Chapter 164

Ye Jiamei on the side folded her arms around her chest and looked at the crowd with a smile, with a hint of teasing in her tone.

She really didn't expect that her daughter would turn out to be a bitch and a good deceiver.If you are so cruel, you won't see any sympathy at all!

"Yes, yes!"

Unexpectedly, when Ye Jiamei's words fell, the dozen or so men did not hesitate, and foolishly agreed.

Seeing their reaction, Ye Jiamei shook her head, feeling quite sympathetic in her heart.

"Well, it's under the tree in front of you. Go find a place and plan where to dig the pond first. I'll get you tools."

Hearing what Yu Luo said, more than a dozen men hurriedly responded, and walked towards the front pointed by Yu Luo.

Returning to the cave, Yu Luo took out ten hoes, as well as some wooden sticks and shovels.

Seeing what Yu Luo took out, Ye Jiamei raised her eyebrows and clicked her tongue.

"Mother, don't be so yin and yang, what do you want to say?"

"I want to say that my daughter is really hard-hearted. She won't even blink an eye when she is being exploited by such a person."

Yu Luo rolled her eyes at her mother and said, her mother has always been a great virgin.

She was wary of her just now, but as soon as she showed a little pity, her mother's sympathy began to overflow again.

But fortunately, her mother's kindness is based on the softness of normal people. For enemies, or for people who don't know what to do, if her mother becomes unfeeling, she will admire her as a daughter.

This is also the reason why Yu Luo never stopped Ye Jiamei's kindness. Maybe behind every cold reality, there is still a little bit of her mother's innocence that is not too cautious, which is also a kind of beauty.

"You help me get the things and send them."

"Hey, you still dislike me for nagging?"

The mother and daughter were talking and laughing, each carrying a few hoes and shovels, carrying baskets, and walked out of the cave and walked straight towards the open space under the cave.

Under the big tree a hundred meters away from the cave, more than a dozen men gathered together, discussing, and everyone cheered up and took the task that Yu Luo gave seriously.

Watching the mother and daughter approaching from a distance, several people stopped arguing and waited for them.

When they saw the brand-new hoe and shovel on the shoulders of the mother and daughter, their eyes were shining brightly!
If they had these tools and a few seeds when they came here, they wouldn't have lived by hunting for so many years, and those brothers would not have died under the fangs of wild beasts because of hunting.

"Miss, madam."

More than a dozen people are discerning, and before the mother and daughter came to the front, everyone greeted them together, helped them take the tools in the hands of the mother and daughter, and directly changed their words, and they changed their words to the mother and daughter. call.

Yu Luo was very satisfied with the people who could find their own position.

It's not that she's being hypocritical, it's because there should be a difference between master and servant, so as not to slack off at work after getting acquainted at the beginning, and fooling their masters.

"These agricultural tools are all brand new. Miss and Madam really trust us?"

"It's just some farm tools. If you work with me sincerely, let alone these farm tools, you will definitely have nothing to worry about eating and drinking here in the future."

After Yu Luo finished speaking, everyone looked forward to it!
"We must work hard!"

Yu Luo nodded, "I asked you to find the location, but have you found it? I'm building a reservoir here to water the vegetable garden in front of my house in the future. I heard that in summer, the water in the barren land will be scarce. I don't even know how you live?"

"There is a small spring five miles away, but unfortunately the spring there is very small. A dozen of us live near it in summer, and we live on the water that can't be connected to two earthen jars a day."

"There are springs in such a barren place? How rare!"

Ye Jiamei was surprised, and Yu Luo was also a little surprised.

But living in the wild is not as good as living in a cave. After all, wherever there is water, there will be beasts, snakes, insects, rats and ants. She would rather dig a well when Xiaoyi is busy these days, so that everyone can drink in the future .

"It's really rare. When we brothers first came here, we found it after a lot of effort. By the way, Ma'am, according to what we have seen, if we build a pool near your home, it may be difficult for the time to come." Attract some wild beasts, it’s not as good as this. When the pool is built, we will use stones to build a stone wall in the pool, so that it will not be easy for wild animals to find. Only in this case, we will spend an extra day, At that time, it will not be completed within the time specified by you, miss."

Hearing the man's words, Yu Luo's eyes showed a little appreciation.

What she wants is not just someone who obeys the arrangement and works hard for her. She also needs this kind of person who can help her consider things more thoughtfully.

"What's your name?"

"Reporting to miss, my name is Tao Ming."

"Tao Ming? Who is so wicked to give you such a name, and when you hear it in the blink of an eye, those who don't know think it's an escape!"

Ye Jiamei spoke freely, talking to herself without any scruples.

Hearing this, the man looked embarrassed.

"It's the younger one's father. It's just that the younger one's father is illiterate and there are many brothers in the family. It's just a random choice."

Seeing Tao Ming's simple and honest explanation, Ye Jiamei realized that her ridicule just now was indeed a little too much, so she couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

"I'm sorry, but when I speak, I just speak out of my heart, and I don't mean anything else."

"Yes, madam is straightforward, but it's really a bit unlucky to have my name, otherwise I wouldn't be here."

"It's just a name, don't worry about it, Tao Ming, right? I think you have an idea. Your proposal just now is very good. Let's do this for now. Then I will give you one more day. My mother and I will not It’s time to delay you, let’s get started.”

Yu Luo left behind his tools, so he took Ye Jiamei back to the cave. He planned to take Xiaoyi to fix the river in the valley first, but now the group of men are outside, and her father is not here, leaving only her mother She didn't feel at ease being alone at home.

It's just that after Yu Luo and the others left, everyone surrounded Tao Ming and became suspicious.

"Even if a reservoir is dug in this place, can it really store water? Does it depend on a few rains? I don't know what Miss and the others think."

Tao Ming's expression became solemn, and he couldn't put it down, looking at the shovel and hoe in his hand over and over again, with such rare vigor, it was as if he had found a treasure.

In the cave she left, Yu Meiyao peeked at the entrance of her cave for a while. When she saw Yu Luo and her daughter turning back, she immediately returned to the cave and told her family what she had just seen. .

Yu Zhengqing and the others are not short of the few taels of silver, and they are going to work under Yu Junjie as long-term workers. Even if they feel guilty, Yu Zhengqing, the former son of An Rong, is still Yu Haojie's brother, and he can't let go. face, to do such a job.

(End of this chapter)

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