Chapter 206

Yu Luo took another white marble token from the man in Jinyi. Before she could take a second look at the totems and inscriptions on the token, the man in Jinyi gave her a slight salute and held the tray and her 2 taels of gold tickets. , turned around and headed towards the high platform.

Yu Luo's mood at this time might be similar to riding a roller coaster!

The feeling of physical pain after a heavy hemorrhage was still aching in her heart, but the sudden respectful attitude of the people who sealed the city made her, who had been treated arrogantly since entering the city, feel a little flattered!

What's more, everyone looked at her enviously, and she could even feel a lot of unkind and greedy eyes scanning her body frequently.

After tightening her arms, Yu Luo looked back and realized that it was Zhang Hu who was tugging on her sleeve, gesturing her to sit down quickly.

Yu Luo came to his senses and didn't want to be taken as a target, so he hurriedly sat back on the stone steps stool.

At this moment, she lowered her eyes and looked at the white marble VIP token in her hand.

20 taels of silver, so she got the VIP treatment from Fengcheng?

Sure enough, she was the one who was taken advantage of!
But fortunately, there is still tomorrow night, at least I can save that brat.

When she gets the charm skills later, she will definitely let that brat practice hard!Train yourself to death, otherwise these 20 taels will be so worthless!
"Oh, little rich woman, you really hide your secrets."

As soon as he sat down, Tao Ming's nagging voice sounded again. Yu Luo frowned, stretched out his hand, pulled Tao Ming up from his seat, and sat down.

Tao Ming was subconsciously confused when he saw Yu Luo switching places with him again. Before he could react, Yu Luo had already sat down in his place.

"What is your background? I found out that you are very interested in my identity today?"

Yu Luopi tilted his head slightly with a smile, lowered his voice, and gritted his teeth.

When Ye Xi heard this, her pursed lips couldn't hide the smile in her eyes.

"This young master is interested in all good-looking women."

"Then it would be a pity if you don't become a stallion?"

Night thread...

At this time, on the high platform, Chi Qiu had already started the second auction.

Without any fancy words to describe it, the goods of the second auction have been pushed to a high level.

Yu Luo frowned slightly when he saw that there were still people imprisoned in cages, and there were still a group of graceful women wearing only bellybands and panties.

As a woman, she felt angry when she saw her kind being stripped like this, imprisoned in iron cages, and sold.

But this time, her sanity was completely wiped out by 2 taels of gold.

Especially knowing that one person can sell 2 taels of gold, she can't even be irrational!

Ye Lu looked at Yu Luo who turned his attention to the high platform after quarreling with him. He pursed his lips tightly and frowned with a look of dissatisfaction, and became interested again.

"You should be lucky that they didn't see your beauty, otherwise... one of the women in the iron cage might be you."


"Are you really dissatisfied with your longevity?" Yu Luo looked back and gave the man a sideways look, his voice cold.

She has seen disgusting men, but she has never seen a man as disgusting as the one next to her!
Resisting the urge to fall out now, Yu Luo took a deep breath and stopped paying attention to the man beside him. His eyes continued to fall on the woman in the iron cage.

There are a total of five people in the iron cage. They are fat, thin, and have different looks, but they all have beautiful faces, snow-white skin, and curvy figures.

Like Ming Ye before, their limbs were bound and arranged in a large font. The humiliation made all of their faces show numb expressions.

When these five women appeared, there was no more booing than before.

Even in a wild land, a place that is very short of women, among the people at the scene, among the men who can get in, who is really short of women?

What is really in short supply of women are the vicious villains wandering in this barbaric land.

They are fierce, but they are poor. They cannot afford women, or even visit the brothels in the closed city, so if a woman appears in the wilderness, she will become prey in their eyes.

Even if these women are no longer in the eyes of these people, women are sometimes tools. Five women were photographed by a mysterious man with his face covered for 2000 taels of gold.

"There are a lot of good-looking women out there in the wilderness. Many of these people who come to seal the city are probably not locals. Why do they spend so much money to take pictures of these women?"

Yu Luo murmured to herself, but in fact she was asking Ye Lu next to her. This was also the reason why she wanted to exchange places with Tao Ming.

Because she found that Ye Lu, a man, seemed to know a lot about this wild place.

Ye Xun raised her lips, with a hint of disdain at the corner of her mouth, "What these women are worth is not their beautiful appearance, but their bodies that have been trained by a ST. A ST who can capture a man's soul in bed."

In other words, you were taught by Special T?
Yu Luo thought to himself, but did not answer Ye Lu's words again.

As everyone knows, the training Yu Luo knows and the special T-training in Fengcheng are completely different things.

And how could Yelu let her go like this?
"I didn't realize that even at such a young age, a beauty doesn't even blush when she hears such words?"

Yu Luo...

As long as this man is disgusting and she doesn't answer, this disgusting man will not be able to continue to disgust her.

Maintaining this mentality, Yu Luo continued to keep his mouth shut and waited for the third piece of goods to come on stage.

The third time the goods came on stage, it was people again, but this time the difference was men.

A man whose limbs were tied up and arranged into a big Chinese character again!

Seeing such a man being pushed up like an animal, everyone was no longer silent, and there was a burst of sighs in their mouths!

[Host, this man is a strong man. If you buy him, you will have an effective helper by your side in the future. It can be said that in the future, it will be no problem for this man to be the vanguard to protect your city. Yes, it's just that because of his martial arts practice, he has gone crazy and is delirious. However, the people in Fengcheng can catch such a master, and there are many masters who want to come to Fengcheng. 】

The system that had been silent for two days suddenly sounded in Yu Luo's mind.

Yu Luo was quite happy when she heard the sound of the system first, but when she heard the words behind the system, she was a little confused.

"He's a delirious and obsessed person. What's the use of me holding it? Besides, can I control someone as powerful as him? I don't believe in myself, what kind of charisma do I have? Besides, in the future I If the city is built, it may become a thorn in Fengcheng's side. If I get this person back now, will I become their target in advance? My whole family has been directly destroyed by Fengcheng before the city is built? "

(End of this chapter)

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