The whole family went into exile when they crossed, and evacuated the Hou's mansion all the way

Chapter 233 If you dig into someone’s ancestral grave, you will be struck by lightning!

Chapter 233 If you dig into someone’s ancestral grave, you will be struck by lightning!
"Why should I admit it? Do I have to take the blame for things that I, Yu Luo, have never done?"

Yu Luo smiled sarcastically and looked back at Yu Yingying who was shouting at him. As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Luo's face suddenly became enlightened!
"Oh, I remember. When you were in the Hou Mansion, you often got into trouble and blamed me, so you want to do it again this time, right?!"

"You fart! Why am I putting the blame on you? Do you still want to say that I killed my grandmother just to frame you?"

Yu Yingying blurted out in a panic, and what Yu Luo wanted was her words. Yu Luo didn't expect that Yu Yingying was still a pig!With just a little prodding, she got what she wanted.

"Yes, I have serious doubts now, so I want your blind father to take a good look at how wrong he is, and let Yu Zhengqing see how cruel his women and sons are, even himself How dare you take advantage of your own grandmother’s life!”

"You're talking nonsense! You little misfortune is here to sow discord! Don't think that we are afraid of you because you are eloquent now!"

The more Yu Luo said, the more guilty he felt about a group of direct daughters and Yu Xiaoxuan.

They couldn't imagine what Yu Zhengqing would think of them if he knew the truth. After all, Yu Zhengqing was very angry this time. In order to avenge the Chen family, he came back seriously injured and has not recovered yet.

When she thought of this, Yu Meiyao didn't care so much anymore. She had been silent and couldn't help but growl at Yu Luo.

"I didn't ask you to be afraid of me. You don't need to be afraid of me. I'm just helping to restore the truth of the matter. Could it be that the way you guys jump over the wall in a hurry is... a guilty conscience?"

"Bah! Yu Luo, get out of here. You don't have to worry about our family's affairs. Don't worry, if you kill my grandmother, she won't let you go even if she turns into a ghost!"

Yu Yingying was hysterical. She was sitting on the ground and couldn't stand up. Even if she could stand up by holding on to the stone wall, how could she look embarrassed in front of Yu Luo with one leg missing?
At this time, she wanted to rush forward desperately, chop off one of Yu Luo's legs first, so that Ye Jiamei could take a good look at her daughter's appearance as a cripple, and then ruin Yu Luo's beautiful face and turn Yu Luo into a cripple. The disfigured Yu Xiangxiang is still terrifying, let’s see if she still has the face to appear in front of him!

It's a pity - the five guards behind Yu Luo, all with fierce expressions and eyes as cold as ice, glared at Yu Yingying. Yu Yingying finally gritted her teeth and felt frightened.

Unexpectedly, after Yu Yingying finished speaking, Chang Huilan and Yu Xiaoxuan started bombarding Yu Luo one by one, with only one purpose, and that was to make Yu Luo get out of here.

Yu Luo alternated his hands, folded his arms, and leaned against the stone wall at the entrance of the cave. Seeing that the family felt guilty but did not dare to move forward and move a hair on their own, the smile in his eyes grew wider.

"Shut up!"

The chaotic noise echoed in the cave. Yu Zhengqing, who had been keeping a cold face and said nothing, suddenly roared, completely breaking the noise in the cave, and Yu Luo's ears suddenly became quiet.

For those who slandered their whole family, she would naturally settle things with them later. With so many years of old debts, and one after another, she Yu Luo would take back all of them with interest today!
Now watching them dance more happily, Yu Luo becomes more and more looking forward to the moment when the truth is revealed, watching their clown masks being torn off one by one, and the fear of them being torn off.

"Father, don't you really believe what this disaster star says? Don't you even want to believe the words of those closest to us?"

Yu Zhengqing's sudden roar shocked everyone who was insulting Yu Luo and immediately shut their mouths.The sudden silence made Yu Yingying panic. Her eyes were red, and she raised her neck with misty eyes, looking at her father with a look of sadness.

Yu Zhengqing looked back and saw his daughter's heartbroken look, feeling a little uncomfortable in her heart.

His good daughter, the once arrogant young lady from the Hou Mansion, now looked so incomplete, and his heart ached.

"Yingying, my father didn't say that I should believe her. Since she is here today, my father just wants to see what tricks Yu Luo, who has been so quibbling and dare not admit, can come up with to exonerate the family of three."

Upon hearing this, Yu Yingying immediately stopped being sensational, and all the sadness on her face disappeared!

She wiped away the tears on her face, pointed at Yu Luo angrily, and looked back at Yu Zhengqing, "Father, why do you want to see her quibble? Father, let her go, let her go!"

"Yu Yingying, you know best whether I am quibbling, but you are like this, telling me to go away, you are guilty, right? I said, I don't want to prove it to Yu Zhengqing, I just want to Let your ugly face be made public!"

After saying this, Yu Luo looked back at the people behind him with a smile, "Go, do it!"


The few people behind him turned around and left the cave, but Yu Luo was still standing in the cave, looking at everyone as if they were just waiting to see.

As for Yu Luo's attitude, coupled with the fact that her guards had left, the women who had never thought that Yu Luo would find out the truth suddenly panicked!

Even Yu Xiaoxuan felt inexplicably panicked when he saw the five guards turning around and leaving the cave, and hurriedly followed them out!
He didn't know what method Yu Luo was going to use to exonerate himself, but he was inexplicably panicked and scared!
"Yu Zhengqing, if your mother was hit three times in the chest by my Yu Luo short arrows, you will know after digging out her body."

Yu Luo suddenly turned around and looked at Yu Zhengqing, with a sudden coldness in his cold eyes!
As soon as she said these words, everyone in the cave opened their eyes in horror, and even Yu Zhengqing showed a look of disbelief!

"Yu Luo, you madman, madman! You actually want to dig up my grandmother's grave, why don't you die!"

Yu Yingying was hysterical, but she couldn't stand up at all. She had to sit on the ground and beat the quilt on her body crazily. Her eyes were red and she screamed at Yu Luo!

How could Chang Huilan care so much? She rushed out of the cave and was about to stop the guards brought by Yu Luo!

Lan Shi and Yu Meiyao were still looking at Yu Luo with astonishment, their mouths wide open, and they were completely stunned by Yu Luo's sudden words!

No, he must have been so scared that he lost his soul!
They never dreamed that Yu Luo would dare to do such a thing!
That's digging into someone's ancestral grave, and you'll be struck by lightning!How dare she, Yu Luo? !
(End of this chapter)

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