Chapter 224
Along the way of exile, Yu Zhengqing's attitude changed drastically. Every time the descendants wanted to cause trouble, Yu Zhengqing would bring up their bad intentions and strangle them in the cradle. His attitude towards their family also became even more serious. Change.

He tries to please everyone, and even wants to ask for reconciliation and repair at any time. The relationship has become irreversible, and even he works tirelessly.

Today, when Yu Zhengqing looked at such a house, although he was not jealous, his tone was obviously different from before.

Seeing Yu Zhengqing like this, Yu Luo narrowed his eyes slightly and became alert.

"I don't know why you came here? I believe Prince An Rong definitely didn't come to investigate because of such a house, right?"

Yu Junjie was not a soft persimmon. Looking at Yu Zhengqing who suddenly changed his temper, he responded with full of sarcasm.

"Yu Haojie, I miss my brotherhood and want to restore our relationship with you, but why, why don't you even let an old man go?!"

Hearing Yu Junjie's sarcasm, anger suddenly emerged on Yu Zhengqing's face. He turned around and glared at him. Yu Junjie, who was only a few steps away, asked with gritted teeth!
Yu Haojie...

Yu Luo, Ye Jiamei!

Looking at Yu Zhengqing, whose eyes were suddenly red with anger and staring at Yu Haojie fiercely, the three of them were all stunned for a while.

"What do you mean? What's wrong with me? Oh, why can't I understand? What are you talking about?"

"Stop pretending! Why did you kill my mother?! Yu Haojie, the brotherhood between you and me will be severed from today on. Today I am here to avenge my mother!"

Yu Haojie, who was confused by Yu Zhengqing's sudden words, was so dizzy that he didn't know what was wrong with him. Unexpectedly, he just asked a question, which made Yu Zhengqing even more furious!
And the words that Yu Zhengqing blurted out again suddenly shocked the family of three and opened their mouths wide!
Before the three of them could react, Yu Zhengqing swung the long sword in his hand directly towards the confused Yu Haojie!

Although Yu Haojie has divine power, he has no kung fu or internal strength.

In terms of reaction, it is not as fast as a martial arts practitioner!
Seeing the long sword in Yu Zhengqing's hand coming straight towards his chest, Yu Haojie subconsciously stepped back!

In an instant, a crossbow appeared in Yu Luo's hand, and he immediately aimed at Yu Zhengqing, who was stabbing his father with a sword!



The sound of the short arrow piercing the body was drowned by the rain, and it pierced Yu Zhengqing's shoulder blade, and Yu Zhengqing's body fell heavily towards the threshold behind him without any precautions!

Yu Xiaoran, who followed him and appeared in the house, hurriedly stepped out of the way before he could take action, and caught Yu Zhengqing, who was kicked several meters away, firmly in his hands. Only then did Yu Zhengqing's body avoid being thrown out.

When the father and son came back to their senses, they saw that more than a dozen people had appeared in front of Yu Haojie's family of three...

Looking at the family of three, there were suddenly so many people around them. The father and son were surprised and had even stronger hatred in their eyes!

"No wonder, no wonder I said that you, Yu Junjie, suddenly took action against my mother while I was going to seal the city. Is it because you already have so many helpers around you that you have no scruples?"

Ignoring the short arrows still stuck on his shoulder blades, Yu Zhengqing smiled as he looked at the dozen or so guards that suddenly appeared in Yu Luo's house, and couldn't help but feel moist in his eyes.He secretly vowed to protect the only brother, but why, why did they end up at this point?
After seeing Yu Zhengqing go crazy, the three members of Yu Luo's family looked at each other and finally came to their senses.

"Wait, what did you just say?"

Yu Luo immediately pushed aside the guards who were protecting her, walked directly in front of them, and looked at Yu Zhengqing, with a smile in her eyes that made her laugh and cry.

However, if Chen really died, it would be a bit regretful!

After all, she didn't die in Yu Luo's hands, and she didn't even have time to ask Chen about some things about her own grandmother. How could she die so easily?
Even if you want to die, you must learn like Yu Yingying, first mutilate your body, then torture your heart, and then die after suffering enough torture. For a bad person like Chen to die suddenly, I really feel sorry for the original owner and his family of three.

"Yu Luo, stop pretending. Why can't you admit it now that you dare to do it? You have hated my grandmother for a long time, so after you have these helpers, you want to take advantage of my father and me to seal the city. Time to kill her, right?
Yu Luo, haven't you always dared to do something?Why are you now pretending to be confused and trying to deny it? "

Yu Xiaoran, who had been silent but had long been filled with hatred, now had red eyes, and while supporting his father, he roared at Yu Luo.

"Nonsense, our lady went to Fengcheng yesterday, these people are still the same as yesterday..."

"To shut up!"

Seeing Yu Xiaoran's questions, the guards who were eating melon also reacted.

Upon hearing that the father and son blamed their masters for Chen's death, Zhang Xiaoliang immediately refused and opened his voice to make it clear.

Yesterday, their wife didn't even take a step out of the door. It had been raining outside for five or six days. Who would want to brave the rain to kill an old woman?

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoliang also looked at Yu Zhengqing and his son with full sarcasm in their eyes.

Just when Zhang Xiaoliang almost blurted out, Yu Luo looked back and told him to shut his mouth!
Hearing the cold command from his young lady, Zhang Xiaoliang, who had been so arrogant just now, shut up, but the unconvinced eyes never faded from the faces of the father and son.

"What, Yu Luo, what are you feeling guilty about? Why didn't you let him say that since the three of you as a family don't care about the last bit of family ties, let's break up today!"

Yu Xiaoran, who was blinded by hatred, said harsh words and immediately swung his sword towards Yu Luo!

Hearing this, Yu Luo dodged and hid behind a dozen of these guards that she had just bought today.

It just so happened that she also wanted to see how skilled these people were.

"Don't break the furniture in the front hall. Send the father and son outside to beat them!"

Yu Luo looked at the people who were fighting again with a smile in his eyes.

In fact, it is not necessary for the family of three to know about their biological grandmother. After all, they are not original and do not have the true empathy of the original owner.

But if Chen is really dead, although I feel a little regretful that I couldn't torture her more, the more I think about Yu Luo, the happier I will be!
(End of this chapter)

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