Chapter 228 If you don’t hurt anyone, Qingluan will be angry.

The man who was trying to struggle in the hands of the two brothers suddenly stopped moving.

His disheveled hair covered most of his face, with only his eyes slightly exposed.

The previously cloudy and dull eyes seemed to have a little light. He raised his lips obediently, nodded obediently, and retreated step by step towards the bed behind him.

But with every step he took, the iron chains on his feet would make a "ding-dong-ding-dong" sound, which also broke the tranquility in the room.

"Qingluan, I'm hungry, I'm hungry."

Yu Luo...

"Miss, I'm going to get him food right now!"

Zhang Xiaoliang looked at the man who had sat back on the bed obediently and looked at his young lady longingly. After struggling for a while, he still looked at Yu Luo and asked tentatively.

Yu Luo nodded lightly, Zhang Xiaoliang glanced at Zhang Hu worriedly, and then quickly left the room.

After a while, Tao Ming hurried over. Zhang Xiaoliang was probably worried and went to call Tao Ming first.

Looking at the man sitting on the bed, looking at his lady longingly, Tao Ming looked stunned.

"What do you mean, at your age, you..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Before Tao Ming could finish his words, Zhang Hu glared at him coldly, and Tao Ming immediately shut his mouth obediently.

"Do you only remember Qingluan?"

Yu Luo walked to the bed. Zhang Hu immediately put down a flower stool. Yu Luo softened her voice and asked softly again.

The man nodded dreamily, "Finally found Qingluan, Qingluan, don't leave."

"I won't leave. If you obey, I will find a doctor for you. He will come to see you after a while. You will remember everything you forgot. Do you understand?"

Hearing this, the man looked at Yu Luo and nodded again, but his eyes were unwilling to move away from Yu Luo's face for a moment.

"Qingluan, why are you tying me up?"

Just when Yu Luo was about to ask the system, the man lowered his eyes and looked at the chains on his body. When he looked up at Yu Luo again, his eyes were filled with grievances.

"You are sick, and you often can't control yourself and want to kill someone, so I have no choice but to tie you up with chains. You can take them off after the doctor looks at you."

Without waiting for Yu Luo to explain, Tao Ming hurriedly came forward and coaxed softly in the tone of a child.

Sure enough, a man who has lost his mind is as simple as a blank piece of paper. There is no mania, only stupidity.

He nodded blankly, looking extremely obedient.

"If you don't hurt anyone, Qingluan will be angry."

Yu Luo looked at the man who was half her age and took a deep breath. She didn't know what the system intended to do to create such a big time bomb for herself.

That's all, I hope the system can fix it soon, so that I can have a good time whether I want to stay or not.

After a while, Zhang Xiaoliang came with food. Looking at the food, the man finally looked away from Yu Luo's face, his eyes fell on the food, and he kept swallowing his saliva.

"The people who sealed the city must not have given him anything to eat, and he will be very hungry tomorrow night, eh!"

Tao Ming, a soft-hearted man, couldn't help but feel sad when he saw a good-looking grown man being captured and sold as an animal for auction. He was still hungry.

Even though they were in poverty before, they could still have freedom and hunt to fill their stomachs.But if this man goes by his lady's previous calculations, he can be considered a powerful person.

But for such a powerful person to meet such a miserable end, Tao Ming was somewhat sensationalized.

"are you awake?"

After hearing the news, Ye Jiamei hurried over, followed by Yu Junjie.

Before anyone arrived, her loud voice spread into the room first.

The man who was eating the chicken drumsticks paused his chewing, raised his eyes and looked at the door warily, until Ye Jiamei walked in, and the drumsticks fell from the man's hand in an instant.

The chicken legs full of oil just fell on the quilt. The man was so excited that his calm expression suddenly turned into pain. He opened the quilt and was about to get out of bed and run towards Ye Jiamei.

Looking at the manic man, everyone's expressions changed. Zhang Hu and Tao Ming hurried forward and pressed him hard on the bed.

But the man struggled like crazy, and the chains on his body were rattled again. Yu Luo also looked back at his mother worriedly, and then at the person on the bed.

"Second sister, second sister! Let me go, second sister!"


Ye Jiamei!
"Don't get excited, your second sister lives here and won't leave."

After saying this, Yu Luo looked back, hurriedly looked at the frightened Ye Jiamei, and winked at her.

After all, they are mother and daughter, and they have the same mind.

Ye Jiamei, who was in shock, suddenly understood. She quickly pulled out a forced smile and took two tentative steps forward.

"Yes, the second sister is here. The second sister is not going anywhere. Be good, don't get excited, you will scare them."

Ye Jiamei's voice was full of coaxing, and the unconscious man just struggled to sit up from the hands of Zhang and Hu. His somewhat manic mood gradually calmed down in an instant.

"Yes, Qingluan said I have to be good and not scare the second sister, the second sister, the second sister..."

Yu Junjie's head was covered with black lines. He looked at Yu Luo, then at the idiot-like man on the bed, and the corner of his mouth twitched!
After another round of coaxing, the man finally began to eat obediently. Zhang Xiaoliang brought him hot water to wash his hair, face, and body. He was very considerate.

Returning to the main courtyard, the family of three looked solemn.

"According to what Xiaoluo said, does this man recognize a woman as someone he knows when he sees her?"

Yu Luo frowned and shook his head, "Maybe this is really the case. How about waiting for the rain to stop and I go to Shishan and find two more women to try?"

The family of three hit it off immediately, but to be on the safe side, they coaxed the man to continue tying the chains on his body. The man's mood would occasionally become manic, but as long as Ye Jiamei or Yu Luo appeared, his manic mood would soon be calmed down. .

In three days, Ming Ye took Luo Yi and a few people to take stock of the warehouse.

Everything in the warehouse was recorded in the ledger, not even a single stitch was missed.

When he saw Ming Ye handing a stack of ledgers into his hands and looking through the contents of the ledgers, Yu Luo looked overjoyed.

"Oh, it's really good. I didn't expect that you are very good at writing even though you are young. You also made the accounts clear at a glance. I can understand them at once."

"Sister, I'm thirteen."

Yu Luo...

"Okay, okay, you must have not taken good care of yourself before. From now on, follow my sister. My sister will let you eat well and live well. This head will grow quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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