Listening to Luo Er's words beside her, Yu Luo's face turned serious. She also wanted to know where these people came from.

A few people made no secret of it, and a Qing Gong immediately landed in front of the group of people.

The men in the lead suddenly became vigilant when they saw Yu Luo and the others who suddenly appeared in front of them. They held sticks in their hands and took a defensive posture.

"Guys, what do you want to do?"

The man who spoke was probably in his 40s, wearing tattered cotton clothes. The stick in his hand seemed to have been with him for a long time, and it had been polished in his big rough hands.

As soon as he stopped, the huge team behind him also stopped and stretched their necks to look forward.

There were forty or fifty people walking in the first row following the man. When they saw the battle, they all surrounded them, directly surrounding Yu Luo and the others.

"We live nearby. We saw so many of you coming from a distance. We were very curious and came up to take a look. Uncle, what is going on with you? Why are you all coming here?"

Looking at Yu Luo who was speaking, he was gentle and gentle, and he looked so well-behaved and beautiful. The men around him were all dressed as if they wanted to protect him, especially the swords around his waist. At first glance, they looked like people who knew kung fu.

The man choked with a lump in his throat and sighed.

Those dry lips, the rags on his body, and his bare feet made Yu Luo even more suspicious.

"We are people who escaped from Jiuchong Mountain. We were trapped in Jiuchong Mountain to mine for bandits. We have been digging for several years. Suddenly one day, for some unknown reason, a group of officers and soldiers broke into Jiuchong Mountain. Those people started fighting with the officers and soldiers. , and many of our mining brothers also died in the hands of those officials, which scared us so much that we ran down Jiuchong Mountain!"

"Yes, yes, I wanted to run towards Pingyang City, but the officers and soldiers over there kept coming, and many of us were criminals who had been exiled. Running towards Pingyang City, it was undoubtedly the same The only way to die is to be caught by those officers and soldiers, so we gritted our teeth and all ran towards the wilderness."

When the middle-aged man in the lead finished speaking, the slightly younger man beside him hurriedly agreed. When Yu Luo heard the explanations of the two men, he was already frightened!
She still plans to go to the gold mine again when she has the opportunity. The premise is that she has to wait for the system to recover and see if she can get two more invisibility charms after recovery. Otherwise, with her current strength, she will die. .

But who would have thought that the private mine would be seized by officers and soldiers so quickly? !
Now that you have collected the gold and the weapons that you took away from the private mine, you are not afraid of coming out!


The more he thought about it, the more ecstasy filled Yu Luo's heart!
She never expected that the things she had been worrying about all day long would be interfered with by the government and easily solved for her.

"Yes, there are so many of us. We have been walking on our legs for almost a month. When we were hungry, we would catch wild animals to eat. Fortunately, we finally saw people from the Lanyue Dynasty. Girl, from the accent you speak, it should be Lanyue. Are you from the Yue Dynasty?"

Yu Luo tried hard to restrain the ecstasy in her heart, but her face remained calm. Another man's voice gradually calmed down her ecstatic heart. She gathered her thoughts and looked at the man who asked her question. .

"Well, I am also from the Lanyue Dynasty. Many people exiled by the Lanyue Dynasty almost all live here. People exiled from other countries should live closer to the border of their country."

"Great, since you girls are all old people here, can you help us suggest where would be a better place to stay for so many of us?" "Settlement? You don't plan to wait for the officers and soldiers to withdraw before returning. Lanyue Dynasty?"

When Yu Luo heard the man's question, the ecstasy that he had just suppressed began to stir again in his calm heart.

She is short of people, a serious shortage of people, and if all these people stay to help her open up wasteland, help her build cities, and then train them into soldiers, then her current difficulties will be solved, wouldn't it? !
Thinking of this possibility, after Yu Luo asked this question, he looked at the eyes of the men opposite him with a bit of expectation.

"Take back the Moon Dynasty? Haha, girl, are you kidding? We have been digging in that private mine for several years, and the only way back is Pingyang City. We must not be caught by those officers and soldiers when we go back. ?

When we go back, we will either be exiled, go to jail, or be assigned to continue mining for the government. "

When he said this, the man's head immediately shook like a rattle, and his expression showed a look of fear!
"No, no, no, think about those endings, why should we go back? All of us have discussed it and settled in this wild land. Since the natives here can survive, why can't we? We have a big With all our efforts, we don’t necessarily have to wait a few years. After these things have passed, we can go back.

It’s just that this possibility is too small, because some of us were arrested and sent to the mines, and some are exiled criminals. Without customs clearance documents, we can’t enter the checkpoints of Pingyang City at all, so we might as well be free and just Forget about continuing to survive in this barbaric land. "


Holding back the ecstasy in his heart, Yu Luo nodded expressionlessly, then glanced sideways at the endless crowd behind him, and his eyes returned to the face of the leading man again.

"How many people are you here? Have you ever counted them?"

"There are more than 700 people. Don't worry, girl. Although there are very few women in this wild land, we haven't seen a charming girl like you for many years. We are not bad people and will never do anything evil. As long as she shows us the place, we won’t disturb her."

"Hehe, we are not afraid if there are many of you. If anyone dares to bully our young lady, we will kill you directly."

Luo San listened to this man's words with a burst of sarcasm in his eyes. He didn't care about anything and threatened him first.

"No, no, no, we won't. We will definitely not do what these beasts did. Now we are lucky enough to escape from the mine. If we still do this kind of crazy thing If we do bad things, God should punish us."

"It's better!"

After Luosan finished speaking, Yuluosun thought for a moment and looked directly at the leading man, not intending to beat around the bush.

"With so many of you, survival is a problem. Let alone hunting for a living. If more than 1 people eat prey every day, you will eat up all the beasts in this barbaric land sooner or later.

It just so happens that I have brought a group of people to help me open up wasteland, and all of them are paid. If you are willing, I will give you one tael of silver per month and take care of three meals a day. You go and discuss it. Are you willing to do it? "(End of chapter)

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