Chapter 175 Their Eyes Are Sore With Excitement
"I've put the new clothes inside. My father will bring you some hot water later, wash off the mud on your body, and change your clothes."

Upon hearing this, Tao Ming and everyone were even more frightened and waved their hands repeatedly.

They were still warming up around the stove, and the chills on their bodies did not disappear, but they were so frightened by this unruly arrangement that they dared not go forward.

"Miss, you must not do it. That is the lady's boudoir. Young people cannot go in."

"When is it, do you still pay attention to these things? It's not that there are no men in this family, isn't my father here? Go in and change, and drink some ginger soup to drive away the cold when you come out later."

Yu Luo looked at these honest and honest men and didn't know what to say.

Her behavior was indeed inappropriate in ancient times, but in such an environment, who could care so much?

On the way to exile, she was still squeezed between her parents to sleep, because she was afraid of sleeping in the wild, and the cold winter would freeze her.

When we live together in a tent, aren't men and women together?
"No, no, there are rules. Why don't you, Miss and Madam go in and avoid it first, the little ones are offended..."

Tao Ming was grateful to have met the kind-hearted Yu Luo family, but he didn't want to harm Yu Luo. After some refusal, he had no choice but to speak shamelessly and bravely.

"That's right. It's hard to clean the cave inside when it gets wet. There's a stove outside, so it's easy to get water. Xiao Luo, let's go in first."

Ye Jiamei got up and said, after speaking, she went into Yu Luo's small cave, and then took out a bunch of new clothes, so Yu Luo had no choice but to follow her mother to take out the new clothes for them.

At this time, when Yu Zhengqing was distributing things, even if Yu Luo and the others shared some of the bandits' cotton coats, they all gave them to the third room of the Yu family. Today, what Yu Luo brought out was all from before. Bought in two towns.

Although these things were bought with real money, she also brought the money along with her. Besides ready-made clothes, she also hoarded a lot of cloth and cotton. Even if their family didn't buy clothes in this lifetime, they would never be able to wear them all.

Besides, Yu Luo planned to accept these people's actions today as his confidantes, so he wouldn't feel bad at all if he gave them something.

She didn't care about these incomparably precious things to the exiled prisoners, but Tao Ming and his party were flattered!
"Cotton clothes? Also, are they all new cotton clothes, or are they all made of muslin? This, this feels so warm to the touch. Compared with the hard animal skin clothes, it's so comfortable to wear. It's really for us? Wanna?" First, what if it gets dirty?"

Zhang Xiaoliang was so wet that he didn't know how to reach out. He hurriedly washed it in a basin of hot water prepared by Yu Junjie, and couldn't help but touch the delicate and soft cotton clothes.

This touch made his eyes sore with excitement...

How many years, they haven't worn such a warm cotton coat!Whenever the winter cold hits, he is fine. Those brothers who have no internal strength are all too cold to get out of bed.

Each of them is now wearing the heavy and hard cotton padded clothes many years ago. In order to keep out the cold, they will add the animal skins that came to hunt in the wild land...

With Zhang Xiaoliang's red eyes, a dozen or so rough guys also got their eyes wet and hurried to wash their hands.

"Of course it's for you. You will be our long-term employees in the future. I can't let you suffer from the cold, right? Don't worry, I won't let you pay it back."

Ye Jiamei looked at these rough old men and cried emotionally. She felt sour in her heart and spoke boldly.

"Thank you, madam, thank you, my boss, thank you, miss!"

As soon as Ye Jiamei finished speaking, Zhang Xiaoliang and everyone else bowed and thanked the family in the cave.

Yu Haojie hurriedly stopped them, telling them to stop bowing quickly, it's important to warm up.

"Father, prepare more hot water for them. Let everyone wash up. They're all soaked anyway. Taking a hot bath will keep them warm. I'll bring out some face towels."

"Miss, don't worry about us. We can do it ourselves. It's just that we have to waste your firewood, miss."

Tao Ming said with an apologetic face, if he knew this would happen, he shouldn't have let everyone out, not to mention whether he was helpful, but also caused a lot of trouble for the lady boss and the others.

"It's just a little firewood. If it's gone, we'll have to look for it. Don't catch a cold."

Yu Luo didn't care about the words, but Luoye Jiamei took a jar and opened it, and the cold granules in the clay pot came out, and handed it to Yu Zhengqing.

"This is cold medicine, make a pot of water for them to drink later, don't get cold."

Naturally, Tao Ming and the dozen or so people couldn't understand Ye Jiamei's words, but Yu Junjie understood.

He nodded in understanding, went into Yu Luo's cave, and took out a bathtub.

A dozen or so people seldom bathed, but it took most of a day to wash them thoroughly from head to toe.

The hot water on the stove kept burning, and the water in the tank went out to fight again when it ran out, and went back and forth countless times. Fortunately, there were coir raincoats and bamboo hats, and a shed was built above the well to cover the water. Dust or bird droppings, otherwise, even if you have a raincoat, you will be soaked in water again and again.

Yu Luo, mother and daughter, stayed in the cave inside until the afternoon, but the rain outside showed no sign of stopping.

In the evening, and it was raining again, it got dark very early. In Yu Luo's cave, a group of men put on soft and thick new cotton clothes and warmed up around the stove.

After washing them, they were refreshed. Yu Haojie even took out a sharp dagger and asked them to shave off their beards, revealing their young faces completely.

"So you are all so young?"

After these men packed up, Yu Haojie, a mother and daughter, called out. Unexpectedly, seeing a dozen young and handsome faces suddenly appeared in the cave, Ye Jiamei opened her mouth, was shocked for a long time, and blurted out!

As soon as these words came out, the cheeks of the dozen or so men in the cave became hot!
Yu Luo had long been used to her mother's outspokenness, so she smiled awkwardly and walked towards the cave entrance.

"Why is the rain still so heavy? Don't you plan to stop today?"

[Ding dong, if you go back to the host, the system doesn't know when the rain will stop. The system originally estimated that it will last for two days. Let's take a look tomorrow, but if it can last for a few more days, it's a good thing, not sure. It can also change the soil of the wild land, but after the rain stops, the host can see a surprise. 】

Originally, he was just talking to himself, but the voice of the system sounded in his mind again.

Hearing this, Yu Luo looked forward to it even more.

(End of this chapter)

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