Chapter 172 Want to retreat?

Yu Meiyao was also unbelievable. Seeing this, she knelt down together and begged for love.

Looking at the trio who were making a fuss, Chen regretted that he had just raised his opinion with his son in front of them, and it was so annoying.

"Stop knocking, Lan Shi, you too, am I doing this so that we can return to the capital as soon as possible? Besides, you are just a concubine. If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about your sons and daughters." The concubine's room is in an ordinary family, and it's just something to be thrown away at will. These years, the Hou Mansion has treated you well, and has always treated you as a master. It's time for you to make some sacrifices for our Yu family."


Faced with Chen's ruthlessness, Lan was speechless for a while!
Indeed, in ordinary people, concubines are just something to play around with or even give away, but they are the Yu family, and her husband-in-law is Yu Zhengqing!
"But mother, isn't our family in good shape now? Why do you have to sell me? I, what am I not doing well enough, please tell me, I will change, I will definitely change!"

Looking at Mrs. Lan who was crying so hard, Mrs. Chen smiled coldly.

"If you are like this, isn't it because you are afraid of being betrayed? Otherwise, you would be willing to serve me, my wife?"


As soon as Chen's words came out, even Chang Huilan, who wanted to be an invisible person, couldn't bear to listen.

To be honest, she has hated the Lan family for many years. No woman in this world wants her husband to take a concubine, but what can she do?

But now the situation is different. As for the demon master of the Chen family, if she sells the Lan family, the hard work of the family, the burden of serving her own daughter and the old witch, the Chen family, must not fall on her body?
Although there is still Yu Meiyao...

Yes, Yu Meiyao!
Why not sell Yu Meiyao?
Chang Huilan's eyes lightly fell on Yu Meiyao's face, her eyes traveled up and down on Yu Meiyao's body, she held back the little thoughts hidden in her heart.

"Mother, this journey has not been easy for the Lan family. The Lan family has also paid a lot. The husband is not willing to do such things, so why mention it?"

Chang Huilan spoke lightly. Lan, Chen, and everyone in the cave looked at Chang Huilan in disbelief.

Although Chang Huilan has been so happy with the Lan family for so many years, she is a former concubine after all, and she has a bad reputation as a jealous woman. For the sake of face and her husband and wife relationship with Yu Zhengqing, Chang Huilan has never been here. On the bright side, he made things difficult for Lan Shi.

But who really believed that Chang Huilan didn't bear a grudge against this woman who robbed her of a man?
Mrs. Chen narrowed her eyes slightly, and cast a sidelong glance at her daughter-in-law, as if she suddenly couldn't understand what Chang Huilan was thinking.

"Women with long hair and short knowledge, you can only see what is in front of you. We have been in this barren land for more than a month, why haven't there been any news from the capital? The longer you wait, the more likely you will be. Changes, when it is absolutely necessary, the old lady doesn't want to do it, and it will add trouble to Zhengqing's heart."

Mrs. Chen came up with such a bad idea out of spite, and in the end she looked like she was being forced to do nothing, which made Mr. Lan's hatred even stronger.

After Chen finished speaking, his eyes returned to the crying Lan, and his originally sharp and acerbic face suddenly softened a bit.

"Lady, don't worry, no matter what, we will treat your children kindly. Meiyao's eldest sister is also the second prince's side concubine. If the second prince ascends the throne in the future, at least she will be one of the four concubines. Such a status , I will definitely find a good marriage for your children in the future, your sacrifice is not for the Yu family, you must know that you are for your children."


"If the husband really wants to abandon the concubine, then there is nothing to say about the concubine."

Mrs. Lan gritted her teeth, not wanting to waste her saliva, and continued to beg Mrs. Chen.

How could she not understand what kind of person Chen was during the more than ten years in the Hou Mansion?

Chen Shi was determined, what she said was useless, Lan Shi wiped away the tears on his face, got up and continued to busy with the work in hand.

And Yu Luo didn't have time to trouble the Chen family at all. They were a family of three, except for Ye Jiamei who didn't touch Yang Chunshui, Yu Luo and Yu Haojie were so busy that they never touched the ground every day.

Everyone's drinking water problem has been solved, but now the problem of water seepage in the reservoir is still difficult for the father and daughter.

"Why don't you take a trip to the city to be closed down? If the city is not necessarily closed, there will be oil paper for sale? Put the oil paper on the bottom, lay a few more layers, and then manually crush some soil, spread a thick layer, and use wooden stakes Crush back and forth little by little?”

Yu Luo actually didn't know much about infrastructure. This was the only way she could think of to quickly solve the problem, and it was also the clumsiest way.

Yu Junjie immediately denied, "Although this may work for the time being, the oil paper will be covered with soil directly. After the water fills the pond, it will be soaked for a long time. Even if the oil paper is impermeable, sooner or later it will be soaked. .

It is time-consuming and labor-intensive to repair such a large project in the future. Instead of such a toss, it is better to make the lime in one step. layer, that's it, and this is the only thing that can be used now. "

Hearing his father's opinion, Yu Luo had nothing to refute. His father was already better at infrastructure construction.

"It's a pity that I don't have any points now, otherwise I will open the mall first, and just buy cement to water it."

Yu Luo rubbed between her brows with a headache, she knew that if she wanted to get lime out, she had to open a lime kiln.

But burning lime requires a lot of burning materials, which can't be satisfied in this wild place, so the only way to do it is to use the coal that Xiaoyi found.

But if those coal mines are used, it will mean the risk of being discovered by others. She doesn't want to be caught by others before she thinks about how to use those coal mines to make a fortune.


Just when Yu Luo was worried, Yu Junjie's voice suddenly called her seriously and solemnly.

Yu Luo raised his eyes and looked into his father's serious eyes, waiting for his next words.

"Xiaoluo, it's actually very difficult for us to build this barbaric land into the country we want. Even if we have golden fingers and are the status of time travellers, it's far more difficult than we imagined. Bigger.”

"Father, do you want to back down a bit?"

Hearing what his father said, Yu Luo, who knew him well, frowned slightly and asked.

Yu Haojie took a deep breath and nodded undeniably, "We do have some plans to retreat. What we have to face is not only the natural environment, but also more unknown external difficulties."

(End of this chapter)

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