Chapter 166 I have to go to the closed city

Looking at the joy in the eyes of several people who were planning, Chang Huilan had no choice but to remind them of the real problems on the bright side.

In the past, she just ignored the existence of Yu Luo's family of three, and later because of her husband, she wanted to repair the relationship with Yu Luo's family, but her daughter's leg became Chang Huilan's heart disease, and she couldn't get over this hurdle.

Although she didn't hate it so much that she killed Yu Luo's family of three with her own hands, if someone else wanted to do it, her family could still benefit, and she could be a bystander.

Sure enough, as soon as Chang Huilan said these words, the smiles on the faces of the grandparents and grandson disappeared instantly.

Especially Chen Shi, when she thought of the time when Yu Luo deliberately shot her arm with a bow, she felt lingering fear.

She bet that Yu Luo did it on purpose.

Although she didn't know why Yu Luo didn't kill her directly, she knew that the current family of bastards was not easy to deal with.

"Father, why do we still need to dig a reservoir? When the time comes, we will just go to the reservoir at Calamity Star's house to fill it with water. With this strength, we might as well save some money."

Yu Xiaoxuan, who was forced to work, just dug the ground for a while, but couldn't take it anymore.

His hands are used to hold swords, not to wield hoes and shovels here.

Even a few months of exile have not erased the arrogance in this young master's heart, as well as the delicacy of being born in the Marquis Mansion since childhood.

Before even a prototype of a reservoir was dug, he angrily dropped his hoe, sat down on the ground, and asked his father dissatisfiedly.

When he came here, he thought he could be free for at least a few months, and just wait until the people from the capital came to take them back. Who knows that coming here is more tiring than being exiled and traveling.

It was okay to dig a cave when we first arrived. After all, the family needed a roof over their heads.

Unexpectedly, the stone cave was dug, and his father caught them to pick up stones at the door of the house, open up wasteland and grow vegetables!

Well, he can bear it, after all, he also wants to eat vegetables.

But the vegetables were finally grown, and his father asked him to dig a reservoir again!

He couldn't bear it any more, so he dropped the hoe and sat on the ground, confused and angry.

"You can't bear this kind of suffering. What else can you do in your future life?"

Yu Zhengqing continued to wield the hoe, and after a while, his forehead was covered with sweat. In this wild place during the day, the sun was shining on his body, and it was warm, but if he had to work, it would be a little hot.

"Father, let's not talk about this for now, isn't there news from the capital in a few months? Why do we need to dig this reservoir?"

Hearing Yu Xiaoxuan's words, Yu Zhengqing finally stopped what he was doing, and looked at his eyes seriously.

"I have been in the wilderness for more than a month, but I have not received any news. I contacted the capital more than three months ago. I have been worried about this matter these days. I am not afraid of anything, just afraid. The situation in Beijing has changed."

"Father, we have settled down now, why don't we go back and take a look, anyway, you and my father and son's lightness kung fu, if you want to go back quietly, it's okay."

Seeing the anxiety in her father's eyes, Yu Xiaoran also put down her work and whispered.

"That's what I had in mind, but both our father and son have left. I don't feel at ease leaving Xiaoxuan as my father. Xiaoxuan is still young and prone to impulsiveness. In addition, we have just eliminated the Wanli Gang in Fengcheng. I’m sure there will be other people watching us.”

Hearing his father's worries, Yu Xiaoxuan didn't take it seriously.

"They can come when they come. We killed more than 100 people last time. Father, your worries are unnecessary."

As soon as Yu Xiaoxuan said these words, not to mention Yu Zhengqing, Yu Xiaoran also became worried about him.

Immediately he glared at his brother with dissatisfaction, his expression became serious, and after thinking for a moment, he said again: "So, I think my father is right, I am not worried about leaving Xiaoxuan alone to protect the family. , it’s better for my father to stay and I go back to the capital.”

Yu Zhengqing was not surprised when he heard his eldest son's decision. Although he knew it was the wisest decision, he didn't want Yu Xiaoran to take the risk.

If you are not careful, Yu Xiaoran will fall into the hands of the emperor or those who are opposed to the second prince.

At first glance, Yu Xiaoran was more successful than his youngest son Yu Xiaoxuan, and he was also his eldest son, so Yu Xiaoran was the hope of their Yu family, and he didn't want Yu Xiaoran to take risks.

"If you go, maybe those people may not be able to buy it, so let's forget it for the father. When the time comes, you will pay close attention to the family members, especially your grandmother. Although it is peaceful for the time being, you are not afraid of anything, just afraid that she will provoke you. Your second uncle's family, after all, your second uncle's family is not what they used to be, if they get serious, your grandmother's life may be gone at any time."

Yu Xiaoran nodded solemnly, thinking about her grandmother and feeling a headache.

"We will discuss the matter of going back later. In fact, my father plans to go to the closed city in the next few days."

Upon hearing what Yu Zhengqing said, both brothers looked worried. They both asked in confusion, "What are you going to do over there?"

Seeing the puzzled and anxious looks of the two sons, Yu Zhengqing sighed.

"There is an old acquaintance of being a father over there. If it is possible, it should be of some use."

"Then father, let's take Xiaoxuan with him. Although Xiaoxuan's temper is a bit impatient, his kung fu is pretty good. If there is an accident, Xiaoxuan can also help father. I will watch over you at home, so father can rest assured."

Yu Xiaoxuan was dissatisfied when he heard that his elder brother asked him to follow.

I had heard the legend of the city being closed in the capital. It was like a hellish Shura field. There was no royal law at all and everything was based on strength.

He wanted to refuse, but he didn't dare to speak. Once he spoke, he would definitely be looked down upon by his elder brother and father.

"Okay, then we will make arrangements for my father."

Yu Haojie took everyone to the wasteland for a long time, and then came back with a group of women.

There is no preparation today, everyone only brought a little water, not even dry food.

These women planned to come back and prepare food for the men who were working at home, and even the children at home were left outside.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he came back, he saw a dozen or so men wielding shovels and hoes under the vegetable field of Yu Luo's family, working hard.

The timid girls hurried towards their caves, while the bold women stood under the stone mountain and looked at it, full of doubts.

Hearing the noise outside, Yu Luo, who had prepared today's lunch, walked out and saw his father and a group of women looking curiously at the men in the stone houses.

"what 's wrong?"

Yu Haojie looked at Yu Luo and frowned, obviously apart from being puzzled, he was more wary of the men in these stone houses.

(End of this chapter)

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