a dissection before. Ye Jiamei can open her stomach and take out the baby. With legs like my sister’s, I don’t believe she can do anything even if I beat her to death.”

Yu Meiyao said emphatically, she was full of sympathy on the surface, but in fact, the moment Yu Yingying cut off a leg, she couldn't be too happy!

As far as Yu Yingying used to bully her, in Yu Meiyao's view, it was God's revenge for a person like Yu Yingying to have everything she has today.

But she can't show it, anyway, she is just a concubine's daughter now.

"Stop crying here and pretending to be merciful. Yu Meiyao, what do you think in your heart? Don't think I don't know. You always hate me for being a prostitute. You always bully me. You think I don't know. I broke a leg. You In fact, I have long been gloating in my heart!"

"I do not have……"

(End of this chapter)

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