"That's great, hurry up and open the mall."

Upon hearing this, Ye Jiamei hurriedly urged.

Yu Junjie asked Yu Luo to turn it on without hesitation, but when it got to this point, Yu Luo was a little reluctant to let it go.

If these nine thousand points were converted into growth points, how much would her strength have to be improved?

Even if you don't have to use it on yourself, you can let one of your parents have internal power first.

But when she thought that there were more than 1 people waiting for her to eat and drink, she felt a sudden surge in her heart. She directly spent [-] points and opened three shelves in a row.

The shelves opened, and the system's voice sounded mechanically in my mind.

[Congratulations to the host, for opening the third level shelf in a row, and being rewarded with an invisibility spell, which lasts for half an hour. 】


Yu Haojie and his wife looked at Yu Luo, whose thoughts were sinking into his system, with a flash of surprise on their faces, and they all became nervous.

After Yu Luo checked the invisibility charm, his mind immediately entered the third-level shelf.

Sure enough, on the third-level shelves, apart from some Chinese medicinal materials and Western medicines, most of the remaining items were goods from ancient grocery stores.

When he saw the price of each product, Yu Luo was overjoyed again!
The price is very cheap. For example, a foot of coarse cloth only costs three cents, a foot of fine cotton cloth only costs ten cents, a coarse bowl costs only one cent, and a clay pot costs more than twenty cents. There is an iron pot. It is worth a little more as it is iron, but it is only [-] yuan...
Although the original owner of Yu Luo rarely left the Hou Mansion before this and did not know much about the prices of things outside, on the way to exile, she went to buy supplies twice and she still had some understanding.

According to the pricing on the shelves of this system, these prices are similar to the prices outside, and some items are even much lower than the market price.

The so-called grocery stores are full of miscellaneous items, ranging from water tubs and buckets to needles and threads, grains and seeds, pots and pans, ready-made clothing and cloth...

In fact, just one shelf in a grocery store can provide most of the things Yu Luo needs.

"Mom and Dad, let's go to the cellar first."

Yu Luo put away his thoughts and his eyes were filled with light. The couple didn't ask any further questions. They immediately responded and followed Yu Luo to the backyard.

Following the prompts from the system, they found the entrance to the cellar. Once inside, it was pitch dark. Yu Luo quickly bought a few lamps. The three of them held them in their hands, and the dark cellar suddenly became much brighter.

After taking a closer look, I discovered that there were actually many lamp posts in the cellar, which could be lit by adding kerosene or placing candles.

Yu Luo did not hesitate and bought several large tanks of kerosene. The moment he lit up the lamp in the cellar, the surroundings became even more clearly visible.

"This cellar system is really well done. Look at the top, it's all sealed with stones. I don't know how the system is done. Also, the floor is all paved with stone slabs. There's been so much rain. Even though it’s raining, this cellar is not damp at all. It’s really a good place to store food.”

"Well, the system has indeed spent a lot of effort, otherwise it would not be so weak that I need to rest now. It is no wonder that it has not built any shops or houses for me on the streets in the city. It is probably because the system has tried its best. Bar.

Mom and dad, please wait for a while. I'll buy some food and put it out first. "

"it is good!"

The two of them took the lamp and stood aside. With a thought, Yu Luo bought 80 jins of ordinary rice in a bag of 20 jins, and then bought [-] jins of white flour.

When a large amount of grain appeared in the cellar in the blink of an eye, the couple opened their mouths in shock under the impact of this huge visual sense, even though they knew the existence of the system. "How much is this?"

"One million catties of grain, 100 catties of rice, and 80 catties of white flour. Dad, please help me keep an account. When Zhang Hu and the others come to pick it up, they must also go out of the warehouse to do the accounting. Otherwise, over time, we will build this city. I don’t know whether I am making a profit or losing money.”

"Good good."

Yu Luo waved his hand, and a desk and two chairs appeared out of thin air in the cellar.

"Dad, it's more convenient to sit on a chair and write down. Mom, don't just stand. I still have a lot of things to buy."

"Okay, okay, let's see my daughter perform magic!"

Ye Jiamei's eyes flashed and she quickly sat down on an empty chair nearby and watched Yu Luo operate.

After a while, Yu Luo placed rows of wooden racks in the remaining space. Then, all the weapons taken from the private warehouse were placed on the racks. While counting them, Yu Junjie swish them. recorded in the ledger.

Clothes, shoes and socks, gloves and hats, quilts and mosquito nets, gold sore medicine, medicine for internal injuries, oil, salt, firewood and rice, Yu Luo filled the huge cellar in less than two quarters of an hour.

"Go to the next ice cellar and put more vegetables and meat there."

After Yu Luo finished speaking, he picked up the lamp on the ground and took Yu Junjie and his wife to the cellar.

After Yu Luo made another operation, Yu Junjie's eyes widened.

"Did you buy all these things from the system shelf?"

"Yes, I secretly add some meat and vegetables every time I come here, which is enough to grow food in the wasteland."

"Your system really has everything. Now go to the backyard and buy more horses, wood and other things. These things will definitely be used to build the city."

After Yu Haojie finished speaking, Yu Luo twitched the corner of his mouth, "I only opened the third-level shelf, and there were no livestock to buy on it. Now, plus the horses that were robbed by the bandits before, we borrowed them for use, plus the horses I bought before Yes, there are only a few dozen horses in total, and there are only a dozen cows.”

"Ah? Without transportation, it will definitely not be possible to transport things. Not to mention that the coal mine will have to transport it in the future. It is also troublesome to transport these materials."

Hearing this, Ye Jiamei couldn't care less about how happy her family was that they suddenly had so many supplies. Now they had to transport them manually, which would take a lot of time.

"Xiaoluo, ask the system if you can buy rails and wood? It will definitely be needed to build a house in the future. It would be better if you can buy bricks and cement. Later, we will use our carriage to pull some food first. Let’s talk about it in the past. After everyone has settled down, we will build a railway track directly from the city to Shishan. Once the wheels of the carriage are modified, the speed will be much faster."

"This is a good idea. Almost all the wasteland is on the other side of the stone mountain, and there is also the coal mine. It is necessary to build a brick kiln there in the future and build a railway track."

After some communication, the system informed me that this kind of stuff can only be found in the shops on the seventh floor.

Yu Luo gritted his teeth and opened the fourth level shelves again.

[Congratulations to the host for opening a fourth-level shelf. The system rewards the host with one hundred internal strength-enhancing elixirs, which both the host and your parents can take. 】

Upon hearing the system's words, Yu Luo was so excited that he almost bit off his tongue.

If she had known that the system would have such a reward, she might as well have opened the shelf earlier, and there would be no need to waste her points every time she opened it. (End of chapter)

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