"Madman, madman, Yu Luo, you are a madman. Let her go quickly. Let her go. She is already like this. She is already a useless person. Why are you still treating her like this?"

Seeing Yu Luo pointing at their dagger with one hand, and continuing to slap her daughter on the face easily with one hand, Chang Huilan was hysterical, but did not dare to step forward. She was so distressed that she burst into tears, so she had to use her own Angry and dissatisfied, he questioned Yu Luo!

But who would have thought that Yu Yingying, who was crying loudly after being beaten by Yu Luo, suddenly paused in her struggling body. Unbelievably, she turned her head and looked at Chang Huilan, who was looking at her with eyes filled with distress and tears!
what did she hear?
She actually heard her mother say that she was a useless person?

Haha, she is a useless person, even her mother said so, but what about others!

"Chang Huilan, you still have the nerve to say that your daughter is like this. You also said that she is just a useless person. Useless people should be useless. But she is still not idle and can come up with such vicious and bad ideas, just to come. Do you think I will let such a loser off easily if he harmed my family?"

After Yu Luo finished speaking, he grabbed one of Yu Yingying's arms with one hand and immediately twisted it with his backhand!
Yu Yingying, who was so desperate that she didn't move anymore, was pinned under Yu Luo. She completely gave up her resistance, but suddenly there was a heartbreaking pain in her arm!

The severe pain of the broken bone made her cry again, and the painful screams resounded throughout the cave!
Chang Huilan shouted loudly. When Lan saw this, her face suddenly turned pale. After being frightened, she looked at the child behind her. She quickly and quietly pushed her son out of the cave!
She didn't dare to bet that Yu Luo was now cruel and ruthless, saying that he might not finish dealing with Yu Yingying later, and it would be their turn next.

In front of Chang Huilan, she couldn't run away, at least she had to let her son run away first.

Yu Xiaoxuan is not a fool. After all, he will be eight years old this year. Seeing the miserable condition of his sister-in-law, he has long wanted to run away. If his aunt hadn’t just protected him behind her, he wouldn’t have been able to struggle at all. Open, otherwise why would you wait until now?

"Yu Luo, I'll fight you!"

Looking at her daughter's arm, she lost consciousness the moment Yu Luo let go, and fell to the floor with a clang. After Chang Huilan screamed, she immediately picked up a wooden stick and pointed towards Yu Luo. Rushed forward!

Yu Luo threw the dagger in his hand, and it stuck straight into Chang Huilan's shoulder blade.

Chang Huilan's body was only slightly surprised for a second, and she immediately swung the stick again, ignoring the dagger that was still rubbing against her shoulder blade, and rushed towards Yu Luo again.

Yu Luo dodged, stood up from Yu Yingying, spun his feet, pointed his toes towards Chang Huilan's abdomen, and flew up!

Chang Huilan, who had been hit by a dagger, immediately turned into a parabola and flew straight back!

With a clang, her body hit the stone wall heavily, and with a muffled groan, she fell to the ground again.

Yu Luo looked back and kicked Yu Yingying, snorted coldly, turned around and walked slowly towards Chang Huilan, then slowly squatted down, stretched out his hand, and started walking from Chang Huilan. Huilan took out her dagger from her shoulder without hesitation.

As soon as the dagger came out, Chang Huilan couldn't hold it back because of the pain, and immediately another muffled sound escaped from her mouth uncontrollably.

Standing in the cave, Lan's mind went blank. She no longer cared about how Chang Huilan, as his wife, would settle accounts with her in the future. She hurriedly ran out of the cave!
In a moment, the cotton-padded jacket on Chang Huilan's body was completely stained by the blood flowing from her shoulder. Yu Luo picked up the dagger and wiped the non-existent blood on her clothes, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Don't blame me for being ruthless. If you want to blame me, I can only blame you for having evil intentions and wanting to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

Chang Huilan, do you think I don’t know what you hate about my family?Haha, wasn't it because my mother didn't show Yu Yingying her legs that your daughter became disabled?But you hate the wrong person. If you want to blame, just blame you people. You don't do good deeds in daily life, so all the retribution will be fulfilled on you!Also, your husband-in-law will see the truth soon, so just wait to be spurned by your husband-in-law and your son. "

After saying that, Yu Luo slowly stood up, and under the vegetable garden outside the cave, swords had already met, and the sound of collision between weapons had been heard for a while.

Yu Luo walked out with a smile and looked at the Yu family, father and son, fighting with several of his guards!
But obviously, the men of the Yu family today are going crazy and attacking with all their might. Their swords and swords are threatening the lives of their own guards. They don't even leave any way for them to retreat. In addition to attacking like crazy, they are still attacking.

Originally, Yu Zhengqing's kung fu was good, even if he was injured, but now they were desperate, and it was still a little difficult for the five guards to deal with them.

Yu Luo used a light skill and landed next to the tomb.

Since they were fighting on the sidelines, she came to dig!

Yu Luo had just bent down to pick up the hoe that some guards had placed on the ground. Unexpectedly, a big hand suddenly snatched the hoe away from him.

She raised her eyes and realized that her father had already arrived here at some unknown time. When she looked again, she saw that all the people from the other side of Shibi Mountain were also coming here one after another.

No one expected that Yu Luo brought so many guards today to fight with the Yu family's direct descendants. When they saw the hoes in the hands of Yu Luo and his daughter, they were immediately shocked!

"It's up to dad to dig graves. You're a girl. Don't look at Chen's body. I'll make you sick when the time comes."

Upon hearing his father's words, Yu Luo suddenly felt happy.

Sure enough, with her father around, when wouldn't her father do all the menial and tiring work?
"I think we can go faster together."

"I think it would be faster if we let the alien beast do the digging!"

Just as Yu Luo finished speaking, Ye Jiamei's voice suddenly came from far and near, and her tone was full of joy!
And her voice also alarmed Yu Zhengqing and his son, who were fighting desperately with Luo Yi and the others.

After hearing Ye Jiamei's suggestion again, Yu Zhengqing went crazy!
"Ms. Ye, if you dare to dig into my mother's grave today, you and I will be at odds with each other!"

Ye Jiamei, who was brought by Zhang Xiaoliang and others, had just landed on the ground when she heard Yu Zhengqing's naked threat, and she immediately laughed!

"Haha, I really wish for it!"

After saying that, Ye Jiamei directly asked the armored beast in Tao Ming's arms to go to the tomb, "Be good, use your fastest speed to dig away the soil in the tomb until you see the body." (This chapter. over)

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