Chapter 208 Just Brag!
Ye Luo, who was beside Yu Luo, turned her attention back to the black iron sword again, her eyes never blinking, full of obsession.

Yu Luo's kung fu was all given by the system. It came too easily, and there was no craziness exuding from the bones of these people at the scene.

Even Erhahaha Tao Ming sat upright, his eyes shining for a moment, staring at the sword drawn by Chi Chou on the high platform.

There was desire and more of envy in those eyes.

It's a pity that she doesn't have enough financial resources now. If she could, given Tao Ming and Zhang Hu's loyalty to her, she would have to give them a handful no matter what.

Finally, after finishing the appreciation, Chi Qiu called out the starting price of today's black iron sword.

"I don't need to say much about how rare a black iron sword is. You all know it in your mind. The starting price of a black iron dagger sold in Fengcheng the year before last reached 2 taels. It was also snapped up by people. In the end, it was sold for It cost 8000 taels, and if you want to cast such a black iron sword, let alone the materials, just the requirements for the casting master, you have to choose one out of ten thousand.

Okay, let’s not talk nonsense. The starting price of this black iron sword today is 8 taels. The highest bidder will get it. Each increase in price will not be less than 100 taels. Let’s get started. "

After Chi Qiu finished speaking, when everyone heard the starting price, the originally quiet scene suddenly burst into boos!
The starting price of 8 taels of gold was just this starting price. About nine out of ten people at the scene lost the courage to compete.

Even if they can afford to give this money, they still have to bear the consequences of giving it away, whether it will shake themselves and their families, or even the foundation of the family or organization?
The drum stick in the man's hand fell heavily on the big drum, and at the scene where there were boos, someone immediately raised the sign next to him and shouted out the price of 100 taels.

As I looked around, I saw that the person who shouted out the price was sitting in the first row of the viewing gallery.

But Yu Luo was immersed in Chi Qiu's words and couldn't extricate himself for a long time.

A black iron dagger was sold for more than 5 taels of gold, so what about the one in her system...?
She couldn't calm down anymore when she thought that the dagger she usually carried with her was worth so much money!
Thank God for the system, she is indeed the system's biological host!
She made a move casually. It was just to cut off the iron chains on their bodies, but the system generously gave her such a valuable dagger?
Does the generosity of the system mean that the system will also have many better weapons?

Thinking of this, Yu Luo looked towards Tao Ming and Zhang Hu beside him.

Based on the friendship they had just protected her and allowed her to escape first, she would have to be shameless and ask the system for each of them a black iron sword.

Yu Luo put away his thoughts and returned his attention to the scene again.

At this time, the black iron sword had gone from the initial price of 100 taels to 12 taels.

Upon hearing this number, Yu Luo was so shocked that he secretly gasped!
Looking back, I was in a daze for just a moment. These people are so crazy!

"They are really a bunch of martial arts idiots, but everyone is really rich. No wonder the consumption in Fengcheng is so high, because the target consumer group is not ordinary ordinary people."

After saying that, Yu Luo glanced sideways and deliberately looked at Ye Lu beside him with provocative eyes, and suddenly wanted to say something mean to him!
Because at this time, the veins on Ye Lu's forehead could not help but protrude. With this look, it was obvious that he was determined to win the black iron sword!

Maybe he didn't expect that the competition would be so fierce, and that those people would raise the price to such a high level so quickly.

"Tell me the price, don't you like it? You can't afford it, right?" Yu Luo's sarcastic voice sounded faintly, and Ye Xi looked back and met her sparkling eyes.

He was listening attentively to those people bidding, but when he saw Yu Luo's face full of eyes that were waiting for a joke, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"What, can you afford it?"

"You don't care whether I can afford it or not, but I don't care about it at all."

Yu Luo shrugged, looked at the people in the first row, raised the sign, and shouted the price to 13 taels, the smile on her face became wider.

She seems to have thought of how to make money in her own city!
Maybe she also holds auctions and can earn a lot of money every month, but I don’t know if her system will give her the opportunity to get more "magic weapons" for her. In that case, it will be impossible. This transaction will make a lot of money directly!

"13 taels."

Just when Yu Luo was already thinking about how he could lead the whole city to make a fortune in the future, a clear voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

The voice was neither slow nor fast, faintly and clearly echoing in his ears.

When Yu Luo heard the suddenly serious voice, he looked sideways in shock and saw that Ye Luo beside him had put on a silver mask at some point and raised his number plate!
"Haha, I've underestimated you! Isn't your mask a bit redundant?"

Yu Luo's sarcasm sounded again, and someone in the first row of the audience raised a sign and shouted the price of the Black Iron Sword to 15 taels!
"Little girl, today I will let you see my master's financial resources. One hundred and eighty thousand taels!"

Just when Yu Luo thought that the man next to him would definitely give up because of the people in the first row bidding, who knew that Ye Xun suddenly smiled at her, raised the sign again, and even shouted proudly The sky-high price of 18 taels!
Ye Lu's increase is not the previous increase of hundreds or thousands of taels, but a direct increase of 3 taels!

3 taels, 3 taels is 30 taels of silver!
"Sure enough, people are stupid and have too much money. If you can't take the photo today, I will get this black iron sword in the future. I can sell it to you for 18 taels of gold."

Looking at the wealthy Ye Lu next to him, Yu Luo was shocked and couldn't help but shake his head.

"Oh, dark iron is scarce, and there are even fewer forgers who can cast dark iron into weapons. You can brag."

Ye Lu's voice fell low, and apparently the whole audience was in an uproar because he suddenly shouted the price to 18 taels of gold!
This uproar also included those in the first row who had been competing for the biggest prize!
And because of this, as soon as the high price of 18 taels came out, the scene that had previously stimulated competition gradually cooled down.

At the same time, the eyes of many people at the scene were already searching for the man who had just raised a sign and shouted out the two-day price of 18.

And those in the first row, who had raised the placards most frequently before, seemed to know how to weigh the pros and cons when they heard the sky-high price, even if they were rare for the sword.

(End of this chapter)

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